Syntrax Nutrition Nectar, 100% Whey Isolate Protein Powder, Refreshing Fruit Flavor, Lemon Tea, 2 lbs
O Syntrax Nutrition Nectar é um pó de proteína isolada de soro de leite 100% Whey, com sabor refrescante de chá de limão. Este produto é produzido com o Promina Whey Protein Isolate, derivado de leite fresco de vacas alimentadas com capim, sem rBST, proveniente dos Estados Unidos. A proteína é obtida através de um processo de filtragem a frio, que remove todo o açúcar e gordura, deixando apenas a proteína de soro de leite pura e nativa.
O Nectar é totalmente instantâneo, o que significa que se dissolve rapidamente e sem esforço em qualquer líquido de sua preferência, apenas com o auxílio de uma colher. A Promina é instantaneamente solúvel e não possui sabor, garantindo que você desfrute apenas dos melhores sabores de frutas que a natureza tem a oferecer.
Com mais de dez sabores disponíveis, como Morango Kiwi, Fuzzy Navel e Lemon Tea, o Nectar certamente irá satisfazer o seu paladar e deixá-lo com vontade de experimentar mais.
Além disso, o Nectar é praticamente isento de lactose e glúten, sendo seguro até mesmo para aqueles que possuem intolerância à lactose.
A SI03 produz suas fórmulas revolucionárias em uma das melhores instalações de fabricação da América do Norte. Isso, combinado com o compromisso inabalável da SI03 com a excelência, permite um controle de produção e qualidade incomparáveis. Somos totalmente compatíveis com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF).
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Proteína isolada de soro de leite 100% Whey
- Sabor refrescante de chá de limão
- Instantaneamente solúvel e sem sabor
- Ampla variedade de sabores de frutas disponíveis
- Livre de lactose e glúten
– Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de Syntrax Nutrition Nectar em 250ml de água gelada ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem ou mexa até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma imediatamente após o preparo. Recomenda-se tomar uma porção diariamente, preferencialmente após o treino ou como parte de uma dieta equilibrada.
Marcio Rodrigo de Angelo –
mel –
The taste of this protein powder is OK but it has a weird egg like aftertaste. I’ll probably finish the bag but don’t think I’d buy again. The powder doesn’t completely dissolve so you get clumps of powder at the end of your drink. The package is horrible. Not clear how you are supposed to open it so ended up just cutting the top of the bag off. The scoop inside is huge with an enormous attachment that spills the powder all over the place. Definitely won’t get my full servings out of this bag with all the spillage. The bag says ‘just lift the clip up to remove’ but it doesn’t come off. I even tried to cut it off with scissors! Just ended up spilling even more of the powder all over the place. Their clip idea is not well executed and just doesn’t work. What’s more it causes you to lose product. I found a different measure to use and put it in a different container to use up. Come on guys! Just put it in a screw top jar like everyone else so it’s easy to use!! Doesn’t matter how good the product is if it is hard to get it out of the package and you end up spilling half of it in the process.
Nikki D. –
I really like Syntrax protein powders. I have tried other brands that make light fruity flavors that mix with water and I thought they were either ok or not good. Syntrax tastes great. I blend the powder in cold water with an immersion blender then I put it in the fridge to let the froth settle. After an about 10 minutes it’s ready to drink. I add a few ice cubes because I think it tastes best really cold. I tried mixing it a few other ways (blender ball etc) but I find it mixes and tastes best this way. I have tried all of Syntrax’s flavors. You can order a sample pack of all their flavors directly off the Syntrax website. I have favorites but there isn’t a flavor I don’t like. I really like the Syntrax naturals that are sweetened w stevia. But I like switching up flavors and the lemon tea is great for summer. I have a Syntrax protein shake every day. I really prefer light flavors I can mix with water over the flavors that go best in milk or milk substitutes. You can also buy single serve packets of a single flavor which I bring with me when I travel. The trial sample pack comes with the kind of flavors that go best in milk and those have been really good too. I am so glad I found these light flavors I can mix with water. Syntrax helps me get to my daily protein goal without adding too many calories – and I enjoy the taste so it’s a win-win.
Kindle Customer –
I am a big gym girly but I’ve always struggled with getting enough protein. Protein shakes have grossed me out forever, especially vanilla and chocolate flavors. I got the strawberry flavor and then the iced tea one, and let me tell you, this is a protein drink I can actually enjoy. My favorite way to drink is to add a scoop of the iced tea flavor to cold water, stick-mix it, then set it in the freezer. After about 10 minutes, I take it out, put some ice in, and add fruit juice for a little extra flavor. It’s perfect – delicious, clump-free, and I also appreciate the hit of caffeine at the start of my day. Would highly recommend, especially the tea one.
Sarah Miles –
Blends better with an immersion blender, but really tasty. Much better than the coffee flavor, stick to the fruit flavors of this brand & it’s the best all around. Strawberry kiwi is also good, but I love this fuzzy naval. (Peach & orange flavor.)
emenderle713 –
This powder is a great way to get additional protein without eating something or when you want an alternative to chalky/milky protein drinks. There are several great flavors by this brand! Only giving 4 stars because it takes a while to dissolve (I let it sit overnight in the fridge).
powwoww3 –
As I was looking at the reviews for this product, there were many reviews for post bariatric surgery patients and others, but very few for athletes. Bariatric surgery patients and others may be using dosing at 1 Tbs or one scoop at a time where strength athletes are using much more than that. I feel this makes a review more applicable to a demographic who may be interested in this product but have not seen many pertinent reviews on amazon.
I’ve tried the fuzzy navel, roadside lemonade, lemon tea, and kiwi strawberry so I’ll review each individually.
The fuzzy navel was very good and a welcome change from the muscle milk that I have been using. I’m not a huge fan of peach flavored stuff, but this flavor was very good. It tastes exactly like the drink, to me, and mixes decently well.
The roadside lemonade tastes decent but definitely has a “creamy whey,” flavor to it which I can really taste. The mixability was again only decent. I use a shaker cup for all of my protein drinks and the lemonade was definitely below average for mixing. I routinely got massive clumps in the drink that I’d have to break open with a spoon then shake it again.
The lemon tea was very good and mixed very well. I could definitely use this flavor routinely. It mixed with no clumps and tasted very much like real iced tea. I mixed some of the roadside lemonade in with the lemon tea (2 scoops lemon tea to 1 scoop of roadside lemonade in approx 16 oz of water) and it was probably my favorite protein drink.
The kiwi strawberry tastes like slightly watered down kiwi strawberry flavor (imagine that). It isn’t overpowering by any means and isn’t that sweet, but if you are expecting it to taste like a snapple then you’ll be disappointed. It does mix very well and I would buy it again.
Marcio Rodrigo de Angelo –
Amazon Customer –
Been using this product for 3 years now. I haven’t found a flavor I don’t like. Easy to mix with an emersion blender. Not grainy or clumpy.
Libby Cullins –
This is by far the foamiest of the 3 brands I tried and it doesn’t mix well no matter how much you shake it with your shaker-ball cup. The consistency clumps easily and doesn’t dissolve well and when it does dissolve, it’s SUPER foamy. The taste is actually quite good – I’d put it up there with Isopure brand, however I won’t buy again due to the difficulties in dissolving and the foaminess