Descrição do Produto: Synchro – Suplementos para o Sono Rest
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a agitação do dia a dia podem interferir na qualidade do sono, o Synchro – Suplementos para o Sono Rest surge como uma solução inovadora e eficaz. Este suplemento em pó, com sabor doce de limão, é formulado especialmente para adultos que buscam um descanso reparador e revitalizante. Com uma combinação poderosa de aminoácidos, extratos botânicos e magnésio, o Synchro promove um sistema nervoso relaxado, permitindo que você acorde se sentindo mais renovado do que nunca.
Ao contrário de muitos suplementos para o sono que contêm melatonina e sedativos, o Synchro é livre dessas substâncias, garantindo que você não se sinta grogue ao acordar. A presença do aminoácido glicina ajuda a reduzir a temperatura corporal e a manter um estado de relaxamento, enquanto o L-Theanine atua para acalmar o sistema nervoso e neutralizar os efeitos da cafeína, proporcionando o descanso merecido que todos nós precisamos.
Com a adição de Magnésio Treonato e Citrato de Magnésio, este suplemento não só relaxa o sistema nervoso, mas também os músculos esqueléticos. Uma única porção do Synchro fornece 90% da sua necessidade diária de magnésio, essencial para o funcionamento adequado do corpo. A facilidade de uso é outro ponto forte: basta adicionar uma colher de sopa do pó em água morna e consumir 45 minutos antes de dormir, tornando a sua rotina noturna ainda mais simples e eficaz.
– Relaxamento Profundo: Promove um sistema nervoso relaxado, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse.
– Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Livre de melatonina e sedativos, evitando a sonolência ao acordar.
– Regulação da Temperatura Corporal: O aminoácido glicina ajuda a manter a temperatura ideal para um sono reparador.
– Suporte ao Sistema Nervoso: O magnésio presente na fórmula é fundamental para a saúde neuromuscular.
– Fácil Preparação: Simples de preparar, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada e precisa de praticidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Synchro – Suplementos para o Sono Rest, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de sopa do pó em um copo de água morna. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma a bebida 45 minutos antes de se deitar, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos ajudem a preparar seu corpo para uma noite de sono tranquila e reparadora. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Natalya A –
The powder works – I had to find a balance between the water amount/the timing of drinking it so as not to wake up to relieve myself. When I figured it out – I started sleeping better. The taste is pleasant, not overpowering and (thank goodness!) not too sweet. It is a bit pricy – almost $2 per serving. Overall, I will recommend it, however every body’s are different and might have a different reaction.
D. Jones –
I often have trouble falling and staying asleep. I’ve tried other calcium and magnesium supplements with some success. Rest was the first sleep supplement that consistently eased me into an deep sleep that lasted through the night into the morning. While using Rest I wake up in a sound mood, my body recovers quicker from workouts and my digestion has improved.
Roadrunner –
magnesium is notorious for causing upset stomach, gas, and diarrhea. I just can’t stomach any type of Mg supplement.
carol sipperl –
I love this new addition to my bed time ritual! It is truly supportive in my transition to sleep and helps me to wake up less though the night and drift back to sleep easily when I do. It has relieved so much of my bed time anxiety because I feel that am not alone in regulating my system to be ready for sleep! I have struggled with sleep all my life and am very thankful to find a new level of ease with Synchro’s Rest. I am used to Sycro’s products being especially tasty — that perfect amount of sweet — and this one fits right in!
P. Eliza –
I’ve been using Synchro Rest now for several months – it has a light delicate taste that I look forward to sipping slowly each night. The product seems to invite an unwinding into sleep and it’s been a real help for me in transitioning from a stressful day, I feel myself relaxing into a more sustained and peaceful sleep. Great product!!
C. Buesnel –
No joke. As a 50 something woman who works out every day, good restful sleep is non-negotiable for me. I used to sleep so well when I was younger, but now sleep is not a given.
I track my sleep with a wearable device and when I take Rest my data shows more deep sleep, lower heart rate patterns, and longer uninterrupted durations, which all lead to better sleep!!!
I don’t ever skip it and highly recommend.
Nakona M. –
I’ve been taking magnesium before bed for years now. I usually find the cheapest magnesium supplement, often magnesium carbonate, and take it in the evening a bit before bedtime. It seems to help me relax, perhaps in a subtle way. If anything, I feel a bit calmer, perhaps less muscularly tense, but I wouldn’t say it obviously helps my sleep.
Enter Synchro Rest. I thought I would give it a try after a friend recommended it, and I was curious if I would find a difference from the other magnesium I take, as it is in different chemical/mineral forms, and has a few other additional sleep-aid ingredients as well.
The synchro rest dissolves easily in water, and has a pleasant lemon/herb flavor. It doesn’t leave a heap of gritty sand at the bottom of my cup as my usual mag supplement does, and in general is a much more pleasant drink. I would say the real benefit is that it actually seems to improve the quality of my sleep, mainly in that my slumber seems deeper, less interrupted, and weirdly so far I have had much less disturbing dreams and restlessness. I’m not sure exactly how or why this translates as I wasn’t expecting my dreams to be affected and, I have only been taking rest for two weeks now, and so I haven’t finished my testing. . . So far I would rate it far superior to the other magnesium I take, especially if compared as a sleep aid and not just a nutritional supplement and well worth the slight uptick in price. Sleep is, after all, priceless. . .
Robert Crossley –
This product I was so excited to get it so I could get some sleep without taking some kind of pill. No luck…it sucks