Descrição do Produto: Symbiotics Colostrum 120ct Chewables Plus – Suporte à Imunidade para Adultos
O Symbiotics Colostrum Chewables Plus é um suplemento inovador que se destaca no mercado por sua formulação única, projetada para fortalecer o sistema imunológico e promover a saúde digestiva. Com uma impressionante concentração de 25% de anticorpos lgG, este produto oferece um suporte abrangente para as defesas naturais do corpo, garantindo que você esteja sempre preparado para enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia.
Além de seu papel fundamental no fortalecimento da imunidade, os Chewables Plus também são essenciais para a saúde digestiva. Eles ajudam a equilibrar a flora intestinal, promovendo uma absorção ideal de nutrientes e contribuindo para um sistema digestivo saudável. A presença de colostro de alta qualidade, rico em proteínas, é crucial para o desenvolvimento de tecidos e a vitalidade geral, apoiando a manutenção muscular e a recuperação após exercícios físicos.
Outro componente valioso deste suplemento é a lactoferrina, uma proteína natural que regula a absorção de ferro e favorece o crescimento de bactérias benéficas no intestino. Com a adição de lactoferrina, os Chewables Plus não apenas melhoram a saúde digestiva, mas também ajudam a manter um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal.
A fórmula sem glúten é ideal para aqueles com restrições alimentares, permitindo que todos desfrutem dos benefícios para a saúde. Com um sabor delicioso de cereja selvagem, os Chewables Plus são agradáveis tanto para adultos quanto para crianças, tornando a suplementação uma experiência saborosa e fácil. Fabricados nos Estados Unidos, os produtos Symbiotics garantem qualidade e conveniência para um estilo de vida mais saudável.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do corpo contra infecções e doenças.
– Saúde Digestiva Aprimorada: Melhora a absorção de nutrientes e equilibra a flora intestinal.
– Recuperação Muscular Eficiente: Auxilia na recuperação e desenvolvimento muscular após atividades físicas.
– Fórmula Sem Glúten: Adequada para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo acessibilidade.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor de cereja selvagem torna o consumo do suplemento prazeroso para todas as idades.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 a 4 comprimidos mastigáveis por dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante mastigar bem os comprimidos para garantir a máxima absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações do seu profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas.
Robert S –
I used this to get my body working correctly after a bad diet lead me to near death. Amazed at what I can do at my age. Combined with a super diet. You can only win. Easy to chew up right before or after a meal.
AK_Lydia –
This was my first try with colostrum but with 2 kids under 6 and a trip to Mexico coming I decided to purchase this and the chocolate dino chews.
The bad news is the taste is kinda gross. The way they dissolve when you chew them it’s very sticky and dry almost hard to wash down. I’m not sure if this is the norm for colostrum products. The kids are not a fan and I mostly end up having them take the dino chews.
The postive is that after taking these and then doing my workout (jillian michaels 30 day shred) for the first time I was able to keep up with jillian on level 3. It was a major difference my reps went way up and I found myself not sore afterwards.
It also seemed to jump start some weight loss although this could be attributed to my workouts being better.
I’ve definitely noticed an increase in lean muscle and my abs have never been better. Next time I’ll probably try the orange but I think I’ll be taking colostrum from now on.
Oh and I stayed well through a bout of the kids having a tummy flu I think it would have been much worse without this product plus no colds since we started taking it. No small feat considering it’s the height of cold season in Alaska.
Georgie –
I’m sold on colostrum for the gut sealing and immune benefits and my kids love this one. Actually, I think it’s pretty tasty too if I’m being honest.
Nawar –
La boite doit être double scellée mais je l’ai reçu sans le (seal) interieur!! Je l’ai jeté dans la poubelle !
matt151617 –
I used this on a trip to Ghana for 10 days, hoping to prevent what I thought would be inevitable stomach issues. I took these pills religiously- 2 before every meal. I was also super careful about what I ate; only hot food at high-quality restaurants, only bottled water for drinking and brushing teeth, no salads or any fresh fruit other than bananas.
In the end, I still ended up with horrific traveler’s diarrhea and debilitating cramps for 3 days on the trip home. Did the pills do anything at all? I have no idea. I still got sick, but did they stop me from getting sicker? Did they actually prevent other sicknesses and I just got unlucky at the end?
Justine –
Mon fils ayant des soucis de santé important, c’est septique que j’ai essayé le collustrum, au bout d’une semaine mon fils a retrouvé plus d’énergie que l’on a pu depenser dans des jeux ensemble.
Produit génial je recommande !
NP –
This is great stuff. I use it if I have a little acid stomach and it actually coats the esophagus and neutralizes the acid without using either toxic substances, or antacids which can really throw your digestion off. o far I’ve tried the cherry and orange (and I also got the pineapple flavor but haven’t tried it yet). I actually prefer the cherry flavor but the orange is also good. Not only does it help with minor acid flare-ups, but it also helps rebuild the gut biome.
Amazon Customer –
These pills are good. They are kinda giant, but they taste good and work to boost immune system.
Jed Dietz –
I have been buying these for years for my entire family. Upon receiving my last order my child pointed out the different shape which I found odd. However, when they bit into it they complained how gross it was and unable to chew/swallow the remaining when they usually BEGGED for more. I tried to stomach them a few times and they are HORRIBLE. I reached out and they say they cut the sugar content and changed their forming due to consumer recommendations. Now I’m out 70+ dollars for vitamins no one will eat and in the search for a new colostrum supplement for my children.
Doris –
I have tried every flavor, they taste a little chalky with the flavor you choose. I personally like all of the flavors. Great for overall health and digestion.
The negative reviews obviously didn’t pay attention to the texture. If the taste bothers you get a powdered version and add to smoothies.