O SweetSpot Labs Bikini é um sabonete íntimo refrescante de 150ml, desenvolvido especialmente para proporcionar cuidados delicados à região da virilha. Com uma fórmula suave e livre de ingredientes agressivos, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma limpeza eficaz sem comprometer a saúde da pele. O pH balanceado do SweetSpot Labs Bikini garante que a pele sensível da área íntima seja respeitada, enquanto a fragrância suave proporciona uma sensação de frescor e conforto ao longo do dia.
Além de limpar e refrescar, o SweetSpot Labs Bikini também atua como um aliado no combate a irritações e desconfortos. Com a adição de ingredientes como o ácido azelaico, o produto é capaz de eliminar pelos encravados e irritações causadas pela lâmina de barbear, sem ressecar ou irritar a pele. A fórmula hipoalergênica é clinicamente comprovada como não irritante, tornando-a segura para uso em áreas delicadas como a região do biquíni, axilas, abaixo dos seios e nádegas.
A presença da argila verde kaolin e da niacinamida na composição do sabonete ajuda a neutralizar a vermelhidão instantaneamente, enquanto o chá verde e o extrato de raiz de alcaçuz acalmam a pele e previnem o surgimento de manchas escuras. Com uma abordagem sustentável, o SweetSpot Labs Bikini é vegano, livre de crueldade animal e feito com 95% de ingredientes naturais, além de ser embalado em materiais reciclados.
– Elimina pelos encravados e irritações na pele de forma rápida e eficaz.
– Previna o surgimento de manchas escuras causadas por irritações, depilação e barbear.
– Fórmula segura e clinicamente testada por ginecologistas e dermatologistas.
– Produto vegano e livre de crueldade animal, com embalagem sustentável.
– Pioneiros em cuidados íntimos limpos e clinicamente comprovados desde 2003.
Aplique uma pequena quantidade do SweetSpot Labs Bikini na área afetada, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário, preferencialmente após o banho. Para potencializar os efeitos do sabonete, utilize em conjunto com os demais produtos da linha SweetSpot Labs Bikini, garantindo assim um cuidado completo e eficaz para a sua pele íntima.
Alicia –
I never write reviews but I felt like I needed to write this one. I have very sensitive skin “down there” and shaving is soooo irritating to my skin and always has been in that area. Razor bumps, ingrown hairs, razor burn, you name it. I’ve legit tried every product and home remedy with no luck. This product PAIRED with TendSkin solution is no joke. I literally just bought this a day ago and over night I’ve had results, no idea how but it’s true. So, I don’t know this works on its own but I know that adding it along with the TendSkin is magic. The TendSkin alone was good but this created results so fast. Everything is already pretty much clear. So good!!!
Kristina –
Buen producto
vanessa –
I loved this but I found it to be a bit pricey .. it definitely worked so I guess it’s worth the money .
Alicia –
Product was not completely sealed. Looked old like it had been leaking for some time, and the pads were semi-wet/dry. I returned this!
Susan George –
Literally shrinks the dot on my bikini line. Will buy again when I run out
Alayna baker –
I have pale skin and any discoloration is like a spotlight. I had 2 ingrown hairs for months that would not budge, they looked like tiny purple bruises. I put this on and a few hours later I noticed a small difference. I’m not great about doing something day and night every day, but random nightly applications eventually had it go away! This definitely worked for my skin and while it’s a bit pricey, it was worth it. Once of the few beauty items that actually does what it says.
TeeKay –
I don’t leave many reviews, but I actually had to give props to this product. I get hair bumps here in there on my bikini area and beard and have tried a little of everything on Amazon. This product has helped with clearing bumps and returning my skin to its natural color I honestly can’t believe it. This paired with tend skin has been a god send for me. The only downside I can give it is the small size you get. Seriously give this a try!
Elie Amelky –
I never imagined that one day I would be able to wear a bikini without being embarrassed and it’s thanks to that
Haley –
Okay.. So this product is PRICEY! But I have very bad razor bumps and ingrown hairs in my bikini area. I bought both the pads and the cream. It has improved my ingrown hairs from like big, angry spots, to just red bumps. But it has not completely gotten rid of them. It definitely makes it look a little better, so I will continue using this product, but it is not a miracle worker (for me at least). Idk if there’s better products out there, but this one was decent. I’ve been using nightly for about 1 month. Also, the AHA acid in the pads does sting a little, but nothing painful. And the cream is very soothing.
Shantell Saavedra –
Let me start by saying that I’m not one to waste time and write a review unless it’s worth it and this stuff is definitely worth the time and my hype. When I tell you I’ve had the most extremely annoying, painful, come again/gone again ingrown hair on my bikini line and this stuff was a magic healer ! It worked almost instantly . I am reminding myself to continue to put it on to avoid the ingrowns again but I have yet to even see one and that was month ago!! Definitely recommend … and this is coming from someone who’s tried a lot of things . Finally went out on a limb and purchased it.
Ingrown hairs, be gone!