Descrição do Produto: Sweet Dreams Sleep Aid – Comprimidos para Dormir com Melatonina Natural, L Teanina, Raiz de Valeriana, Camomila, Erva-cidreira, 60 Cápsulas
Sweet Dreams Sleep Aid é a solução ideal para quem busca uma noite de sono reparador e tranquilo. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, cada cápsula combina ingredientes naturais como melatonina, L teanina, raiz de valeriana, camomila e erva-cidreira, proporcionando um suporte eficaz para o relaxamento e a indução do sono. A melatonina, um hormônio natural, ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, enquanto a L teanina promove um estado de calma e tranquilidade. A raiz de valeriana e a camomila são conhecidas por suas propriedades sedativas, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse. A erva-cidreira complementa a fórmula com suas qualidades relaxantes, tornando este suplemento uma escolha perfeita para quem enfrenta dificuldades para dormir ou deseja melhorar a qualidade do sono. Com 60 cápsulas por embalagem, Sweet Dreams Sleep Aid é prático e fácil de incorporar à sua rotina noturna.
1. Indução Natural do Sono: A melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, facilitando a transição para um sono profundo.
2. Redução da Ansiedade: A L teanina e a raiz de valeriana trabalham juntas para diminuir os níveis de estresse e promover um estado de relaxamento.
3. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Ingredientes como camomila e erva-cidreira contribuem para um sono mais reparador e contínuo.
4. Fórmula 100% Natural: Com ingredientes de origem natural, é uma alternativa segura e eficaz aos medicamentos convencionais para dormir.
5. Praticidade e Facilidade de Uso: Com 60 cápsulas, é fácil de incluir na rotina diária, garantindo noites tranquilas sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Sweet Dreams Sleep Aid cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir a cápsula com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo e relaxante, para maximizar os efeitos do produto. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde caso esteja grávida, amamentando ou utilizando outros medicamentos.
Amy –
Puts me to sleep but I still wake up in the middle of the night.
Annette –
Ok… im upset I wasted $18 on this. I really needed a good sleep schedule and help to get to bed early enough all while getting a good night’s rest. You’re supposed to take 2, first time I took it I took one then half hour later the 2nd one and still had a hard time falling asleep and ended up with a headache the next morning. 2nd time i took both and i was staring at my wall wide awake for hours… it did not work. I know there are some sleep aids that work because unfortunately I don’t remember the name but I’ve tried a different brand a long time ago and it helped me sleep and i would wake up not feeling groggy…. this is not one of those. Company offered a different product when i wrote to them letting them know it didn’t work but I already bought a cheaper and different brand on Amazon with a thousand more reviews… hopefully that one works. I’m personally never buying this again.
Scarab –
I’ve been using this for about a year. I have severe sleep problems, my schedule is completely flipped, so even if I go to bed at 3am, I’ll be awake until noon. It sucks!
Depending on how tired I actually am, I’ll take one or two when I get into bed. I’ll read until I feel it kicking in, usually an hour, then attempt to sleep. Sometimes it’s instant, sometimes not. If not, I’ll take another, read some more, and will usually fall asleep. Sometimes I wake up after a couple hours and can’t go back to sleep. Then I’ll pop one more. Usually does the trick. Obviously I don’t suggest taking more than recommended but you’ll get the feel for it. I refuse to be put on some kind of crazy medication just so I can sleep.
Nothing is perfect but this stuff doesn’t make me feel all drowsy the next day like pure melatonin does. Worth a shot.
My boyfriend even uses this, it’s not just for women.
Definitely take this on vacation, helps me sleep better in unfamiliar environments.
Yuli Baena –
Oooh my god!
This’s sooo incredibly, i’m so happy to read the comments and have chosen this one.
I work at night and on the days I rest I can’t sleep early, and if I fall asleep I wake up every 1-3 hours, it was so frustrating that I couldn’t sleep right. I had several months of much stress and fights with my husband because I didn’t sleep well and woke up tired and in a bad mood. I was looking for a product like this one amazon and this one did not have many reviews but the ones it has are good, I said well I don’t know if these reviews are paid or it is true but I am going to buy it to see that. the same day that the product arrived I took it at night, first I took one to know what effect it would have on me, after waiting for an hour without any effect, I took the second and zzZ in 30 mnts I was already sleeping peacefully. The next day I woke up full of energy and vitality, in a good mood and happy. I had managed to sleep 8 hours straight. What I love is that when you wake up you don’t wake up with that feeling of stunned. I am so happy to find this product, I hope this review serves those who are going through the same.
Bonnie –
These pills worked perfectly, slept so good and woke up rested, not groggy 🥴 at all.
Sendolo –
After a good night’s rest I found there was no dizziness at all- my mind was clear with no residual tiredness.
Sendolo –
Okay for anyone that has ever taking melatonin or L-theanine, you should know that it may give you a sleep hangover which includes a headache …. These do help you sleep though ! I wouldn’t call it a miracle product for those who actually have insomnia but it definitely is helpful for those nights that you are tossing and turning for those who are just having a hard time sleeping! Worth the try!
Marion Boshell –
This product works inconsistently for me, but it may just be what’s going on in my headspace. I will buy them again.