Descrição do Produto: Swanson WIO™ Calm Sleep Waves™
Em um mundo repleto de estresse e agitação, encontrar um momento de tranquilidade pode parecer uma tarefa difícil. O Swanson WIO™ Calm Sleep Waves™ surge como uma solução inovadora para aqueles que buscam um sono reparador e uma mente serena. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes, este suplemento é projetado para ajudar você a relaxar e adormecer com facilidade, proporcionando uma experiência de sono ininterrupta e revigorante.
- Mellow Mashup of Ingredients – Com 200 mg de extrato de raiz de valeriana, 100 mg de GABA e 10 mg de melatonina, esta mistura poderosa acalma a mente e facilita o processo de adormecer.
- Time-Released Tabs – As tablets de três camadas liberam os ingredientes em momentos diferentes ao longo do ciclo do sono, ajudando você a adormecer rapidamente e a manter um sono profundo durante toda a noite.
- Creates a Calm Mindset – A valeriana e o GABA combatem o estresse e estabelecem um tom calmo, permitindo que você relaxe e sinta uma sensação de paz antes de dormir.
- How to Take – Como suplemento dietético, tome um tablet de três camadas com água 20 minutos antes de dormir, ou conforme recomendado pelo seu profissional de saúde.
- Science-Backed, Quality Supplements – Nossos produtos são produzidos sob rigorosos padrões de GMP e passam por testes rigorosos de pureza e potência em laboratório.
1. Sono Reparador: A combinação de valeriana, GABA e melatonina promove um sono profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
2. Redução do Estresse: Os ingredientes trabalham em sinergia para reduzir os níveis de estresse, proporcionando uma sensação de calma e tranquilidade antes de dormir.
3. Liberação Prolongada: As tablets de liberação prolongada garantem que os ingredientes ativos sejam liberados ao longo da noite, ajudando a manter o sono estável.
4. Fórmula Vegana e Sem Glúten: Ideal para aqueles com restrições alimentares, o produto é vegano e livre de glúten, atendendo a diversas necessidades dietéticas.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produzido sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, o Swanson WIO™ Calm Sleep Waves™ oferece segurança e eficácia, respaldado por testes laboratoriais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que você tome um tablet de três camadas do Swanson WIO™ Calm Sleep Waves™ com um copo de água aproximadamente 20 minutos antes de se deitar. Essa prática permite que os ingredientes ativos comecem a agir no momento certo, preparando seu corpo e mente para uma noite de sono tranquila. Caso tenha dúvidas ou condições de saúde específicas, consulte sempre um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do suplemento.
Bethany –
I used to sleep like a rock. Right through the night. But a recent change in migraine meds has disrupted my sleep pattern. Under the advice of my Dr, I have been taking a combo of Nitol/Zzquil and Melatonin to get a decent night of sleep for the last 6-7 months and it has been working OKAY. 4-6 hours a decent sleep (with a 30-minute to 1-hour period of wakefulness) every night.
I started taking Swanson WIO Calm Sleep Waves and by the second or third day, I was consistently getting 6-7 hours of SOLID, deep sleep every night. Almost like how I slept before. I suspect it is the addition of GABA to the mix. Whatever the case… I LOVE these pills and will definitely be ordering more.
AMZ Fan –
My 10mg melatonin hasn’t been effective enough to help me sleep at night anymore so I decided to change it up and try something different. The ingredients are great as well as the design in theory. However, upon opening the container and removing the safety seal as well as the absorbent cotton, I was met with a very strong sour milk odor. I gagged but tried to look inside to see if something was wrong with the pills, and I could see nothing looked wrong. There’s no way I can take these due to their smell. I’m not sure if they should smell like that.
Onto the next sleep aid. 🙁
Allison T. –
I purchased this for my boyfriend, since the other stuff he was using is no longer.
Upon arrival, he opened it and I noticed a very strong, unpleasant odor. If these were for me, I’m not sure I could take them because of that.
However, since these are not for me, I gave it a 4 star based on boyfriends observation.
He has noticed that these help him fall asleep much easier than a lot of others on the market. He sleeps much heavier. He feels they are very good and effective. The only negative thing he has to say is that he is groggy in the mornings. He likes this product and could see purchasing more!
K E –
The combination of GABA and valerian root STOP the constant active thoughts that have caused insomnia for years!! I combine it with hemp seed oil for a great night’s sleep. Wake up alert with no unpleasant after effects.
A. Jefferson –
I got this mainly for my husband since I generally don’t find melatonin helpful. I plan to try them since they have a few other ingredients, but haven’t had a chance yet. My husband has tried them and said they helped him fall asleep but he still had trouble staying asleep/going back to sleep after waking up. He has a lot of trouble with staying asleep/going back to sleep, so this not helping could be completely a him thing, not the product’s fault. Also to note, I didn’t notice a weird odor with these, like some other reviews, but he didn’t like the taste.
K E –
These are rather large for sleep aid pills but they are layered for staggered release. There is a strong odor, but once swallowed it doesn’t cause burps so not a big deal.
Contains 200mg of valerian root and 100mg of GABA, plus a whopping 10mg of melatonin. Experts recommend starting at 1-3mg of melatonin for most people and my usual pill is 3mg.
I found this left me groggy in the morning because it’s just too much melatonin and half of it is releasing in the middle of the night so it’s still in my system in the morning. I’m going to keep these for emergencies only, like bad jet lag. Not suitable for nightly use.
Angela –
First of all this doesn’t have a plastic safety seal around the outside of the cap which IT SHOULD! Secondly, they said these are tablets and the photo shows a little flat wafer which when looking at these they are actually like giant pressed vitamin pill shaped and are too hard for me to swallow as i find them too large in size. The pills are actually not even one solid color as they are tri-layer so they have 3 colors. The underneath of the container is sealed however but i couldn’t take these due to their large size
Richard L.Levandowski –
These tablets have a strong herbal smell unlike many other sleep aid medication. I was able to fall asleep
fast, but wasn’t able to get back to sleep again after I came back from the bathroom. I never checked
what time it was then, as it could be disturbing due to some psychological reasons. If there was not much
time left before it was time to get up, then there was no point to even try to sleep. Anyway, I didn’t sleep
so soundly towards the morning.
When reading the ingredients, I see it actually has 10 mg melatonin which is much more than average. I
like its idea about 5 mg immediate release which explains why I could fall asleep so fast and 5 mg
delayed release which is supposed to take care of later and lighter cycle of sleep after my tired body is
mostly rested. Hence, the delayed release might need some improvement.