Descrição do Produto: Swanson Premium Brand Rhodiola Rosea Root
A Rhodiola Rosea, também conhecida como raiz de Rhodiola, é uma erva adaptogênica amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades que promovem o equilíbrio emocional e a redução do estresse. O Swanson Premium Brand Rhodiola Rosea Root é um suplemento de alta qualidade que oferece uma solução natural para aqueles que buscam melhorar seu bem-estar mental e físico. Este produto é formulado com ingredientes naturais que você pode confiar, proporcionando suporte à saúde de maneira eficaz e segura.
A Rhodiola é conhecida por sua capacidade de ajudar o corpo a se adaptar a situações de estresse, promovendo um estado de calma e clareza mental. Além disso, ela pode contribuir para um sono saudável, permitindo que você recupere suas energias e enfrente os desafios diários com mais disposição. Com o Swanson Rhodiola Rosea, você pode integrar essa poderosa erva em sua rotina, beneficiando-se de suas propriedades adaptogênicas que ajudam a equilibrar o humor e a promover uma sensação geral de bem-estar.
– Redução do Estresse: Ajuda a minimizar os efeitos do estresse no corpo e na mente.
– Equilíbrio Emocional: Promove um estado de humor mais estável e positivo.
– Suporte ao Sono: Contribui para um sono mais reparador e de melhor qualidade.
– Aumento da Energia: Melhora a resistência física e mental, proporcionando mais disposição.
– Foco e Clareza Mental: Ajuda a melhorar a concentração e a clareza de pensamento, facilitando a realização de tarefas diárias.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Swanson Premium Brand Rhodiola Rosea Root, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula, uma ou duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada. Para aqueles que estão iniciando o uso de adaptógenos, pode ser benéfico começar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme necessário. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
R Seals –
I was struggling with stress issues, not sleeping, low energy, etc. It really helps! I took it for about 6 months – the first 2 months I took it alone – I had more energy and my head cleared up a bit but I was still edgy. When I combined it with Ashwagandha it was perfection! I used one capsule of each. I was calmer, energetic, sleeping better and thinking better. I highly recommend it!
Emerald Star –
Carefully packaged. Shipped as promised.
Easy to swallow.
Joyce C –
Seem to be good.
Molly Korman –
From the first time I took it, this supplement gave me distinctive effects of stimulation, sense of well-being, decreased stress, and calmness (not in a sedating way – in an alert way). I did not have high hopes, as I have dabbled in many various supplements, medications, nootropics and drugs in my quest to combat depression and chronic fatigue, and I have been disappointed many times. Not so with Rhodiola Rosea. The first two weeks or so were incredible – my fatigue was lifted, I felt alert, calm and happy. I felt more human than I’ve felt in a while. The effects were subtle, but distinctly present. It was excellent. I took one capsule immediately upon waking, and roughly every other day I would take a second one sometime after lunch. My friend and I have both independently taken note of the incredibly fast onset of the effects – perhaps 5-15 minutes. Some days I took it after a meal and still felt the effects.
Unfortunately, and much to my disappointment, I began to build a tolerance around the second week. The third week I tried taking two pills at once and up to three in a day, with little to no noticeable effects. I laid off for a week, and tried them again. I may feel it slightly but at nowhere near the degree of those first tow glorious weeks. I’m hoping that in time my body will reset and I can use them to their full effectiveness again. They really did help me be a better person.
Of course such substances will affect various people differently, and you may have more or less luck than I did. But I must say the two weeks that it worked for me were entirely worth the cost of the product, and I am happy I found this supplement. I recommend trying it. I took it upon myself to write this review because I believe this product has the potential to help other people like it helped me. I hope you get more sustained benefits from it.
Side note: This product seemed to be synergistic with caffeine, making caffeine’s benefits more pronounced and its undesired effects less prominent. (soda/tea-doses around 20-50mg)
Cape Cod –
I read that Rhodiola balances the brain’s serotonin, dopamine and acetylcholine- it “optimizes” them. So I got it. Well, it does! Instead of feeling like you’re climbing a mountain every day, chores and obstacles are in perspective. Daily life is easier, you feel a sense of optimism, or anticipation. Anyway, this is my experience- I’m just an average everyday person with normal struggles. I don’t know the science. But it increases enjoyment of life. Try it, it works.
Jess –
Depression runs deeply within my family. After witnessing the physical and mental, as well as personality-wise damage that chemical and pharmaceutical anti-depressants have the potential to cause, I wanted to go in a more natural direction. To combat my depression, I take Rhodiola Rosea, Ginkgo Biloba, DHA and Fish-oil in the morning and Ashwagandha at night before bed. Lavender oil is also steadily on hand to relax my senses. This combination of naturally-derived herbs and oils helps me quite literally function as a human being without any negative side-effects. In fact, each of these supplements have been proven to help improve mental function, memory and prolong longevity. Rhodiola Rosea is a MUST for the morning because it gives me the energy to handle everyday tasks and issues. Swanson is a beautiful company and I purchase my Rhodiola Rosea and Ashwagandha through them and have had the same benefits from their supplements as I have from more expensive brands for a fraction of the cost. High quality herbs with budget friendly pricing. Thank you, Swanson, for helping me get through the day.
My new natural antidepressant, I take it every morning before my breakfast, and i noticed a good balance in my mood.
Ferni –
I have 30 days to use the Rhodiola Rose root in 400 Mg. two times a day, the efects are very good for me, because I have a charge of stress very hard all days, and in the nights I can’t sleep with tranquility, I need say that the sexual contact with my wife was undiferent, but, you must beleavme, I have 70 yers old and today the nervous are going out and my sexual feeling is more great, of course I’m not a young man with the Rhodiola use, but , I feel more strong, More calm and the effects in the marital contacts are much more satisfacttory. Please I give my apologies for my poor english, I’m mexican and I have not many practic with this language.