Descrição do Produto: Swanson Pycnogenol 100 Miligramas 30 Cápsulas
O Swanson Pycnogenol é um suplemento de alta qualidade que oferece 100 mg de proteção potente contra radicais livres em cada cápsula. Este produto é formulado com uma combinação única de compostos bioativos, incluindo proantocianidinas, catequinas, taxifolinas e um amplo espectro de ácidos fenólicos, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. O Pycnogenol é derivado da casca do pinheiro marítimo francês, uma fonte natural rica em fitonutrientes que promovem a saúde e o bem-estar.
Os antioxidantes presentes no Swanson Pycnogenol ajudam a neutralizar os radicais livres, que são moléculas instáveis que podem causar danos celulares e contribuir para o envelhecimento precoce e diversas doenças. Além disso, a formulação do Pycnogenol é projetada para melhorar a circulação sanguínea, apoiar a saúde cardiovascular e promover a elasticidade da pele, tornando-o um aliado valioso na busca por uma vida saudável e equilibrada.
– Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, reduzindo o estresse oxidativo.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Melhora a circulação sanguínea e apoia a função vascular.
– Apoio à Pele: Promove a elasticidade e a hidratação da pele, contribuindo para uma aparência saudável.
– Redução da Inflamação: Ajuda a diminuir processos inflamatórios no organismo.
– Aumento da Energia: Melhora a resistência física e a recuperação após exercícios.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Swanson Pycnogenol por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
great energy, pain in body is going away, hope to continue to see results for erections.take arginine to see results
Christopher Moss –
This is my favorite Pycnogenol on the market. Best price, they use gelatin capsules (which I find easier to digest than the veg) and the only filler is rice flour (presumably a flow agent).
Highly recommend this Pycnogenol.
Good job Swanson.
By the way, Pycnogenol is simply an amazing product period. Skin, arterial health, eyes (helps me a lot w post lasik dryness). It’s a profoundly good antioxidant. I actually take double the dose most days- for most people probably 1 of these (100mg per day) is enough. Good luck!
(Ps- I don’t work for this or any health product company and Swanson didn’t give me any free product (I wish).
Pretty_Shiny_Things –
I don’t know about the efficacy of this supplement, but this review is regarding the 2 expired bottles I received. The first bottle arrived on 10/1/19 with a Best By date of 10/19, so I requested a replacement. The replacement arrived on 10/3/19 with the same Best By date of 10/19. Each bottle had a sticker over the brand’s labeling that says “New Item,” which is very deceptive. Extremely disappointed because I was looking forward to using this and have always trusted Swanson products.
A. M. Daub –
Let me start by saying that I originally bought this product because I read online that women with endometriosis have a better chance of getting pregnant when they take pycnogenol. I’ve been taking it since late July or early August. When I started taking it, I started researching online what else it is good for. I found that people with cancer (specifically breast cancer) take it. My yellow lab, Lily, had a lump on her one breast that was growing rapidly. I knew it was cancer, but since she’s an old girl, I knew I didn’t want to put her through surgery or harsh treatments at her age (she’s almost 11), so I figured I would let her go as long as she was happy before having to make a tough decision. (I should probably add that her sister from the same litter who lived at my in-laws’ also had breast cancer and had to be put down about 2 years ago.) After reading that pycnogenol helps people with cancer, I wondered if it’s safe for dogs to take. I ended up finding a review on Earth Clinic’s website where a man gave it to his dog (also a lab) who had cancer and it basically cured the cancer and the dog went on to live to be 17 years old. I figured it was worth a shot. You would not believe the difference in my Lily. She is a puppy again. She’s always had the puppy attitude, but she’s physically a puppy again. The lump has shrank dramatically. She can lay in any positition she wants without the lump making it uncomfortable whereas before she was very limited. The lump was very large and solid before, and now reminds me of a ball in a bag. The skin is very loose and the lump just kind of hangs in it. It doesn’t feel like the lump is connected much to her torso. Like I said, it reminds me of a ball in a bag. I’m continuing to order the Swanson Ultra pycnogenol caps. I’ll let you know if it helps me get pregnant, but right now I’m just thrilled to have my first baby around.
Pretty_Shiny_Things –
A holistic vet recommended this for my horse (anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, increase of blood circulation and decrease of internal scar tissue), 2 times per day, each time 200 mg, and my horse reacted after 2 days with slight improvement, after one week there was a huge difference, after 2.5 weeks amazing results, 100% back to normal !
So, either a coincidence or it really worked (I am convinced of the latter).
Only downfall: expensive and would love to get 200 mg capsules.
J. Ruttley –
I had heard Pycnogenol could help with the menopause symptoms of hot flashes and sweats that come with them. I was flashing several times a day and through the night, losing sleep. I started taking 100mg of Pycnogenol twice a day. After almost three weeks, I realized that I had not been dripping sweat when I flashed, not soaking the bed at night either. Two more days, and the hot flashes stopped altogether. I have been on them for six weeks now, and have not had a single hot flash in 3 weeks. If you are looking for relief, be patient, take this religiously twice a day at about the same time, and give it a month. I almost gave up after two weeks, but had read it took a month. I definitely saw the difference at 3 weeks, but not everybody is the same. It cost about $35 a month, and this is the lowest cost brand I could find. There have been no side effects, nor has my research found any. Much better for you than going on Hormone Replacement Therapy. I highly recommend this to any women going through the change.Pycnogenol 100mg 30 Caps
Sonia Storbeck –
I have purchased 3 bottles so far and witnessed an amazing improvement in knee pain. Took about a month to see the difference. I was trying to save money and bought chondroiton from CVS. Bad move. When I stopped taking this supplement I noticed the biggest decline. I didn’t replenish THIS brand, as I’m trying a more effective cost option (Vitacost also sold here) and will follow-up with that review as well.
In addition to helping with my running, my skin texture was definitely more supple. I’m surprised that more people don’t rave about this stuff. I guess everyone’s experience is different. I first learned about it on Dr. Oz.