Descrição do Produto: Swanson Dual-Release Melatonin – Suplemento para o Sono (60 Comprimidos, 3mg Cada)
O Swanson Dual-Release Melatonin é um suplemento inovador projetado para ajudar a regular o ciclo do sono e promover um descanso reparador. Cada comprimido contém 3mg de melatonina, uma substância natural que o corpo produz para sinalizar a hora de dormir. O diferencial deste produto é sua tecnologia de liberação dupla, que proporciona uma liberação inicial rápida da melatonina, seguida por uma liberação prolongada, garantindo que você tenha um sono contínuo e de qualidade. Ideal para quem enfrenta dificuldades em adormecer ou manter o sono durante a noite, este suplemento é uma solução prática e eficaz para melhorar a qualidade do seu descanso. Com 60 comprimidos por embalagem, é uma opção conveniente para quem busca um sono mais tranquilo e reparador.
1. Regulação do Ciclo do Sono: Ajuda a ajustar o relógio biológico, facilitando a transição para o sono.
2. Liberação Dupla: A tecnologia de liberação dupla garante um efeito prolongado, ideal para noites de sono ininterrupto.
3. Natural e Seguro: A melatonina é uma substância natural, tornando o suplemento uma opção segura para a maioria das pessoas.
4. Redução da Insônia: Eficaz na diminuição dos sintomas de insônia, promovendo um sono mais profundo e reparador.
5. Melhora na Qualidade de Vida: Um sono adequado está diretamente relacionado à saúde mental e física, melhorando o desempenho diário e a disposição.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 comprimido de Swanson Dual-Release Melatonin cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a eficácia do produto.
AmeliaAT –
Seems to work better than other melatonin I’ve tried. I usually take one am hour or hour and a half before bed. If I’m not feeling sleepy, I may take a second one, but one is generally enough. They seem to be helping to correct my circadian rhythm, which has been out of whack for a while. I’ve had some Rx medicine for sleep, but I don’t think that it’s good to rely on them, and they don’t seem to give the same sleep quality as natural sleep.
The one con of these is that they are fairly large and you have to swallow them quickly or the outer part of the pill begins to dissolve while still in your mouth. So have your water ready before you pop them in your mouth!
Carole F –
A friend of mine recommended this product when I was put on the graveyard shift at work. I had been struggling with getting into my new sleep pattern, and I was having trouble staying alert at work. Before I tried this product I had been trying Valerian Root, but I was finding I was waking up after about four hours of sleep, and then I was having trouble getting back to sleep.
When my friend mentioned melatonin, I shrugged it off – as I had heard some bad news about it from friends and family. When she told me that most melatonin you buy at the store is 10 mg, and that it can cause negative responses in some people, she mentioned that this product is only 3 mg (plus contains a time release) I thought I would give it a try.
This product is amazing and a lifesaver! I usually take it about a half hour before I need to be asleep, and I’m more than ready to “hit the hay” when it kicks in. Plus, with the time release I make it through the entire 8 hrs I want to sleep without those moments of trying to get back to sleep. I’m not sure I would have made the transition over to graveyards without it. I love it so much, and have talked about it so much to my co-workers that now I am buying it for them to try. And they are loving it too!
Thank you for a good nights sleep!!
Brian –
Melatonin never did much for me, but these seem to actually help. Costs alot less then the big name brand ones.
Monika Michalska –
This is my second purchase of this product. It works better than others I tried. The only thing is – it’s rather expensive for the 60 tablets, especially if you have to take more than one each night.
I have used many melatonin from 1 mg up to 10 mg. This is the best for me. Normally after 45 min of taking it, I can’t hold my eyes open! I now often have a restful-non disturb sleep at night, which is very important for me. If I woke up to use bathroom, I can go back to sleep with no problem. I use s&s and it automatically ships to me every two months.
Thank you!
Jeff –
Helps with my glucose levels. it took about 3 weeks to start having a noticeable impact.
Jon –
Both my wife and I tried it twice a few days apart. Seemed to make me a bit sleepier even though when we used it we were already pretty tired. The next day I was a bit woozy after both times and didn’t feel quite right but no long-term effects. I don’t usually take any meds or over the counter drugs unless absolutely necessary. This was suggested to take mostly for my wife who really has trouble sleeping now as she has Alzheimer’s. May be worth a try but I’m not planning on using it too much.
Jeff –
Regular Melatonin has always made me sleepy but I wake up once during the night. This makes me feel like I drank late coffee so I toss and turn or I fall asleep and wake up not once but twice during the night then again really early! What the heck! Trying a different brand!