Swanson Hawthorn Berry – Antioxidante, Suporte à Circulação (250 Cápsulas, 565 mg Cada)
As bagas de espinheiro-alvar (hawthorn) são conhecidas por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde cardiovascular. O Swanson Hawthorn Berry é um suplemento que combina essas bagas em uma fórmula potente, oferecendo 250 cápsulas de 565 mg cada. Este produto é especialmente formulado para fornecer suporte antioxidante e promover a circulação sanguínea saudável. As bagas de espinheiro-alvar são ricas em flavonoides e outros nutrientes que ajudam a melhorar o fluxo sanguíneo, além de proteger o corpo contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres.
A fórmula de espectro completo do Swanson Hawthorn Berry é cuidadosamente elaborada com ingredientes à base de plantas, evitando processamentos desnecessários que possam comprometer a eficácia do produto. Cada frasco é fabricado em instalações certificadas pelas Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), garantindo a qualidade e a pureza do suplemento. A Swanson Health, com quase 50 anos de experiência, é reconhecida mundialmente por oferecer produtos de saúde respaldados pela ciência, sempre buscando soluções que ajudem as pessoas a viverem de forma mais saudável e simples.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte à circulação sanguínea: As propriedades antioxidantes e nutrientes presentes nas bagas de espinheiro-alvar podem ajudar a promover um fluxo sanguíneo saudável e apoiar a circulação.
- Combate aos radicais livres: O suporte antioxidante fornecido pelas bagas de espinheiro-alvar ajuda a combater os radicais livres, protegendo as células do corpo contra danos oxidativos.
- Fórmula de espectro completo: A fórmula do Swanson Hawthorn Berry é composta por ingredientes à base de plantas, sem processamento desnecessário, garantindo a presença de todos os nutrientes benéficos.
- Qualidade garantida: Cada suplemento é fabricado em instalações certificadas GMP e passa por testes de pureza e potência em laboratórios independentes.
- Tradição e inovação: A Swanson Health tem quase 50 anos de experiência em fornecer produtos de saúde respaldados pela ciência, combinando tradição e inovação para oferecer soluções de bem-estar confiáveis.
O Swanson Hawthorn Berry oferece uma série de benefícios que podem melhorar a qualidade de vida dos usuários. Entre os principais, destacam-se: 1) Melhora da circulação sanguínea, essencial para a saúde cardiovascular; 2) Ação antioxidante que protege as células contra o estresse oxidativo; 3) Contribuição para a saúde do coração, promovendo um sistema cardiovascular mais forte; 4) Fórmula natural que se integra facilmente à rotina diária; 5) Garantia de qualidade e eficácia, com testes rigorosos que asseguram a pureza do produto. Esses benefícios tornam o Swanson Hawthorn Berry uma escolha inteligente para quem busca um suporte natural à saúde.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Swanson Hawthorn Berry por dia, preferencialmente acompanhada de uma refeição. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, fora do alcance de crianças.
K. Smith –
I use this for my heart healthy herb. Keeps my blood pressure even. Size of pill is great and the bottle is a great size. Well buy again in future.
E.M. –
48 yrs, male, 215lb, diagnosed with genetic cardiomyopathy on april 2013, started with EF 18%, after several different medications (carvedilol, Spironolactone, bidil, entresto, hydralazine and others) and two years suffering with side effects, increased to EF 36%, started to reduce drugs and add more natural products. Now, EF 40% – it does not sound much when you have a health heart, but for me is huge.
I am taking now Losartan – metformin, plus using combined DHEA 25mg – BioTech, Hawthorn Swanson, Nitric Oxide (pine bark + L-Arginine).
I have a feeling that it will get even better … but snapshot by now;
1) More energy during the day and before treadmill (5xweek, 30 mins 5% inclined, 3.8 speed and 6lb weight on each hand.)
2) More focus, more alert, better memory and better mood.
3) Better love, better skin sensation, more ‘juice’, longer period of intercourse and even twice few times.
4) Didn’t lose weight as number, but definitely lost fat-water and gain muscle
5) Better skin, less wrinkles, smoother.
6) I can see the veins in my hands more salient, a good sign that the circulation and oxygenation improved.
7) Average blood pressure dropped from 135×98 to 128×84 – I don’t like to be too close to 120×80, as I feel dizzy.
8) No more nightmares, nor insomnia as I was having when taking the drugs.
Here is my sincere opinion to someone with cardiomyopathy, all medication and supplement are very important; DHEA will not be of help for hormones balance if you don’t have a good circulation to deliver it. The Hawthorn will help get the circulation but will not help to regenerate (oxygenate) the veins-muscle. The Nitric Oxide (pine bark + LArginine) will help regenerate the veins-muscle but will have a harder time to open its way. The treadmill is absolute essential to make the entire system works, triggering each component to do its part. I can take all, but it is the exercise that gives the ‘kick in the butt’ to all these supplements.
Wish you all a blessed day.
Great Cook, Great Cook –
Since I have been about 19 yrs old I have had a irregular heart beat. Now I’m much older with grown grandchildren.
When I was younger and older I have been to at least 7/Cardio Drs. Not including my regular Dr, and have been In the hospital , Worn halter monitors, and None of the Drs know what is wrong, but all want me to Take there prescription for drugs..From the first Dr. I took the drugs. Nothing helped.
About 30 yrs ago the irregular heartbeat got so bad I would have to push my chest in to stop it, or
I thought I was going to die.
At that time I owned my own business, and a women came in. I was talking to a her and she seemed to know about vitamins, herbs etc..
I mentioned to her about my irregular heartbeat. She said, Take Hawthorn Berry, its a heart muscle strengthener..
Btw, I never saw her again!
I bought it, took it, and every week or more I had Less and Less irregularly heartbeats..It does not work overnight.
To this day, I still take it, and I’m now down to One a day..At times I took 3/during the day, then for years 2 everday.
Sometimes I still might get an irregular heartbeat, because I feel so good I forget to take it for a few days!
I don’t always use the same brand of Hawthorn berry, to me there all the same, but this one is a good value.
Btw, I do Not take any Meds / drugs at all..I’m now starting to eat plant base food, and my husband has too lol , but now we Notice we have less, and less pain from arthritis, plus my husbands Cardio Dr. Can’t figure out why his new Tests came back so good! Duh.
FOOD is Medicine..You eat unhealthy, You will feel Unhealthy.
Crafter –
Helps with blood pressure control and no problems mixing with other medivations
Tadpole –
I bought this to take on days when my anxiety is really high and it does help. It makes me feel a little more relaxed, some people mentioned that it made them sleepy but I haven’t had that effect yet. It’s also good for stomach issues and other things so that’s just a bonus.
It’s easy to swallow and the price is right, I’ve bought Swanson for years and feel like I can trust that brand.
I’ve only been taking these for a week or so, if anything changes one way or the other I’ll revisit this review but, so far I’m really pleased with the results of this product.
Savie –
I have taken this now for a month. Blood pressure went from 145/90 to 115/74. Pulse 55-65 at rest. I heard about this from an herbalist. It works well. At least for me.
William Higley, Sr. –
I had two heart attacks 24 years ago. Since that time I have taken Hawthorn Berries Caps in conjunction with my various and assorted Heart medications. The research my wife did convinced me to start taking natural remedies along with my prescription drugs. I have always kept my Doctors informed of my natural choices and they have been fine with my use of Hawthorn Berry Capsules. The fact that I am still around to offer advice proves (in my humble opinion) the value of natural medications to supplement my prescription drugs.
I’m firmly convinced in the value of Hawthorn Berries as part of my daily medical routine. The excellent price of Swanson Hawthorn Berries is a large part of my decision to purchase their products. I think you will be happy with the quality and price of their product. I consult with your Doctor about taking any natural product, but I can tell you I feel they have helped keep me around so I can pester my wife, kids, and grandchildren.
Who’s still kicking all these years later,
This guy
When I put great effort, time and thought into a complimentary review it gets rejected by Amazon. However, if I write a non thought provoking and grammatically incorrect review such as “It Good” there are no issues. So be it! My review for this product is “It Good”.