Descrição do Produto: Swanson D-Limonene Cold-Pressed Orange Peel Extract 250 Milligrams 60 Sgels
O Swanson D-Limonene é um extrato de casca de laranja prensado a frio, que oferece 250 miligramas de D-Limoneno por cápsula. Este composto natural é extraído da casca da laranja, preservando suas propriedades benéficas. O D-Limoneno é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, além de ser um excelente suporte para a saúde digestiva. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas gelatinosas, fáceis de engolir, que proporcionam uma forma prática e eficaz de incorporar este poderoso nutriente à sua rotina diária. Ideal para quem busca um suplemento natural que contribua para o bem-estar geral, o Swanson D-Limonene é uma escolha inteligente para quem deseja melhorar a saúde digestiva e promover um estilo de vida saudável.
1. Suporte Digestivo: O D-Limoneno é conhecido por ajudar a aliviar desconfortos digestivos, como azia e refluxo, promovendo uma digestão mais saudável.
2. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Este extrato ajuda a combater os radicais livres no organismo, contribuindo para a proteção celular e a saúde geral.
3. Efeito Anti-inflamatório: O D-Limoneno pode ajudar a reduzir a inflamação, beneficiando aqueles que sofrem de condições inflamatórias crônicas.
4. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O consumo regular pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a se defender contra doenças.
5. Aroma e Sabor Naturais: Além dos benefícios à saúde, o D-Limoneno proporciona um aroma cítrico agradável, tornando a experiência de consumo mais prazerosa.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula gelatina de Swanson D-Limonene por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção do nutriente. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Mommy to 6 little peanuts –
This is a lifesaver. I started having reflux again, decided to try something I’d seen online, but couldn’t afford the name brand. This stuff is incredible. No heartburn after just a couple of days using and now if I get it, I take one and it’s gone in about 30 minutes. Bonus it’s real. Not a chemical.
Heather Lentz –
This works really well and gently helps cleanse the gal bladder.
onthelookout7 –
I can’t comment on the effectiveness of the D-limonene, because I found these softgels to be too large to swallow comfortably. 250mg is a comparatively small dose of D-limonene, and it’s disappointing that the softgel isn’t smaller. The softgels in the bottle that I received are each about 7/8 of an inch long and 3/8 of an inch wide. I’m sure many people don’t have trouble swallowing them, but those who have a problem with larger-size pills will want to take note.
Another brand, called Orange Burps, says on its product page, “We made our soft gels the smallest size possible while encapsulating the maximum healthy dose of D-limonene from orange peel.” Those softgels are said to contain 500mg of D-limonene (TWICE the amount that’s in the Swanson brand), and a customer states that the Orange Burps softgels are “just under 1.5 cm or .59 in in length.”
If that measurement is correct, then why is the Swanson brand’s 250mg softgel about 7/8 of an inch long?
(I don’t know the width of the Orange Burps softgels, so can’t compare that.)
Shouldn’t a 250mg softgel be closer to HALF the size of a 500mg softgel?
Supplement manufacturers would be smart to make their capsules as small and easy to swallow as possible. They’re losing a lot of business from the many people who have trouble swallowing larger-size capsules.
Jen FromZen –
The very high dose ones for reflux (1000mg I think?) bothered me so I decided to try a lesser amount with these. I would get bad burp-ups of orangey, and feel headachy and malaise. So far so good with taking couple 250s at a time. I do think it still helps although a lesser amount, but I also started taking prelief at the same time so hard to be sure if it isn’t the combo that helps best or what. I have problems with reflux overnight waking me up (I have the LPR type that reaches the throat, not gerd) and interrupting my sleep with burning sore throat so I’m taking couple at night. Does it have any other health benefits? I don’t know? LOL.
Mariah –
I’ve lived with acid reflux disease for years. I’ve taken over the counter products and similar supplements to this. This is the only one that I’ve taken once in the morning and felt the benefits all day. It’s not a horse pill that’s hard to swallow or gives me any significant orange burps later. It’s great.
Laura G –
I got this today and took one and I’ve been scratching my skin off ever since. I took Prednisone and Benadryl hoping I can sleep tonight. No idea which ingredient I’m allergic to, but holy cow, I’m regretting this unreturnable purchase. Probably helps with GERD but it’s a no for me.
Inez –
I buy this every couple of months. It works great along with my prescription pepcid.
Stevie –
It’s not bad at all. It’s low dose and you can double up on the capsules depending