Descrição do Produto: Swanson Milk Thistle, Dandelion
Em um mundo onde a saúde do fígado é frequentemente negligenciada, o Swanson Milk Thistle, Dandelion e Yellow Dock surge como um aliado poderoso para aqueles que buscam revitalizar e otimizar a função hepática. Este suplemento é uma combinação meticulosamente formulada de ingredientes naturais que têm sido utilizados por séculos para promover a saúde do fígado. Cada cápsula contém 700mg de Silybum marianum (Cardo Mariano), 250mg de raiz de Dente-de-leão, 250mg de raiz de Yellow Dock e 100mg de raiz de Beterraba, criando uma sinergia que potencializa os efeitos benéficos para o organismo.
O Cardo Mariano é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e desintoxicantes, ajudando a proteger as células do fígado contra danos. A raiz de Dente-de-leão, por sua vez, é famosa por suas qualidades diuréticas e por estimular a produção de bile, facilitando a digestão e a eliminação de toxinas. A raiz de Yellow Dock complementa essa fórmula com suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e purificadoras do sangue, enquanto a Beterraba contribui com nutrientes essenciais que promovem a saúde geral do fígado.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas duas vezes ao dia, acompanhadas de água. A Swanson, com quase 50 anos de experiência, garante que cada produto é fabricado em instalações certificadas pela GMP, assegurando a pureza e a potência dos ingredientes. Além disso, a empresa realiza testes rigorosos de qualidade em laboratórios independentes, oferecendo aos consumidores a confiança de que estão adquirindo um produto de alta qualidade.
Se por algum motivo você não estiver satisfeito com o Swanson Milk Thistle, Dandelion, a empresa oferece uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro. Basta retornar a parte não utilizada do produto dentro de 30 dias para receber um reembolso total.
– Suporte Natural ao Fígado: Promove a desintoxicação e a saúde hepática, ajudando a eliminar toxinas do organismo.
– Mistura Herbal Poderosa: Combinação de ingredientes tradicionais que potencializam os efeitos benéficos para o fígado.
– Fórmula de Alta Potência: Cada cápsula contém uma dose concentrada de extratos naturais, garantindo eficácia.
– Compromisso com a Qualidade: Fabricado em instalações certificadas, com testes rigorosos de pureza e potência.
– Garantia de Satisfação: Política de devolução que assegura a confiança do consumidor na compra.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Swanson Milk Thistle, Dandelion, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, acompanhadas de um copo de água. Essa dosagem permite que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos de maneira eficaz pelo organismo, promovendo um suporte contínuo à saúde do fígado. É importante manter uma rotina regular de uso para observar os resultados desejados e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
this product has everything I am wanting in one pill. Swansons are great products
Megzie –
There might be better products out there but for the money and what’s included makes it right for me and my budget
D. Wiseman –
I think I’ve reviewed a similar item before but here goes again. This item is a PROVEN LIVER PURIFIER!!! For example: I went to the emergency room a couple years ago (can’t remember why) and had some blood work done. When the results came back the E.R. Doctor said I had a “fatty” liver and that my liver enzymes were through the roof (sky high). I asked him what could be done about it and he said “nothing” , once you have a fatty liver you can’t “go back” and to never drink alcohol again or anything else like aspirin etc that harms the liver. I went home and did some research in a box of magazines an old friend gave me titled: “Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients”. ( or org) (If you can find some of these, I highly advise you to read them!!!! Anyways, I found out that milk thistle extract (silybum marianum) will HEAL the liver! Silybum Marianum is also used for toxic mushroom poisoning in emergency rooms… It removes toxins from the liver and even heals hepatitis!! (not sure WHICH hepatitis, I don’t have that). So, I started taking 1 gram (1000 milligrams) a day, and went to my doctor about a month later and had more blood work done. When the results came back, he said your blood looks fine… I told him about the E.R. doc telling me my liver enzymes were high just one month ago and he stated, “well, your liver looks great now”!!! He even compared the results from the E.R. and his results and was SHOCKED that it was possible. Being an A.M.A trained doctor, he still didn’t want to believe it and any A.M.A. trained doctor you ask will flatly DENY this is possible! I AM LIVING PROOF THAT MILK THISTLE IN HIGH DOSES WORKS.!!!! Dennis Hopper and Wynona Judd (I think it was her) BOTH cured hepatitis with milk thistle!
Megzie –
This is a great product. I bought it because I take medication and worry about the effects it may have on my organs. I have felt great since taking this. I urinate more frequently, I feel because my body is better flushing out the toxins. Studies have shown that all 3 of the supplements found in this one pill are great for detoxing your liver, kidneys, and other organs. My skin has cleared up, and I all around feel healthier. I have been a Swanson customer for several years now. You can’t beat their prices, and the quality is up to par. They are a great company to work with, also. There was a mix-up with my last order, and customer service responded promptly with a solution. They were very understanding and professional about what happened. I have been very happy with this Swanson supplement, and will continue to buy it for the price and quality.
cheryl peinado –
I had initially gotten interested in these pills when I had first read on the Internet that according to traditional Chinese medicine, menstrual cramps may be due to a congested liver. And thus a liver cleanse or detox would extremely help in relieving menstrual pain. I had read a lot of comments from people who had tried milk thistle and had received relief from intense menstrual cramps. I also love that this product includes dandelion and yellow dock, which also help to clear toxins from the liver. So I gave these pills a try. I ate one capsule a day in the first month. And the following period was extremely better. Before taking the Milk Thistle, Dandelion & Yellow Dock capsules, my cramps were horrible. I would have to miss work on my first day. I would also experience nausea and vomiting and the pain was unbearable. However after taking these capsules daily, the cramps are much more manageable. Last month, I was able to bear the mild cramps without taking any over the counter medications and a hot water bottle on my lower abdomen was enough to abate the pain. I am extremely grateful that I tried these. I am continuing to use them, one tablet per day especially since they provided such relief for my cramps. I have also noticed that my skin looks more pink from its original yellowish shade – I guess the capsules are helping with circulation too. Please see the attached photos of what the bottle looks like – front and back – and how big each capsule is. This product also comes with instructions on how the capsules can be used.
I order often.
A. S. –
I have taken daily with great results & believe in product, but when it goes from $10 dollars to just under $100,000!!! I think its a little out of my budget. I Think they need to hire someone who confirms pricing….=lost sales…wah wahhh.
JennG –
I have been using this for about a year now. I was told that my gall bladder was showing some sludge and I just simply could not afford the time off to have a surgery. A friend recommended this product for me and said it would help with the pains and symptoms. I thought, “Ok, whatever!” But, for the price, I started taking it and within 2 days the pain was gone and 4 weeks later at my check up, a scan was done on my gall bladder and it was more than fine. I now use this for 2 months with a month break in between.And to be honest, I have also used this after a night of drinks to aid in the hangover and it helps so much more than anything else (although I am sure that is not it’s intent!) and so finally I am able to have a drink or two occasionally without the dreaded pains the next day (I ALWAYS) get a hangover no matter how much I drink so I don’t get to indulge much if at all.