Descrição do Produto: Swanson Sweet Wormwood
O Swanson Sweet Wormwood é um suplemento alimentar que se destaca por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde gastrointestinal e ao equilíbrio microbiano. Com uma formulação cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto contém extrato de Artemisia annua, uma planta conhecida por suas propriedades medicinais. O uso tradicional da artemísia remonta a séculos, sendo valorizada por suas capacidades de promover a saúde digestiva e auxiliar na manutenção de um microbioma intestinal saudável.
A composição do Swanson Sweet Wormwood é rica em compostos bioativos que podem ajudar a regular a função intestinal, promovendo um ambiente propício para a flora microbiana benéfica. A ação sinérgica dos ingredientes presentes no produto pode contribuir para a redução de desconfortos digestivos, como inchaço e gases, além de apoiar a digestão eficiente dos alimentos. Este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem natural para melhorar a saúde do trato gastrointestinal e manter um equilíbrio microbiano adequado.
- Swanson
1. Promoção da Saúde Intestinal: Ajuda a manter a integridade da mucosa intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
2. Equilíbrio Microbiano: Contribui para a manutenção de uma flora intestinal equilibrada, essencial para a saúde geral.
3. Redução de Desconfortos Digestivos: Pode aliviar sintomas como inchaço e gases, proporcionando maior conforto digestivo.
4. Apoio à Imunidade: A saúde intestinal está diretamente ligada ao sistema imunológico, e o Swanson Sweet Wormwood pode ajudar a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
5. Uso Tradicional Reconhecido: Baseado em práticas tradicionais, o produto é respaldado por séculos de uso na medicina herbal.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do Swanson Sweet Wormwood, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às necessidades individuais. O uso regular pode maximizar os benefícios do produto, promovendo uma saúde gastrointestinal otimizada e um equilíbrio microbiano eficaz.
Viola Star –
I gave a bottle of this to my friend with gut issues. She took just one a day for 3 weeks. She got bloated and had diarrhea one day and saw a 5-inch long worm in the toilet!! (It wasn’t moving, so it appeared dead.) I’ve also found Swanson’s CBD softgels and oregano oil caps to be very potent, so I believe in the value in this brand.
Niko –
I have a dog with prostate cancer. He was diagnosed last July (2016) I put him on homeopathic medicine instead of going for chemo. The vet gave him 2 months, 4-5 with chemo. We didn’t want to make his last few months miserable, but I felt like we should do something about it. After A TON of research I have him on Artemisia absinthium, Reishi mushroom, and “tea pills” Minor Bupleurum Teapills, Xiao Chai Hu Wan. He is almost at his one year mark of being diagnosed. Thought I’d get that out there, since it took me weeks to figure out the right herbal medicine, and the dosage. This is what I give him for dosage. He is 10 years old and weights 75 pounds. I give them to him 11 days, then a three day break cycle.
Twice a day- AM/PM
*4 “tea pills”, 1 Reishi, 1 Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood) in the AM
*4 “tea pills”, 1 Reishi, 1 Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood) in the PM
**** Update- Unfortunately Magnum “Buddy” passed away April 5th 2018. He got almost 2 YEARS and was only given a couple of months to live. I’m so glad we didn’t do chemo. This is the way to go. We miss him so much, but am grateful we got 2 more years due to these supplements, combined with the other 2 *see above 💓
*I am in no way saying I am a vet, you should ALWAYS talk to your pets vet first. Just telling my story, if I can help others, and it works… then AWESOME!
Adam C. –
Great product, but has some scary side effects, it will kill fungus, but it will also slow your heart rate significantly and drop your blood pressure, it prevents your body from breaking down nicotine, caffeine and alcohol, so just exercise caution.
Blue Skies –
Let me say this,I had exzema for a good 10 years and wasn’t able to get rid of it. I was finaly able to sort of control it but that was about it, and I was told by professionals that was as much as you could expect. Well I found out from this herb expert that it was caused by round worms and the toxons they give off in your body. Then I became very excited about how to get rid of these lousy worms that were giving me so many problems. Well to make a long story short, this is what you must do. Take 425 mg of full spectrum Wormwood and absolutly no more then what the dosage on the bottle calls out for, then take fresh ground cloves and just follow the instructions on the bottle, and finaly the last herb to take is black walnut hulls and again follow the lable instrutions. By taking all three off these herbs you not only kill the round worm adults but also any eggs they may have laid and in addition to this it also kills any other parasites you may have and don’t know about. Well I’m a true believer now in this method and can say I now have no and I mean no exzema. Praise god! I would like to add that the black walnut hulls I took were NOW brand 500 mg per capsule 2 per day as labled and cloves 450 mg 3 per day as labled and the brand name is Kroeger. Time taking them was approximatly 40 days. These are all available through Amazon.
loveguitar –
I’ve purchased this brand of Sweet Wormwood several times. It has a lot of uses but I use it mainly for parasite control. It’s been used for 100’s, maybe even 1000’s of years for various medicinal reasons and lately there’s been a big increase in interest about it. I don’t take it everyday, but try to take a couple of capsules once or twice a week. I think it’s very good quality at a very reasonable price.
Niko –
First of all, if you have not figured it out already, this particular supplement does come in ‘easy-to-swallow’ capsules, which appear to be composed of good, quality materials.
My vet recommended Artemisinin (Wormwood) for my elder dog because he had huge lumps on his body that tested positive for cancer. After looking around thoroughly, I purchased “Swanson Full-Spectrum Wormwood (Artemisinin) 425 mg 90 Caps from Swanson Premium.” Unfortunately, instead of telling me about this supplement the minute that we brought him in for the first examination; by the time I started him on the supplement it was just too late. I pray for those of you who are using this supplement, that you will have better results! My own experience was definitely NOT typical or the fault of the supplement, itself.
I have heard that this Full-Spectrum Wormwood (Artemisinin) can be used for other uses, as well. Please do your research prior to starting a new medication. I am not a physician and am only giving you my own experiences and thoughts about this particular supplement.
Thank you.
Swanson Full-Spectrum Wormwood (Artemisinin) 425 mg 90 Caps