Descrição do Produto: Swanson Alkaline Booster – pH Protector Drops
O Swanson Alkaline Booster é um poderoso aliado para quem busca equilibrar o pH do corpo e promover uma hidratação saudável. Com uma impressionante classificação de pH de 12,25, essas gotas concentradas são ideais para transformar água destilada em água alcalina, ajudando a manter o equilíbrio ácido-base do organismo. Cada frasco contém 1,25 fl oz de solução, que pode ser facilmente adicionada à sua água, proporcionando uma maneira prática e eficiente de melhorar a qualidade da sua hidratação diária. O Swanson Alkaline Booster é especialmente formulado para aqueles que desejam otimizar sua saúde, oferecendo uma alternativa simples para combater a acidez excessiva no corpo, que pode ser resultado de uma dieta desequilibrada ou de fatores ambientais.
1. Equilíbrio do pH: Ajuda a neutralizar a acidez no organismo, promovendo um ambiente interno mais saudável.
2. Facilidade de Uso: Basta adicionar algumas gotas à água destilada para criar sua própria água alcalina em casa.
3. Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para a melhora da digestão e pode ajudar a aliviar desconfortos gastrointestinais.
4. Aumento da Energia: A água alcalina pode ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia e melhorar a vitalidade geral.
5. Hidratação Eficiente: Melhora a absorção de nutrientes e a hidratação celular, promovendo um melhor desempenho físico e mental.
Para utilizar o Swanson Alkaline Booster, adicione de 3 a 5 gotas do produto em 1 litro de água destilada. Misture bem antes de consumir. É recomendável ajustar a quantidade de gotas de acordo com a sua preferência de sabor e nível de alcalinidade desejado. Para melhores resultados, consuma a água alcalina ao longo do dia, especialmente antes e após atividades físicas, ou sempre que sentir necessidade de hidratação. Mantenha o frasco bem fechado e em local fresco e seco para preservar a eficácia do produto.
Campbell –
I tested my water before and after using these drops, and it did raise the pH level. However, it took a lot of drops to raise it by 2 levels, and this little bottle only lasted me about a week or two. That being said, I’m dealing with very hard/acidic water, starting at a 7, so if your water is a little softer this may be just fine. Next time though, I’ll spend a little more and get a stronger and more voluminous product. Thanks to Swanson for offering affordable products at any rate!
p.wills –
These drops raise the PH level in water instantly. Results may vary, but mine went from 5.6 to 7.4 by following the instructions. Water filters reduce PH. These drops raise it back up for alkaline water. No taste, instant results. Easy to use anywhere. Just drop in 1 drop per ounce, stir and enjoy a higher PH.
perez marc –
lalcalinisation diminue l inflammation de bas grade produit silple a l usage
Terri Snider –
Recently developed acid reflux and someone said to try this. It seems to help. (Don’t judge) but I put it in my beer when I go out so it won’t bother my stomach so much. And I do use it the way it was meant to also.
I don’t really get much of a taste to it. It is nice to just pop it in my purse. Will be taking it on vacation to help my poor stomach. Not sure if it is supposed to be a treatment for acid reflux but I’m willing to try anything.
karen m. –
I bought these last year. I tried the drops and measured water and the drops exactly as directed. I tested the water with the drops and only registered a 5.5 alkaline level. Very poor results. The desired PH level is 7 or above! This is a waste of money.
Kim W –
I use this product in coffee or water every day, and it reduces the sensitivity in my mouth as well as eliminating acid blisters on the inside of my cheeks. That way I can drink lemon or lime juice without repercussion. It also helps reduce acid reflux. The lightweight and slim packaging makes it easy to take along on trips. NO taste whatsoever. I’ve tried other brands, and this one tops the lot of them.
M-Dot –
I love the drops allows you to put alkaline to anything and MUCH CHEAPER that the bottled STUFF. See how much you save and you can vary based on your needs.
Yo yo yo –
i bought this on recommendation of an associate. We were discussing how much Essentia water is becoming. I bought these, they were delivered very quickly and I tested the drops. Well…..I love it and wish I could buy it by the gallon. It doesn’t taste like anything even when I put more drops than instructed. Also, I tested it with my PH Measure that I got from amazon also. The drops make the water more alkaline than Essential: almost 13. The bottle is small enough for me to put in my purse or pocket and carry wherever when I buy some $1 water. I can have alkaline water whenever I want and it’s maaaad cheap.
joe –
Amazing price and is much cheaper than buying alkaline water. Prices of everything has just sky rocketed so we need to find ways to save our money. Honestly I do have an issue with heartburn and I noticed that since I started adding these drops to my water bottle I no longer need Pepcid like I used to .
Similar to another brand that now seems unavailable so nice to be able to now access from Swanson. Serves my purpose perfectly and quick on time delivery