Descrição do Produto: Pink Stork Postpartum Mood Support
O Pink Stork Postpartum Mood Support é um suplemento especialmente formulado para mulheres no período pós-parto, visando equilibrar os hormônios e promover um bem-estar emocional saudável. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais, este produto é ideal para mães que estão amamentando e buscam suporte para lidar com os desafios emocionais e físicos que surgem após o parto. A fórmula é livre de substâncias prejudiciais e foi desenvolvida para ser segura e eficaz, ajudando a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade, enquanto promove um estado de espírito positivo. Com o Pink Stork, as mulheres podem encontrar um alívio natural e eficaz, permitindo que desfrutem plenamente da experiência da maternidade.
1. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os hormônios pós-parto, promovendo um estado emocional mais estável.
2. Apoio à Amamentação: Formulado para ser seguro durante a amamentação, sem comprometer a saúde do bebê.
3. Redução do Estresse: Ingredientes naturais que auxiliam na diminuição do estresse e da ansiedade, proporcionando maior tranquilidade.
4. Melhora do Humor: Contribui para um humor mais positivo, ajudando as mães a se sentirem mais felizes e realizadas.
5. Fórmula Natural: Composto por ingredientes de origem natural, sem aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma opção saudável para o pós-parto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do Pink Stork Postpartum Mood Support diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações do rótulo e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente durante o período de amamentação. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Wendy McBride –
I started taking this maybe a week PP. I was crying non stop for days. This has helped tremendously. I have an upset stomach everyday and this product has been the only change to my diet. So that’s a possible side affect. But atleast I’m not crying my eyes out anymore.
Amazon customer –
Was always on edge had very low temper, I had horrible mood swings. Thanks to a friend who recommended them to me this changed my life! As soon as I started taking them I felt so much better an a great mood much happier.
Amazon Customer –
The bottle came damaged but unopened ! Was a little worried about taking how this would do with my breastfeeding milk supply ! I’m on three days and no difference in my supply
But I can tell a difference with my mood !! Love will continue to buy !!!!
chrissy –
I am 4 weeks PP, started taking them everyday without missing 3 weeks ago. My first week home I was a wreck and my hormones were insane. I was crying every day, like bawling my eyes out, anxious, sad, all the things. Once I started taking these, my hormones have seriously leveled out. It’s kind of crazy. I haven’t felt that overwhelming anxiousness at all, if I cry it’s because I love my baby so much, and it just seemed to work like magic. I do prioritize water and protein intake too so make sure to take care of yourself at home in addition to these.
Samantha Beauchemin –
These absolutely saved me from my mood swings postpartum. Highly recommend these to anyone who just had a baby
Rachel Whittle –
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I’ve been a fan of Pinkstork products for years and was so happy to see something for postpartum mood support! I’m currently 4 months postpartum and have a 3 year old so I know first hand the postpartum period can be trying. I definitely feel like these have helped with my overall mood and energy levels. It’s nice to have a natural option that doesn’t have that vitamin taste or smell. And it’s a bonus to be supporting a local and women owned company! I will for sure be recommending these to all the mommas!
Kitty Kawaii –
I love these. Really helped my mood! I suffer from DMer and it took it away. I was so happy and excited about that. A few cons though: my milk supply decreased a bit (fortunately I’m an over supplier), the price isn’t ideal (but I love the company so you have my support), first time taking it I got extremely nauseous (my fault for taking it on an empty stomach so beware of that. It states it on the bottle).
I have to stop taking these unfortunately because my milk supply decreased but I till be taking these when I decide to wean from breastfeeding.
Kaylyn Giang –
This is my second time taking these supplements.
For my first born I had ppa and didn’t want to take perscription drugs. I felt better but didn’t know if it was the doing of these or not
Now fast forward 2 years and I’ve had my 2nd baby. I had really bad anxiety after 2 weeks of breast feeding and failing at it. I stopped breast feeding cold turkey which caused me to have a crazy hormone induced depression. I cried every day and couldn’t handle taking care of my older child with a newborn.
I hurried and ordered these supplements and have been taking them for 2 weeks. I noticed how much better I felt after 3 days. I stopped crying so much and could actually enjoy my children. It was incredible. I take them every day around noon and feel amazing at around 2pm. Now I really know that these work! I really recommend them to all moms who feel overwhelmed and hormonal. A happy mom raises happy kids and these are a great boost to achieve that!