Descrição do Produto: Candida Support (120 Cápsulas) – Ácido Caprílico, Óleo de Orégano
O Candida Support é um suplemento inovador que combina a força do ácido caprílico e do óleo de orégano, formulado para oferecer um suporte eficaz à saúde digestiva e ao equilíbrio da flora intestinal. Este produto é ideal para quem busca restaurar a saúde do trato digestivo, promovendo um ambiente interno saudável e equilibrado.
- Blend Equilibrante: Apresentamos algumas das ervas de limpeza mais renomadas, combinadas com prebióticos e probióticos, que atuam cuidadosamente para aliviar o crescimento excessivo, ao mesmo tempo em que promovem uma flora intestinal saudável, ajudando você a recuperar o equilíbrio do seu trato digestivo.
- Fórmula de Alta Potência: Nosso suplemento detox é elaborado com altos níveis de extrato de orégano e extrato de folha de aloe vera, que trabalham em sinergia com ervas complementares para combater o crescimento excessivo e ajudar a restaurar o pH do organismo.
- Qualidade em que Você Pode Confiar: A Healths Harmony é seu parceiro confiável em suplementos de detox e limpeza, oferecendo suporte digestivo verificado em laboratório, fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação certificada pela GMP.
- Complexo de Espectro Completo: Além de probióticos e prebióticos, nosso complexo de saúde intestinal apresenta enzimas digestivas, juntamente com extrato de cogumelo reishi, ácido caprílico, noz-preta e absinto, proporcionando um suporte abrangente para o seu sistema digestivo.
- Peça Hoje: Retome o controle da sua saúde digestiva com nosso suplemento vegano de saúde intestinal e descubra como esta mistura de ervas tradicionais e enzimas avançadas pode ajudar a trazer de volta o conforto ao seu dia a dia.
1. Equilíbrio da Flora Intestinal: Promove um ambiente saudável no intestino, essencial para a digestão adequada.
2. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O óleo de orégano é conhecido por suas propriedades antimicrobianas, ajudando a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
3. Melhora na Digestão: As enzimas digestivas presentes na fórmula auxiliam na quebra de alimentos, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes.
4. Desintoxicação Eficaz: A combinação de ervas e extratos ajuda a eliminar toxinas acumuladas, promovendo um sistema digestivo mais limpo.
5. Fórmula Vegana e Natural: Ideal para quem busca alternativas saudáveis e éticas, sem ingredientes de origem animal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Candida Support diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do suplemento e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Majikmike –
Bought this for candida and it worked pretty well. It didn’t get rid of the problem entirely but it is definitely better than before. Some other comments said it doesn’t smell or look like it did before the company changed it. Regardless, it worked well enough for me that I was able to better control the candida. Also, not sure if this was supposed to happen, this product totally killed my sweet tooth!! I LOVE baked goods and usually eat plenty of them daily not anymore! It’s a benefit because candida thrives off of sugar so the less you eat the less your candida has to eat and live on. The probiotics also eat the sugar thus starving the candida even more. The probiotics produce enzymes that help kill off the as well. WIN WIN. Only 4 stars because it didn’t kill off the candida issue entirely and I want this stuff GONE already.
Tmd28 –
Didn’t work for me but great customer service!
elissa murray –
So I’ve tried probably 20 different products to help control or eliminate gut/yeast problems. Since I started taking this product, my symptoms have reduced by 80% and honestly I was pleasantly surprised. After so many products, I was not holding my breath for this product to produce results. I must add that I tried a product with the exact same ingredients. the reason I didn’t reorder the other product was because of the cost. This product is more cost effective and produced far superior results. This product is a true win for me😁
Amazon purchaser –
After completing this product I have noticed improvement in my health. Will definitely buy again
Juan José Osorio –
I felt like I was dying – / I can’t believe a fungus yeast could control my body
I am going to give a brief explanation of my case… I changed my diet several times and that caused an imbalance in my intestinal microbiome and the candida yeast got out of control
I don’t consume sugar and my diet is low in carbohydrates… That way I controlled the growth of the yeasts… But from one moment to the next my eyes would itch, I had allergies, I was going crazy because of insomnia, I had thoughts of depression and death… I found this comment here, it was a boy who had the same symptoms
The yeast infection caused stress and stress raised cortisol levels, and my body automatically produced high levels of sugar, without me consuming sugar… And that’s how it went.It feeds the yeast fungus… My body destroys the muscles to convert them into sugar, that is, energy…
These pills work… Now I can sleep like a baby.
I hope my comment helps people with similar symptoms, due to candida yeast.
Mr F –
I honestly feel the original version were alot more powerful then these but i believe their were way to many complaints of the potency and adverse effects. These are a bit more mild but still get the job done. No weird after taste of belches. Seems decent for the price point and health benefits.
Stacey –
I have naturally occurring gastral candidiasis. (In other words, a yeast over-bloom in my digestive tract.) What that means is: I crave carbs 24/7 and I’m prone to thrush and yeast infections. I can’t even drink watered down Gatorade (50/50) more than 3 days in a row without oral thrush starting up. And while that’s going on, I still crave bread, pasta, cake, icing etc. It’s a vicious cycle. I tried something couple years ago and it worked WONDERS!!!! Unfortunately, it’s no longer on Amazon. So I tried this and it does work!! There is a slight oregano aftertaste and I may end up with a couple of oregano-burps in the first 30 mins after taking it, but as someone who loves spaghetti, I don’t really find that to be a huge problem. I KNOW for a fact that this decreases my carb-cravings and I’ve actually lost ~10 lbs while taking this for a whole bottle. I keep it in my refrigerator for the lower humidity/temperature and desperately hope they don’t stop making this too.
This review form is asking me to rate the pain relief aspect….I haven’t really noticed any “Pain relief” since that’s not what I was taking it for. 😕
Stink Bomb –
I have had a fungal overgrowth in my gut since I went through a raw vegan fruitarian and high carb vegan phase years ago which damaged my gut and health almost permanently. I knew of the candida diet and I did it, I did keto too, but like others said, you start eating fruit or sugar again and your symptoms return. For me its bloating, scalp yeast, and at the worst skin irritation on my fingers. Mostly bloating and scalp issues. However this past winter with severe stress and depression I developed persistent insomnia alongside a candida resurgence. I feel panic and stress rise inside my chest area as I get ready for sleep, I’m woken up mid-night by stress out of nowhere. I worked through this with self exploration and sleep aid medication BUT i recently began putting 2 and 2 together and taking these herbs again for candida bloating (i have been using on and off for a year when my scalp and bloating has gotten bad) and when I take them before BEDTIME – oh my GOD I SLEEP LIKE A ROCK. they STOP my panic attacks and restless nights. I always felt like a lunatic having nocturnal panic attacks and insomnia because my life is good and secure, I am normally a happy person. but now i realize it’s this CANDIDA at night triggering my stress hormones through my gut!!! I can feel it rising out of my gut and not coming from my mind or soul. This herb mix never fails to address my symptoms immediately, even if I am eating a bad diet. I take 9pm now and even if I take one at 5am, I sleep several more hours!! unheard of for me. Very reliable product across the board