Descrição do Produto: NOW Foods Supplements, L-Theanine 100 mg com Inositol e Taurina, Gestão de Tensão*, 90 Mastigáveis
Em um mundo cada vez mais agitado, encontrar formas eficazes de gerenciar a tensão e promover o relaxamento é essencial para o bem-estar. O NOW Foods Supplements, L-Theanine 100 mg com Inositol e Taurina, é uma solução inovadora que combina ingredientes poderosos para ajudar a equilibrar a mente e o corpo. Cada mastigável contém 100 mg de L-Theanine, um aminoácido conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, que promove um estado de calma sem causar sonolência. A adição de Inositol e Taurina potencializa ainda mais os efeitos, contribuindo para uma função vascular saudável e um suporte adicional ao sistema nervoso.
- Promove Relaxamento*
- Nota do Produto: A exposição ao calor ou à luz solar pode levar ao derretimento/dano do produto. Portanto, espera-se que os clientes estejam disponíveis durante a entrega do produto.
- Função Vascular Saudável*
- Com Inositol e Taurina
- Qualidade Garantida GMP: A certificação GMP A da NPA significa que cada aspecto do processo de fabricação da NOW foi examinado, incluindo nossos métodos de laboratório/teste (para estabilidade, potência e formulação do produto).
- Embalado nos EUA por uma empresa familiar em operação desde 1968
- Durante os meses de verão, os produtos podem chegar quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, quando fornecidas.
1. Redução do Estresse: A L-Theanine ajuda a reduzir os níveis de estresse, promovendo um estado de relaxamento sem sedação.
2. Apoio à Saúde Mental: A combinação de Inositol e Taurina contribui para a saúde mental, ajudando a melhorar o humor e a clareza mental.
3. Função Vascular Otimizada: Os ingredientes trabalham juntos para apoiar a função vascular saudável, essencial para o bem-estar geral.
4. Fácil de Consumir: Os mastigáveis são práticos e saborosos, tornando a suplementação uma parte agradável da rotina diária.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 1 a 2 mastigáveis por dia, conforme necessário, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante armazenar o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar sua eficácia. Mantenha o produto fora do alcance de crianças e utilize-o como parte de uma rotina saudável para maximizar os benefícios do relaxamento e da gestão da tensão.
Kelly C –
Taking two or three of these chewables seems to help me fall asleep and experience deeper sleep (per my sleep app on my watch). Deep sleep is so important to our health. With regards to the taurine, I definitely notice the taurine slows down my heart beat. As for the inositol, I’ve taken upward of 2000 mgs in the past with no side effects. It’s relatively safe in high doses. I think everyone could use a little inositol. Taking three -four a night, I do feel a little groggy in the morning. Probably because I’m taking a higher dose. I take one or two an hour before bed, and one or two more more if I wake up in the middle of the night. That might be too much taurine for me. Not sure. I read somewhere that the recommended dosage of taurine for those with HBP or AFIB is 500 -1000mg. I don’t have either of those conditions so I’m not sure the about long term affects of taking this. I believe taurine is found in meat and organs. Something I do not eat much of, certainly not the later. I will say that I loved the feeling when I first took these. I physically felt more ease and calmness in my chest. Less racing thoughts. Easier to breathe. I also take this with melatonin and a sleep aid. Which could be another reason why I am a little groggy in the morning. while I haven’t tested this without the use of melatonin and a sleep aid, I can say that just using the melatonin and sleep aid alone, I was not falling asleep as well or getting much deep sleep until I started taking this. With that, I’m not waking up 3-4 time during the night when I take this. My only concern is the added taurine. I feel the taurine is what is making this really work, but worry about the lowered heart rate and blood pressure. I don’t think this is an issue in you are just taking 1 chewable a day. The taste isn’t the greatest but it’s not completely awful either. I am trying to switch from a more expensive brand of sun-Theanine chewables. These chewables from now seem to be more potent with the added taurine and inositol, and at a lesser cost. I definitely recommend with caution about the taurine. Not saying taurine is good or bad, just worth asking a doctor if taking taurine is right for you or someone with normal to low blood pressure. Last, I just want to say kudos to the parents seeking natural ways to help their children manage anxiety and adhd. So glad this is working for them.
JT –
Seems to help falling asleep, taste is fine
Shelly Schultz –
Good quality from a reliable source at a fair price.
Amazon Customer –
I had earlier ordered capsule version which were much better. The tablet one sometimes makes me jittery ,don’t know why(may be placebo due to taurine). The other ingredients are of much smaller quantity than needed for any significant effect, so why bother.
PS – i dont use it daily.
tina k –
My daughter uses these to calm her before bed, seems to work great.
The McDaniels –
I love this supplements. When I’m stressed I chew one tablet sometimes two and within about 30 minutes. I start to feel the difference in my stress level. I’m not a fan of taking prescription medication so this is a great alternative.
Sherry P Brazee –
My husband chews these and they work great
Destiny B. –
Not everyone will have this reaction, but I want to put it out there just in case it can help someone. The l Theanine in this gave me severe jaw issues. There isn’t a lot of research on it, but there’s some forums of people experiencing the same issue.
I spent hundreds at the dentist and they told me there was nothing with my teeth causing it. I couldn’t chew or eat anything but soft foods. I eventually noticed that it seemed slightly better on days I didn’t take this supplement. So I stopped completely. It took weeks but the pain went away completely. Then I took more of these supplements to see what would happen and the jaw pain came back. I have tried inositol and etc by itself to rule out the other things. It’s the l Theonine doing it.
For some people, perhaps having less tension isn’t a good thing. Less tension perhaps in me and possibly a small percentage of others causes severe jaw pain and issues.
I do not think this is common. The supplements were helpful so I would not bash them cos someone else might not have this issue. I can not take them though, and it took me so long to realize this negative side effect from them that I just want to share this reaction in case anyone else has similar but doesn’t think about these supplements causing it.
Lisa –
Such an underrated product. I’ve had panic disorder for past 2 years, and after trial and error of all herbs, gaba, theanine (alone) pharmaceuticals you name it these take edge off. It subtle but noticeable and that’s all that matters. I don’t think if it was just theanine they would work as well (at least for me) but the inositol and taurine both relaxing agents and very safe to use make these chewables unique. The dosage isn’t crazy high and I will take up to 4 a day if anxiety is really bad. These taste fine to me, but taste does not matter as long as they work. These chewables are in my tool box along with cbt therapy and breath work to manage my anxiety.