Descrição do Produto: NOW Foods Supplements, L-Tryptophan Powder, Free-Form, Supports Relaxation*, Amino Acid, 2-Ounce
O L-Tryptophan em pó da NOW Foods é um suplemento de aminoácido livre que promove o relaxamento e o bem-estar. Este produto contém L-Tryptophan, um aminoácido essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na produção de serotonina, um neurotransmissor que ajuda a regular o humor, o sono e o apetite. Com 2 onças de pó, este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma forma prática e eficaz de incorporar o L-Tryptophan em sua rotina diária. A fórmula em pó permite uma dosagem flexível, podendo ser facilmente misturada em bebidas ou alimentos. O L-Tryptophan é especialmente benéfico para pessoas que enfrentam estresse, ansiedade ou dificuldades para dormir, proporcionando um suporte natural para a saúde mental e emocional.
1. Promove Relaxamento: Ajuda a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse, favorecendo um estado de calma.
2. Melhora a Qualidade do Sono: Contribui para um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação do corpo.
3. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Auxilia na regulação do humor, podendo ser um aliado no combate à depressão leve.
4. Fácil de Usar: A forma em pó permite uma dosagem personalizada e pode ser misturada em diversas bebidas e alimentos.
5. Natural e Sem Aditivos: Produto livre de aditivos artificiais, ideal para quem busca uma opção mais saudável e natural.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1 colher de chá (aproximadamente 2,5 g) de L-Tryptophan em pó em água, suco ou outra bebida de sua preferência, uma vez ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme necessário. Para maximizar os efeitos relaxantes, considere tomar o suplemento 30 minutos antes de dormir ou em momentos de maior estresse. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
匿名211 –
たまたま買ったトリプトファンなし(必須アミノ酸9種類のうちの一つ)のEAA を飲んでいます。必須アミノ酸のバランス的にはトリプトファンが入ってる方が良いかなあと思い、トリプトファンなしのEAA に添加して、寝る前とかに飲んで見ようと購入。
Amazon Customer –
This always works for me. Within 30 minutes I am asleep. For me, this solves the issue of restless nights. If my night is restless, I take this, and I am then quickly sound asleep.
You just need to use a sufficient dose (which is probably different for different people). It’s just an Amino Acid (which is good), and therefore I feel free to use a larger dose if necessary.
Also, I looked carefully at the “NOW Foods” website, and their quality control processes and implementation appear to be more robust than most other manufacturers. They do in-house testing with sophisticated equipment. Also, lots of 3rd party certifications.
By the way, I found it helpful to slightly heat the glass of water first (not boiling, just warm), and THEN mix in the powder and stir. This gets it into solution more easily.
ミスターt –
Harmony –
I take 1/4 teaspoon at night before I sleep. If I wake up in the middle of night and can’t get to sleep I take another 1/4 teaspoon in mouth followed by water to get it down. Does not have a bad taste to me. Also helps to reduce pain. Priced reasonable and I trust NOW brand.
SweetB –
I love this stuff! I’ve been purchasing this Tryptophan powder for several months now, because it is pure with no fillers. Because I have severe, chronic insomnia, I have found that 3 G of Tryptophan, taken with Glycine and GABA powders and orange juice, gives me a deep and restful sleep with no morning grogginess.
I began purchasing this as an alternative to capsules because, with my need to take 3G nightly, it appeared to be more economical in powder form. At 57 servings based on two 1/4 tsps. per serving (1 G), I figured it should last for 19 days, while taking SIX level 1/4 tsps. (3 servings) This is not the case, however, as it only lasts 10 days. This is the only reason I gave it 4 stars, instead of 5; because something is wrong with the Math, as far as how many servings you can expect.
For those who have never taken powdered Tryptophan before, it is very bitter and does not mix with liquids. I mix it with powdered Glycine (which gives the body that “heavy” feeling when tired) and GABA (which calms the mind). Both of these powders are sweet, which helps take the bitterness away. Tryptophan needs to be taken with a carb, hence, the orange juice, which also helps make the tryptophan more palatable. Avoid protein, as it competes with the tryptophan in absorption.
Klacktoveedsedsteen –
Good stuff. Really solved my sleeping problem, and I am an inveterate insomniac. I’ve been using Now’s L-Tryptophan powder for almost 8 months now. It puts me to sleep in about 15 – 20 minutes. I use 3/8 of a teaspoon–1/2 a teaspoon was overkill, so I backed it off. Everyone seems to have a different mode of delivery, but for the record, here’s mine: I measure out 3/8 teaspoon on two business cards, half on one and half on the other. Curving a short edge of one card, I pour the powder onto the back of my tongue and chase it with water. Do that twice. Goes down easily–just be sure not to inhale. (This is the way people take medicine in Japan.) You will notice a slightly bitter taste–nothing too terrible. I tried the caps and found they don’t go down well at all. They’re also more expensive. The quality of my sleep is maybe not ideal–when I first started using L-Tryptophan, I noticed incredibly vivid dreams within the first half hour of sleep–so vivid, sometimes they awakened me. Occasionally, I wake up about 4 – 6 hours in, unable to go back to sleep for a couple of hours (usually six hours in). If it happens at the four hour mark, I take another 1/4 teaspoon of the powder. The good thing is, I never feel dopey the next day, the way I did w/ melatonin and valerian root. So for me, the L-Tryptophan sleep experience is not 100% perfect, but I’m pleased I don’t have to rely on pharmaceuticals like Ambien. More than that, I’m ecstatic I don’t lie in bed for hours tossing and turning, the way I used to.
Kay F Gibbs –
Like this product ok. It acts more like griffonia simplicifolia (5HTP) that tryptophan to me. Made me too hyped up. I have sued both and cannot take 5HTP at all.
visionary –
This is a must have supplement for anyone who just can’t seem to get rested after a nights sleep, no matter how much sleep they get. This natural essential amino acid is found in turkey and other food sources but if diet is insufficient or if it is somehow “artificially depleted”, you can definitely benefit from this product. L-Trypptophan can convert to both serotonin and melotonin as needed by the body and is mofre natural than man-made ssri’s. Also, ssri’s only change the location of serotonin, causing more serotonin to stay in the brain. It doesn’t fix a deficiency problem of too little l-Tryptophan, which is an essential aminpo acid that must be obtained from diet. This explains why ssri’s can have side effects.(even serious ones)
With my specific case, this is only after my first night of sleeping after taking this, and boy do I feel rested for once! Before I would wake up tired and be tired and in a “fog” all the time.(day in and day out) It’s quite a relief to have finally discovered the natural cause and effect and be able to affordably fix it! Good luck, folks!
Paula .S. –
I use 1/4 teaspoon per night for a good nights sleep. The capsules available were just too strong for me and made me feel groggy for days afterward. This allows me to just dump a 1/4 teaspoon on to my tongue and 20 minutes later feel sleepy and sleep well. As a life long insomniac this has been awesome.
Yes it doesn’t taste great, but I don’t want to mess around putting it into a capsule or a drink etc. I just put it on my tongue and swallow it with some water. It’s not that bad, it’s a little bitter. I think maybe a person could mix it with a little drink mix like Koolaide or something sweet if they have a big issue with it.
I’ve tried melatonin supplements, different brands, on 3 occasions and they made me vomit. I have no ill effects from the L-Tryptophan unless I take too much. I used to take 1.5mg of Clonezepam each night to sleep (which is a pretty high dose) – this works better.