Descrição do Produto: Suplementos Eletrolíticos Integrais
Os Suplementos Eletrolíticos Integrais são formulados para proporcionar uma hidratação eficaz e um aumento de energia, combinando uma mistura poderosa de magnésio, zinco, cálcio e potássio. Cada comprimido é projetado para repor os eletrólitos essenciais que o corpo perde durante atividades físicas intensas, calor excessivo ou desidratação. Com ingredientes de origem natural, esses suplementos são ideais para atletas, pessoas ativas e qualquer um que busque manter um equilíbrio saudável de eletrólitos. A fórmula é livre de aditivos artificiais e conservantes, garantindo uma opção saudável e eficaz para a sua rotina diária. Os comprimidos são de fácil digestão e podem ser consumidos a qualquer hora do dia, proporcionando uma solução prática para a hidratação e recuperação muscular.
1. Hidratação Eficiente: Reposição rápida de eletrólitos perdidos, essencial para manter a performance durante atividades físicas.
2. Aumento de Energia: A combinação de magnésio e potássio ajuda a combater a fadiga e melhora a resistência.
3. Saúde Óssea: O cálcio presente na fórmula contribui para a manutenção de ossos fortes e saudáveis.
4. Suporte Imunológico: O zinco é conhecido por fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
5. Praticidade: Comprimidos fáceis de transportar e consumir, ideais para o dia a dia ou viagens.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 comprimidos por dia, acompanhados de um copo de água, preferencialmente antes ou após atividades físicas. Em dias de calor intenso ou durante períodos de desidratação, a dose pode ser aumentada conforme necessário. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver grávida. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Adam Richer –
I’m an ultra marathoner, and I was having trouble staying hydrated during and after my workouts. I started add these to my regime and it’s been a game changer. I feel better during my workouts, my times have improved and it’s helped speed up my recover time too. Highly recommended.
Rob Pedicone –
I’ve added these to my supplement routine as recommendation from my personal trainer. In the past I’ve taken Nuun and Ultima which seem artificial and not a full electrolyte profile. Also the electrolyte concentrates like lyteshow and hilyte I can’t stand the taste and for me the convenience of capsules is great but I know some people don’t like pills.
I also really like that these electrolyte pills are from natural forms which we have in our diet but also include adaptogens and other natural forms of electrolytes (e.g. celery, apple cider vinegar, cucumber etc). I especially have noticed that taking these before a big sweat workout or sauna can make me feel a lot better and faster recovery. Highly recommend supplementing workouts/sweats with a good electrolyte supplement, you will notice a big difference in how you perform & feel.
Amazon Customer –
I did a ton of research and this is the only product that had a natural electrolyte formulation / profile based on actual fruits and vegetables which is pretty awesome. The dosages amount are prefect and I love that unlike some of the other ones it doesn’t have caffeine, sugar or artificial flavorings. Super clean and no unnecessary ingredients or artificial additives. Happy to report this product is working wonders for my hydration and energy levels. I take this daily in the morning with my multivitamin. My only complaint is taking 4 capsules a day compared to 1 capsule of other products. The reason I learned for this is because its using natural electrolyte ingredients instead of just the chemical mineral form so you need to take more. To me this is worth it and I can definitely tell its a high quality premium product. This also replaced my magnesium supplement which was an added benefit. Glad I found this.
Alfons Wieland –
On first bottle, but have not had any leg cramps! Easy to swallow. At this early stage I would recommend.
tara cheney –
I would recommend this for electrolyte imbalances and hangovers. Also, take it prior to drinking alcohol if you know you may over indulge.
Doogie’s Mom –
This stuff lowered my blood pressure! I noticed this after only taking it for two days.
Blair Tsang –
Unsure if the product works as described because the smell and taste coming off the capsules is so strong I am unable to take them.
The size of the capsules is normal, however because of the taste and smell they are not easy to take.
Amazon Customer –
I started using these electrolyte capsules while doing IVF and now will become a regular part of my routine. I used to take ultima and nuun but prefer just taking capsules with a glass of lemon water every morning and I feel like I’m getting a ton more out of what is in this product. I’m about 100lbs and take a half serving in the morning (2 pills). After about 30 mins of taking I seem to get more energy and my days are better, Maybe its a placebo effect but this really seems to be working and think people don’t get enough electrolytes in their diet daily. This seems to be the best electrolyte pill product I could find on amazon. Ordering another bottle.