Descrição do Produto:
O OvaBoost da Fairhaven Health é um suplemento de fertilidade desenvolvido especialmente para mulheres que estão tentando engravidar. Este multivitamínico é formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, como myo-inositol, folato, melatonina, coenzima Q10, vitamina E, extrato de semente de uva e ácido alfa-lipóico, todos conhecidos por seus benefícios à saúde reprodutiva feminina. Cada frasco contém um suprimento para um mês de cápsulas, que incluem metilfolato, a forma ativa da vitamina B9, facilitando a absorção e utilização pelo organismo.
O OvaBoost é projetado para apoiar a qualidade dos óvulos e a ovulação em mulheres saudáveis, permitindo que cada usuária personalize sua rotina de suplementação de acordo com suas necessidades específicas. Os suplementos da Fairhaven Health são empilháveis, o que significa que você pode escolher as vitaminas que melhor atendem às suas demandas individuais. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos com ingredientes nacionais e importados, cada lote é testado conforme os requisitos da FDA, garantindo a qualidade e a segurança do produto.
Desde 2003, a Fairhaven Health é uma marca confiável, com produtos desenvolvidos e formulados por um painel diversificado de especialistas médicos. A empresa utiliza testes de terceiros para verificar a qualidade e a potência de seus suplementos, assegurando que cada mulher tenha acesso a produtos eficazes e seguros para apoiar sua jornada de fertilidade.
– Suporte à Fertilidade: O OvaBoost é formulado para ajudar na qualidade dos óvulos e na ovulação, essencial para mulheres que desejam engravidar.
– Fórmula Avançada: Contém ingredientes como myo-inositol e folato, que são fundamentais para a saúde reprodutiva feminina.
– Facilidade de Uso: Com um suprimento mensal em cada frasco, é prático e conveniente para a rotina diária.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado nos EUA e testado conforme os padrões da FDA, assegurando a segurança e eficácia do produto.
– Personalização: A possibilidade de empilhar suplementos permite que cada mulher escolha o que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de OvaBoost diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma rotina consistente e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde para adequar a suplementação às suas necessidades individuais. O uso contínuo pode contribuir significativamente para a saúde reprodutiva e aumentar as chances de concepção.
Amazon Customer –
I can’t definitively say how much these supplements impacted my ability to conceive since I’ve been blessed with relatively easy pregnancies.
Pregnancy 1: A complete surprise—we weren’t trying.
Pregnancy 2: Another surprise. We weren’t actively trying but weren’t using any protection.
Pregnancy 3: Fast forward five years, now in my mid-30s, we decided to try for another. The first month of trying, we were blessed with success.
Pregnancy 4: When we decided to add one more in my later 30s, I incorporated this supplement, because NOW OLDER and again, I got pregnant in the first month of trying.
Finally, for our last baby, which we carefully contemplated, I was in my LATE 30s, less than a year postpartum, and had just started getting my period back.
Month 1: We tracked ovulation but didn’t conceive.
Month 2: I continued tracking ovulation (using the Shettles method for gender swaying) and added this supplement for about a week.
Success—we were blessed with our final baby!
This supplement is definitely worth trying if you’re looking to conceive
MadHatter97 –
I purchased ovaboost and used it for 4 days. The day before my cycle started and 4 days on it. It made me have the lightest faintest period I’ve ever had. Thats forgivable but what else it did is not. I did not use this after 4 days. I am TTC and immediately once I stopped bleeding, starting tracking with opks and this supplement completely threw off my ovulation. It made me have 2 peaks, one on day 8 and another on day 15 but I don’t believe I ovulated until day 18. It was a weird, wonky and complete waste of baby dancing month due to this supplement. I do not recommend at all. I don’t have irregular cycles really, I have in the past but unless you struggle to get a period on your own, I wouldn’t use. It was not a good experience. I definitely won’t use going forward.
Noway –
Fast results
Heidi –
I told myself I’d wait 3 months to review this product. I started taking this after going through 3 cycles of Clomid without success – I do have PCOS. At the time I had been off birth control for about 11 months and had not had a period on my own (the only time I ever had a regular cycle was when I was on bc). So I started taking both fertilaid and ovaboost. Initially I thought they were working – within two weeks I had my first period in almost a year on my own, but next period didn’t come for 2.5 months. I did ovulate which I hadn’t been doing, but I haven’t gotten preggo yet. I’m going on 4 months taking them and I think I’ll try for 6 months to see if that changes anything. I will say that when I’m doing low to moderate exercise I’m actually losing weight since I started taking these. That is a big deal to me because weight loss has been extremely difficult due to the PCOS. So in some ways its working, just not quite as I expected.
Hannah Licht –
Im JUST starting it, and so I’ll updated my post after the initial 3 months. It’s only been a few days but so far so good. I take all 4 pills at bedtime and (probably due to the Melatonin) I sleep great at night now. Wake up feeling rested. It doesn’t nupset my stomach. The pills have a funny smell but just down them fast you can’t taste anything. I only have one ovary, have severe endometriosis, and had a grapefruit sized tumor removed (causing my right ovary to be removed also) back in March. I was on Depo from March-June of this year and it totally ruined what used to be predictable 29-32 day cycles. So Im taking this and Fertilaid to help get me back to normal so I can TTC in the next few months.
**************Update 7/27/2015- So I’ve been taking this and Fertilaid for a few weeks now. I have not experienced ANY side effects the Lord! I take all my pills at once before bed. I forget to take them throughout the day so I just take them all before I go to sleep and it doesn’t upset my stomach at all. I started taking these July 9th and had just finished a “period,” if you even want to call it that. My perdiods have been so messed up since being on Depo and were really only a couple days of dark brownish spotting. After about a week of taking these I got my normal period. Red blood, not clumpy, for about 6 days. So I’m HOPING that this is helping get my hormones back in order. Not pregnant yet but between the little period I had, and then this most recent “real,” period I haven’t been trying just yet. I am very hopeful so we’ll see what happens! Will update again soon!**********************
Bryanna –
So this product I was very skeptical at first to even buy it, as I did read almost every review from good to bad. Also my cycle comes at the end of every month. Anywho I decided to give it a try anyways. When I first started using it, I started taking them when my cycle ended. Starting the beginning of the next month. I did notice I got more tired than usual and would have a slight headache. So I decided to take two in the morning and two at night. Tbh I feel one in the morning and two at night might be better. In my opinion. Any who’ me and my partner tried conceiving while taking these. Sometime in The middle of the month I stopped taking them because I didn’t feel like myself they made me more tired and sluggish than how I usually am. Still trying to make baby after. Towards the end I felt like I was having symptoms of pregnancy my period usually comes on the 23/24. So I took a early response pregnancy test. The digital was positive the other one had a faint line. So I was shocked ofc. I decided to try to be patient and wait till my period dates. I did’ my period never came so I took 7 different test ‘ ALL POSITIVE. I went to the clinic’ they just had me do a pregnancy test to confirm. I have a ultrasound scheduled this month on the 19. I want to say it worked’ but I want to be sure so I will come back after ultrasound 😁
Update: I’m late lol but definitely got pregnant and about to have my son this month 🫶🏽 bye byeeee