Descrição do Produto: Suplementos de Beterraba – Vitalidade Geral
Os Suplementos de Beterraba são uma poderosa fonte de nutrientes que promovem a vitalidade e o bem-estar geral. Formulados com extrato concentrado de beterraba, esses suplementos são ricos em nitratos naturais, que ajudam a melhorar a circulação sanguínea e a oxigenação dos músculos. Além disso, são uma excelente fonte de antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais, que contribuem para a saúde cardiovascular e o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. Ideal para atletas e pessoas que buscam aumentar sua energia e resistência, os suplementos de beterraba também podem auxiliar na recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos. Com uma fórmula livre de aditivos artificiais, são uma opção saudável e prática para incorporar na rotina diária.
1. Aumento da Performance Física: Melhora a resistência e a recuperação muscular, ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a redução da pressão arterial e melhora a circulação sanguínea.
3. Ação Antioxidante: Protege as células contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
4. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
5. Melhora da Energia e Vitalidade: Proporciona um aumento natural de energia, combatendo a fadiga e o cansaço.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente antes das atividades físicas ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água e manter uma dieta equilibrada. Não exceder a dose recomendada. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
JJ+3 –
I like it when they go to the trouble of blending a bit of Black Pepper in the mix. It is supposed to help with absorption, and the fact that they go ahead and add it to the Beet Root makes me think that this product might be superior to a product of plain Beet Root. And I like to chew these tablets when taking them, so I get to enjoy a mild taste of pepper as well. I like to take one of these in the morning with breakfast. And just one per day is the dosage that I choose. I don’t ever have any noticeable stomach or intestinal issues after taking this product. It seems like it’s a mild Beet Root product, and it’s easy to chew and swallow. Good product.
B.L.B. G. –
Here we’ve got this Daily Defense Beet Root Supplements, which is supposed to boost your energy and vitality. The bottle’s pretty standard for supplements, nothing to write home about. They’ve thrown in black pepper with the beet root, which is interesting for absorption. But, the label doesn’t give you much on how it all works together. Its meant for both men and women, so thats inclusive, but with no real breakdown on dosage or effects. Fun Fact: Daily Defense is a company that started from a beet farm, aiming to bring the benefits of their harvest directly to consumers in supplement form.
Sassy08 –
I believe these all natural beet root supplements are providing a slight energy boost and may be helping some with my cardiovascular health and blood pressure. It is quick and easy to get these extra beet benefits without having to cook up a bunch of beets every day. I like that this organic Daily Defense brand with black pepper (often included to aid absorption) are non-GMO, made in the USA are FDA and GMP compliant according to their website. Depending on if you take 1 or 3 one pill servings per day this supplement will last from 1.3 to 4 months.
Arsen Delacroix –
If you’ve taken beet supplements before, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s that smell of somewhat dirty beets that fills this bottle. However, if you’re used to that, don’t let these discourage you. These are hard, compressed pills that you can take 1 to 3 a day, according to the label, and you’re good to go. They didn’t have much of a taste going down and didn’t have any issues swallowing them so that’s definitely a plus in my book! At 3 a day, that’s 30 days supply but at 1 a day, you can stretch it out to 120 days. So your mileage may vary depending on how much you want to take!
Kitty soft paws –
This supplement came safety sealed, with a tamper-evident top.
They smell faintly of beets! Earthy, and almost slightly cocoa scent.
They are super slick and solid, easy to swallow coated tablets, instead of capsules, which I quite like.
They add black pepper to the formula, so this would match up nicely with turmeric supplements as well.
I wish they’d left out the maltodextrin, though. We don’t need that, and I don’t feel it’s necessary, but otherwise, I really like this beet root supplement!
HealingMaven –
These look like great quality and I can’t argue with the ingredient list. But I’m used to taking my beet supplements as either capsules or gummies and didn’t read close enough to realize these would be tablets. If your throat runs dry, I’d pass on these. Tablets are a lot harder to swallow than capsules.
Jessi –
good way to take in the benefits of beet root without eating them. takes down easily. good dosage for both me and my husband.
Customer Review –
I like that these are organic, non-GMO supplements, that are FDA and GMP compliant, and manufactured in the US. I also like supporting small businesses, especially ones whose mission it to help optimize my health. Once I’ve found a brand I like, I tend to stick to it, and I’ve gotten quite a few supplements from this company already.
I’ve used beet root powder in smoothies for a long time, and really love the benefits I get from it. But I don’t always want beet root powder in my smoothies, so I picked up this supplement to take on the days I’m not using my powder. I prefer to get my supplements from food when I can, but when I can’t, I really look for single ingredient supplements – this way, I always know what I am getting and I’m not taking too much of one thing. This supplement is perfect for my needs.