Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder transformador dos suplementos cerebrais Granagard Omega 5, uma solução clinicamente comprovada que combina benefícios anti-envelhecimento com aprimoramento cognitivo. Com um fornecimento de 4 meses, cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas que promovem memória, foco e alerta, enquanto combatem os sinais do envelhecimento. A fórmula inovadora de Omega 5 é uma alternativa superior a ingredientes tradicionais como berberina, garras de gato, ashwagandha, musgo do mar, bacopa, NR, cogumelo leão, CoQ10, resveratrol e moringa. Graças à sua tecnologia de nanomateriais, o óleo de semente de romã se torna solúvel em água, permitindo que os antioxidantes penetrem em todos os órgãos do corpo, proporcionando uma experiência de bem-estar de próxima geração.
Os resultados clínicos são respaldados por pesquisas publicadas em revistas de prestígio, como Stem Cell Research and Therapy e Molecules, que atestam a eficácia da formulação nano de Granagard. Os suplementos de romã são testados em laboratório, naturalmente obtidos e considerados seguros pela FDA (Generally Recognized as Safe). A abordagem holística do Omega 5 não só promove a memória e o foco, mas também atua como um impulsionador de energia e suporte imunológico, ideal para desintoxicação do corpo e combate à névoa cerebral.
A tecnologia de nanomateriais utilizada na Granagard representa o futuro do bem-estar. Ao garantir que o óleo de semente de romã, um dos antioxidantes mais potentes da natureza, se torne solúvel em água, a Granagard entrega uma nano-emulsão que alcança órgãos que estão além das barreiras sanguíneas, como o cérebro, os olhos, os testículos e o ouvido interno. Com anos de pesquisa clínica e uma equipe científica multidisciplinar, a Granagard se destaca como líder em suplementos anti-envelhecimento e energizantes, comprometida em oferecer produtos de ponta para o corpo inteiro.
– Aprimoramento Cognitivo: Melhora a memória, foco e alerta, essenciais para um desempenho mental otimizado.
– Ação Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável e reduzindo os sinais visíveis do tempo.
– Tecnologia Avançada: A nanomateriais garantem uma absorção superior, alcançando órgãos críticos para maximizar os benefícios.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando na proteção contra doenças e infecções.
– Energia Sustentada: Aumenta os níveis de energia, combatendo a fadiga e a névoa cerebral, melhorando a qualidade de vida diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Granagard Omega 5 diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que os antioxidantes atinjam seu potencial máximo. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para observar os efeitos benéficos ao longo do tempo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver sob medicação ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
TW –
If you go to the Granalix website, there is information about the researchers who founded the company. There are certificates showing that the product is kosher and halal. Looking the site’s FAQ, I’m posting some of the information found there. What would be helpful is links to the clinical studies that show the product’s effectiveness. I have been taking 1 capsule in the morning and am monitoring the effect, if any. I’ll increase to the recommended dosage of 2 capsules a day in about a week. I’m also checking other reviewers’ comments on effectiveness since this is a relatively new product at the time of writing this review.
Excerpts rom the FAQ:
GRANALIX is a biotechnology start-up company, founded by Professor Ruth Gabizon – senior researcher from the Department of Neurology at Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem – together with Professor Shlomo Magdassi, an international expert in the field of Nanotechnology from the Casali Center, Institute of Chemistry, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The oil contains one main fatty acid – Punicic Acid – Omega 5. This is a polyunsaturated fatty acid comprising 18 carbons with three conjugated double bonds, which make it one of the most potent antioxidants in nature. Oxidation of one double bond makes the punicic acid an isomer of linoleic acid, proposed in various scientific papers as having many qualities. The punicic acid is also called “Super CLA”, because its effects far outweigh the biological effects of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid).
Pomegranate seed oil is cold-pressed and does not undergo extraction in organic solvents and, thus, all of the oil’s components are preserved in excellent quality.
Pomegranate oil 125 mg, Emulsifiers E-494, E-433, Ethanol 2%, Filler (Glycerine), Fish Gelatin (from Tilapia fish), Iron oxide color.
Brian Whistler –
Pomegranate has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are important because they fight oxidative stress, a primary cause of cell death, which may contribute to the aging process and chronic disease. While one could eat a lot of real pomegranates, this is a concentrated formula, which makes it far easier (and a lot less messy,) to get a significant amount of pomegranate derived antioxidants.
The antioxidants in pomegranate may help with heart health, blood pressure issues and inflammation, not to mention memory and cognitive functions.
While this isn’t the cheapest antioxidant out there, I feel it is superior way to get a significant amount of this protective supplement.
En –
Absorption rate is really high. I don’t know about anyone else, but I only use this once a week. Omega 3,6, 7, and 9 I use daily. But this product is so strong and potent, I don’t need it nearly as often.
I C Oxim –
Reviewing supplements and vitamins is very difficult because lacking any sort of testing equipment, objectively measurable benchmarks, or broad numbers of test subjects, any effects that one might ascribe are very subtle and susceptible to placebo effect and wishful thinking.
I’ve been using these for more than a month, and while I’m hard pressed to absolutely say they are effective at fulfilling their claims, I can say I’ve suffered no harmful side effects while taking them. The listing and the packaging talk about “nanotech” helping the “Omega-5” “penetrate into the brain” better, which is all a bunch of pseudo-scientific gobbledygook, buzzwords to make it sound like real medicine, so that’s always a red flag. If there were more concrete description of the nanoencapsulation used or more actual explanation, I might be inclined to trust these claims more. The very vague reference to studies in a certain journal aren’t proof without citation of the actual study to be verified, and even if so, 30 test subjects is a statistically insignificant number from which to draw any real conclusions. Searching on Google on the product name did lead me to a study on the NIH website about the components of pomegranate used in this product and how they may have positive effects, so there is *something* out there, which could cited in the listing for buyers to review.
I don’t know about it “reducing the effects of aging” on me, nor “strengthen[ing my] overall immune system” or “promot[ing] internal balance,” but I do seem to feel at least a bit more focused and clearer in my thinking. It’s possibly just placebo effect because I want it to work, but maybe it really does do something. There’s some scientific research that indicates pomegranate may aid with brain health, so maybe it is true and this product does work.
It doesn’t have any bad tastes or smells, didn’t upset my stomach, or cause any gastric distress, and go down easily enough with water.
At $99.99 normal retail ($49.99 or 50% off at the time of this writing) it’s pricey, but you do get a two month supply so it’s not so bad, and it is at least enough that you can actually evaluate its effects over time, since any medicine or supplement isn’t likely to demonstrate measurable results in only 30 days.
You’ll have to decide for yourself if this is worth the cost for you to try it out. Would I buy this again? I can’t say absolutely not, as I think it may be useful and has potentially positive effects, but probably not at the higher price point.
I C Oxim –
The pills really DO work – I am mentally sharper with them. But my second order must have gotten too warm in the truck, because they arrived all melted/clumped together, and do not separate without breaking apart and leaking. A lot of money wasted!