O Suplemento Vitamínico Simple Spectrum é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para garantir que seu filho receba o suporte nutricional necessário para um crescimento saudável e equilibrado. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este suplemento se destaca por não conter açúcares adicionados ou ingredientes artificiais, proporcionando uma alternativa mais saudável em comparação com muitos multivitamínicos disponíveis no mercado. A alta biodisponibilidade das vitaminas e minerais presentes no Simple Spectrum assegura que os nutrientes sejam facilmente absorvidos pelo organismo, suprindo lacunas nutricionais que podem comprometer a saúde e o bem-estar das crianças.
Este produto é ideal para crianças que, por diversas razões, podem não estar recebendo a quantidade adequada de vitaminas e minerais através da alimentação. A fórmula única do Simple Spectrum inclui nutrientes e compostos bioativos que não são encontrados na maioria dos multivitamínicos infantis, oferecendo um suporte nutricional abrangente. Além disso, a ausência de ingredientes como caseína, glúten, organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs), conservantes e soja torna este suplemento uma escolha segura e saudável para os pequenos.
Para facilitar a inclusão do suplemento na rotina alimentar, o pó pode ser facilmente misturado em sucos, smoothies, molhos de macarrão e outros alimentos, tornando o consumo das vitaminas uma experiência agradável e saborosa. Com base em pesquisas científicas e ensaios clínicos que comprovam sua eficácia, o Simple Spectrum Vitamin Supplement é a escolha ideal para pais que buscam garantir uma vida mais saudável e ativa para seus filhos.
- ✅ Alta biodisponibilidade de vitaminas e minerais, garantindo absorção eficaz.
- ✅ Sem adição de açúcar, promovendo uma alimentação mais saudável.
- ✅ Fórmula aprimorada com nutrientes e compostos bioativos exclusivos.
- ✅ Comprovado por pesquisas científicas e ensaios clínicos.
- ✅ Livre de ingredientes artificiais, caseína, glúten, OGMs, conservantes e soja.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de chá do suplemento Simple Spectrum em sucos, smoothies, molho de macarrão ou outros alimentos de sua preferência. O uso deve ser feito uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para garantir que seu filho receba todos os benefícios deste suplemento vitamínico de forma segura e eficaz.
Tay –
The powder is bright orange making it impossible to mix it into milk. My son does not eat any cooked foods only prepackaged stuff so I have nothing to mix it in. When mixed in his milk it looks like mac and cheese sauce. Tried sprinkling it on some BBQ chips but that didn’t work. Really disappointed as these are not cheap.
Sarah –
We started using this about a year ago for our adopted 9yo who was struggling with angry outbursts, depression, anxiety, has some sensory issues, & major mood swings in general. He’s also on some lighter medications, is in therapy 1x a week, we don’t do sugar or dyes, limit screen time, sleep is a huge priority for him & we use tons of tricks & things we’ve learned over the years to help him regulate & chill out. It’s been quite the journey but even with all of the above we can tell when he doesn’t take his Simple Spectrum within a few hours when his major mood swings & irritability come back. The flavor is not great, we’ve tried adding this to juices galore which never seemed to cover the flavor enough. Now we add a small flavored packet of true lime or true lemon (like the kind you add to a bottle of water) to help cover the not so pleasant taste. Black Cherry limeade is a favorite, the blueberry flavored ones seem to work well too. I wasn’t thrilled about spending $50 a month on this product, but it’s worth every single penny & we don’t even think about skipping it now.
Savontb82 –
The nutrients in this formula are great and better than the other brands of multivitamins I’ve tried for my daughter. However, that only helps if you can get your child to consume it. It tastes gross and doesn’t dissolve well. I struggled in the beginning to find a mixture that works for her. I prefer to feed her eggs for breakfast, but it doesn’t work sprinkled on or mixed into solid foods. So, I tried mixing it into milk with cereal, then chocolate milk and juices. So far, the only way she’ll drink it is mixed into strawberry milk made with Nestle Quick syrup. However, she still doesn’t always finish the cup. Even when she does, there’s always a layer of the powder settled at the bottom of the cup, no matter how well I mixed it. Feels like money down the drain, since this stuff is not cheap. Plus, then she’s not benefitting from a full serving. Not sure if I will continue using it for this reason.
turtle –
My son started ss a little over a month ago, he is non-verbal and has a hard time understanding how to complete a task when asked or he just doesn’t respond at all, the tantrums were awful and very frequent throughout the day (everyday) that comes with self-harm and harm to others at times.
I found SS scrolling through Facebook one day and decided to do some research on it and kept an eye on the reviews for probably 2 months, after another month I decided to give e it a go. It is a little bit pricey but 1000% worth the money.
Here is why!
My son is looking into my eyes when I talk to him, when I ask him to give me a kiss he will either blow me a kiss or lean his face into mine. Before the supplement he would just have a tantrum or not pay attention to me at all! When I tell him that we are going bye bye when I’m upstairs and he is downstairs he comes up and stands by the door! That’s a HUGE step for him!
Now that he is having more eye contact and listening to me when I talk he is doing what I ask and more! He next to never has a tantrum/meltdown and doesn’t try to hurt himself or anyone!
My suggestion is to just go for it and try it even if you waste an entire container trying to get it in your child, It does have a slight vitamin flavor and does turn food or drink Orange! I used Orange juice, I took an ounce or 2 of jo and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds put the power in so it’s dissolved better and put the in the fridge so it wasn’t so warm then I added more juice ( add you your liking) and give to child! Mine sucks it right down!!
Good luck and DON’T GIVE UP!
Sasherene M. –
Our son is calm and more focused.
Devin Valentine –
Overall, it’s powdered vitamin. Cool. But do not expect to be about to mix this into water or a lightly flavored drink. Absolutely has a vitamin taste, it can be masked with food or drink. But not on its own or in a light flavor.
Angel review –
This vitamin is for the parents that have a picky eater that does not eat well you better get this. I will start by saying my son do not have autism but he has autism characteristics. He tested negative. Its a damn shame that the doctors will tell you to get a vitamin but they dont specify or dont try to help you to what kinds in general. I have not been using this a month and I see the difference. My son would go days and weeks without eating anything and the doctors just sits back and watch the show. I was using gummies before I bought this. I could not be happier and I am impressed by how this stuff works and it does work! Don’t let the doctors sit by and watch your child lose weight and be mal nourished. But, buy this and just try it. Its not a problem solver but it does help, The sad thing is all these negative reviews don’t pay attention to it you have to do what your heart tells you. I wished I had found this sooner. My son is 14 but think where I could be if I used this when he was younger. Its better late than never mom’s. When I started supplementing and see the difference I have lost complete faith in doctors. Do not always seek medications in stead go on you tube and find supplements at amazon. Those are better a lot of times than what your childs doctor will tell you. Do not be like me and believe the doctors because a lot of them have very little knowledge. Trust me for almost 15 years of this.