Suplemento Vegano de Ômega-3 – Algas Marinhas com DHA
Em um mundo onde a correria do dia a dia muitas vezes nos impede de manter uma alimentação equilibrada, garantir a ingestão adequada de ácidos graxos essenciais como o Ômega-3 se torna um desafio. O nosso Suplemento Vegano de Ômega-3, extraído de algas marinhas, é a solução ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável e sustentável. Com uma fórmula rica em DHA, este suplemento oferece uma maneira prática de incorporar os benefícios do Ômega-3 na sua rotina, sem a necessidade de consumir peixes ou produtos de origem animal.
- Obtenha sua dose diária de Ômega-3: Os ácidos graxos Ômega-3 são fundamentais para o bem-estar do corpo e do cérebro. Com a vida agitada que levamos, confiar apenas na alimentação para suprir essa necessidade não é suficiente. Com nosso suplemento de ômega 3, você garante que seu corpo receba todos os omegas necessários!
- Qualidade máxima garantida: Fabricado nos EUA, este suplemento de ácidos graxos ômega 3 vegano é composto por ingredientes selecionados, sem enchimentos, não transgênicos e rigorosamente testados para assegurar pureza e potência em cada cápsula. Sem adição de sabores artificiais, cores ou conservantes.
- Sem arrotos ou gosto de peixe: Ao contrário da maioria dos suplementos disponíveis no mercado, nossas cápsulas de ômega 3 de algas substituem o óleo de peixe por algas marinhas sustentáveis, permitindo que você desfrute de todos os benefícios para a saúde sem o gosto desagradável. ALÉM DISSO, nenhum peixe no mar é prejudicado!
- Por que nos escolher? Desde a seleção dos ingredientes até o produto final, estamos envolvidos em cada etapa do processo. Baseados nos EUA, nossos suplementos são rigorosamente testados por laboratórios independentes para garantir que você tenha a tranquilidade que merece.
1. Saúde Cerebral: O DHA é crucial para a função cognitiva e pode ajudar a melhorar a memória e a concentração.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: Os ácidos graxos ômega-3 são conhecidos por promover a saúde do coração, ajudando a reduzir os níveis de colesterol ruim.
3. Apoio à Saúde Articular: O consumo regular de ômega-3 pode ajudar a reduzir a inflamação e melhorar a mobilidade das articulações.
4. Melhora do Humor: Estudos sugerem que o DHA pode ter um impacto positivo na saúde mental, ajudando a combater a depressão e a ansiedade.
5. Sustentabilidade: Ao optar por um suplemento de algas, você contribui para a preservação dos oceanos e evita a sobrepesca.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Suplemento Vegano de Ômega-3 diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Jake –
One thing that I’ve learned over time is that if you put your vitamins in vinegar over night and they don’t break down, then they are not breaking down in your body when you take them. So these break down in the vinegar and that means my body is breaking it down and absorbing it. I have been taking Omega-3 for a little over a week now and I’m happy. I like these so far I don’t burp up a fishy taste but they do taste a little fishy when they go down. I recommend them!
Steven Wagar –
I looked at all vegan omega-3 options and I think this is the best deal for the money. It is true that it has a peculiar fish sensation that lasts about a second when you put it in your mouth. While it is gone in a moment, and wouldn’t really make anyone gag, even fish/seaweed lovers would prefer that it were not there because it is so strong, so fast, and not the taste you look for from fish/seaweed. I recommend Dr. Gregor’s video “Should Vegans Take DHA to Preserve Brain Function?” to those who wonder exactly how much of this a non-fish-eater should eat per day. Answer: 1. Maybe 2.
Stefanie –
The makers of this product suggest taking a few each day. I’d suggest two in the morning and again in the afternoon.
It’s fine for most people’s needs, as Omega 3 fatty acid is great for your heart by reducing cholesterol.
K –
Disgusting fishy odor and taste. I opened the bottle and it just knocked me over. I took one and the taste and aftertaste are awful. Returning and going with my old brand.
Jeane with an ‘E’ –
This is a review for: Life Strength Vegan Omega-3 Supplement – Marine Algae with DHA & EPA Fatty Acids – Plant-Based Fish Oil Alternative – Carrageenan Free, Sustainable Omega Capsules for Eye, Heart, Immune, Joint Health
These are larger sized capsules with white-ish powder. Unlike fish oils, these do not give you any issues with fishy burps and are generally easier to take. However, the issue is that the serving size is 4 capsules instead of 1 a day like most fish oil tablets.
The tablets do smell like kelp! There must have been some powder leakage since you do get a bit of it on your hands when you handle them. Not sure if this would be a convenient substitute for other omega-3 supplements due to the number of capsules you need to take, but if you are ok taking 4 and are just trying to avoid burps (fishy or minty..) then this might be an option.
Richard Trafford-Owen –
Original review:
I was very happy to find this vegan omega-3 supplement. There is no fishiness to this in my opinion. There is a hint of seaweed, but it’s minor, pleasant even. In any case, it doesn’t last for more than the second or two it takes to swallow. I am a repeat buyer.
P.S. review:
I’m amending my initial review and downgrading from five stars to one. I will up my rating depending on clarification from the manufacturer. The label says “amount per capsule” and then without switching to “amount per serving” states 800mg of DHA. However, I now believe that this is an example of unclear labelling at best and misleading labelling at worst. If I can’t trust the label I can’t trust the brand. Maybe there are other untruths. I am switching to Bragg, which is a brand I trust and has clearer labels. The whole business of picking a vegan omega-3 supplement is rather tricky. There are numerous brands, many I’m unfamiliar with, I know that there is no FDA regulation, they offer a variety of serving sizes and dosages and the ideal dosage is even unclear.
Jeane with an ‘E’ –
Now why they say this product is not fishy., I don’t know. They are the same or even fishier than fish oil. I have had a lot of algae products and none of them are this fishy. I would not recommend this product.
Comdet –
This is a good alternative for fish oil supplements for those who are vegan or, in my case, those who don’t care for the fishy smell and taste (and the dreaded fish burps) from omega-3 supplements derived from fish oil. This is derived from marine algae, so it has an ocean-type smell to it when you open the bottle, but it’s most certainly not a fish smell. The caps are smaller than the typical fish oil supplements so they are easier to swallow. There’s zero taste to the caps, and I’ve not had any stomach upset or issues when taking them.
The amount of omega-3 per serving is pretty good (800 DHA; 160 EPA) but the catch is that a serving consists of 4 caps, versus the usual 2 caps for a fish-based supplement. That’s something to keep in mind when comparing costs since this 120 cap bottle is only a 1 month supply. As such, the price is a bit higher than some of the fish-based omega-3 supplements, but not out of range.
A good option to get your omega-3 but avoid fish. 4.5 stars.