Suplemento Vegano de Ômega 3 – 960mg de Ácidos Graxos Ômega-3
O Suplemento Vegano de Ômega 3 é uma poderosa fonte de ácidos graxos essenciais, oferecendo 960mg de Ômega-3 por porção. Com uma combinação única de DHA, EPA, SDA e ALA, este suplemento é ideal para quem busca suporte imunológico e uma saúde cardiovascular otimizada. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas líquidas, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para incorporar os benefícios do Ômega-3 na sua rotina diária.
Os ácidos graxos Ômega-3 são conhecidos por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e por promoverem a saúde do cérebro, sendo fundamentais para o funcionamento adequado do sistema nervoso. Além disso, o DHA e o EPA são essenciais para a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol e pressão arterial. O Suplemento Vegano de Ômega 3 é uma escolha consciente para veganos e vegetarianos, garantindo que você receba os nutrientes necessários sem comprometer seus princípios éticos.
Com a conveniência de 60 porções, este suplemento é fácil de incluir na sua rotina, seja pela manhã ou à noite. As cápsulas líquidas são de fácil digestão e absorção, garantindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios dos ácidos graxos essenciais. Experimente a diferença que o Suplemento Vegano de Ômega 3 pode fazer na sua saúde e bem-estar.
- Suporte imunológico robusto, ajudando a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
- Melhora da saúde cardiovascular, contribuindo para níveis saudáveis de colesterol e pressão arterial.
- Propriedades anti-inflamatórias que podem ajudar a reduzir o risco de doenças crônicas.
- Fácil digestão e absorção, graças à formulação em cápsulas líquidas.
- Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, garantindo a ingestão de ácidos graxos essenciais sem produtos de origem animal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas líquidas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e assegure-se de fechar bem o frasco após o uso para preservar a qualidade do suplemento.
Brenda Marie –
This Complement Omega Complex Liquid Vegan Nutrients product was faulty. It arrived with the pump device on the top broken clean through and it does not work.
Emilia Guidobono –
As a vegan who’s studied nutrition, I know that there’s a fair bit of evidence to suggest that DHA and EPA could be beneficial for both heart health but especially brain health. Because I don’t eat fish, I do have to take a supplement, and I’ve tried a bunch. The prospect of supplements without the various additives that are normally in them, like stearic acid and carrageenan, is a huge selling point for me, so these liquid forms of the supplement are a great option, but they do come at a price that is quite a bit higher. Is it worth that price? That depends on your own preferences and tolerances for those additives. Personally I think it is, but I can also afford it.
I’ve tried other complement supplements and have always been impressed by the quality of the product and this is no exception. I think it’s quite good, although I personally don’t understand why they added the omega 3 and 6 LA and GLA to this supplement since you can easily get that from many vegan foods.
While there’s a hint of orange to this supplement, I could also taste a very slight “fishy” taste as well. It’s pretty muted, but it’s there. Those that have low tolerance for such a taste may want to opt for capsules – or take a chaser of something after your daily dose of the Omega Complex. For me it’s not an issue, but for some it might be.
Dvdmon –
This comes in a big giant bottle. It’s much bigger than other supplements. It is clearly marked vegan which I like. The dosage says the serving size is two ML or four pumps. It says that you can take it directly in your mouth or add it to food. I like to always do all liquid drops and sprays and stuff sublingually as it is better for absorption. So that is what I did with this. While it was under my tongue waiting it had no taste. You can tell it has like an oily texture but that was about it. Once I swallowed I could definitely taste that familiar fishy taste that even vegan DHA has. Although I do have to say that the flavor here is only slight. I have had much stronger vegan Dhas in regards to flavor. I’m not a huge fan of the flavor but it is much lighter and it’s not too terrible. I just keep a drink nearby and drink right after I take it to get rid of the taste completely. It also wasn’t as oily as I thought it might be.
Brenda Marie –
Incredibly nasty tasting spray. As far as the health benefits, I didn’t really notice any change but it could be that I simply don’t know what I should be looking for, so I figured I would give it the benefit of the doubt and add an extra star to my initial opinion.
Emilia Guidobono –
My mom had a surgery when I was a kid and now lives with just a tiny part of her pancreas. Because of this she can’t handle many foods or pills… nothing too oily or heavy, or she’ll feel terrible.
Recently she needed to add more omega-3 into her life, so she had to change her diet and start taking supplements. The problem was that eating more fish and avocado, plus taking Omega 3 pills (usually made with fish oil) was upsetting her stomach and pancreas.
These omega-3 pills made with algae oil, were an immediate solution – super gentle on her pancreas and stomach. It’s made her routine so much easier.
We’re both happy to have finally found something smooth and easy that works for her!
Mercedes –
There are days that I just don’t feel like taking any (more) gel caps or capsules and I’ll reach for liquid supplements, and this Omega supplement is nice to have on hand for those days. Even though it doesn’t contain fish oils, it still has a mild fishy taste – from the algae, but tolerable with the inclusion of orange and rosemary to help mask it. I can get this down ok – but it’s not 100% enjoyable.
Seems a bit expensive for what it is – but at least it’s organic which helps me feel it’s a safer product than a lot of other non-organic Omega 3 sources these days. So, for in-frequent use it’s a good alternative to large gel caps or capsules and I don’t burp fish taste after taking this. It just isn’t my daily Omega supplement due to the cost.
Dvdmon –
So I used a kitchen teaspoon (not a measuring spoon) and then took it that way. It wasn’t bad, but not like Carlson’s which has a lemon flavor, but of course Carlson’s is not vegan.
So I was curious about the new omega-3, SDA which is a vegan alternative to EPA, and in summary this is what google says:
Stearidonic acid (SDA; 18:4(n-3)) is an omega-3 fatty acid found in small concentrations in certain plants and may be more readily converted to EPA than ALA (9). A previous investigation reported that increased intake of SDA may increase red blood cell (RBC) EPA concentration (9).
Considered an omega-3 fatty acid to watch, SDA is emerging as an alternative nonfish source of omega-3s for at least two reasons. While ALA-rich foods often are recommended as an additional or alternative source of omega-3s for those who don’t or can’t consume fish, most dietitians know that the conversion of ALA to longer long-chain fatty acids is inefficient. Specifically, it’s estimated that anywhere from less than 5% to 21% of ALA converts to EPA (with sex and omega-6 intake impacting the amount), while less than 1% to 9% of ALA converts to DHA.4-7
By comparison, an increasing number of studies, largely funded by Monsanto, developer of the genetically engineered SDA-enriched soybean oil, are showing SDA to have a superior ability to convert to EPA over ALA. For example, foods supplemented with SDA-enriched soybean oil were found to raise EPA concentrations in red blood cell membranes with approximately 17% to 41% of the efficiency of EPA on a gram-for-gram basis, a conversion efficiency three to five times higher than that of ALA.7 Moreover, a meta-analysis reported that EPA levels in red blood cells were twice as high when subjects consumed SDA compared with ALA.8
Cheryl –
Nice DHA liquid capsules. Smooth finish. No bad taste or after taste. Normal size pill, makes easy to swallow. Nice value.