Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Astaxantina Tripla Força Vegana da Sports Research
Descubra o poder da Astaxantina com o Suplemento de Astaxantina Tripla Força Vegana da Sports Research, uma fórmula inovadora que combina a força da natureza com a ciência para oferecer suporte antioxidante de qualidade superior. Este suplemento é feito a partir de algas islandesas, utilizando Astalif, uma fonte pura e concentrada de astaxantina, um carotenoide natural conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes excepcionais. Com uma das fórmulas mais potentes disponíveis no mercado, cada cápsula vegetal contém 12 mg de astaxantina, proporcionando um suporte eficaz para a saúde celular, da pele e dos olhos.
As cápsulas são frias e prensadas com óleo de coco orgânico, garantindo uma experiência superior e uma absorção otimizada dos nutrientes. Além disso, a astaxantina é obtida de forma sustentável, com práticas de produção que utilizam energia geotérmica limpa, reduzindo o consumo de energia em 50%. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos e testado por terceiros, este suplemento é uma escolha confiável para quem busca qualidade e eficácia.
A Sports Research se orgulha de oferecer produtos que utilizam apenas os melhores ingredientes disponíveis, proporcionando tranquilidade total em relação aos suplementos que você consome. O suplemento de astaxantina, vibrante em cor, é verificado como não-GMO pela IGEN e certificado como vegano, refletindo o compromisso da marca com a saúde e o bem-estar.
Fundada no sul da Califórnia em 1980, a Sports Research é uma empresa familiar que nasceu da paixão pelo fitness e bem-estar. O objetivo da marca é abraçar o esporte da vida por meio de produtos respaldados por pesquisas, criados para todos os corpos—por dentro e por fora.
– Atividade Antioxidante Potente: A astaxantina é um dos antioxidantes mais poderosos, ajudando a combater os radicais livres e a proteger as células do corpo.
– Saúde da Pele e dos Olhos: Suporte diário para a saúde da pele e dos olhos, promovendo uma aparência saudável e protegendo contra danos ambientais.
– Sustentabilidade: Produzido com práticas sustentáveis, contribuindo para a preservação do meio ambiente e a saúde do planeta.
– Qualidade Premium: Ingredientes de alta qualidade garantidos, proporcionando confiança e segurança no que você consome.
– Fácil de Usar: Cápsulas vegetais que se integram facilmente à sua rotina diária, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula vegetal por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição que contenha gordura saudável, como abacate ou azeite de oliva, para otimizar a absorção da astaxantina. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações de um profissional de saúde, se necessário.
JudieeK –
Everything is clearly labeled and described. Definitely a high quality source and minimal other ingredients to make this convenient to use and to protect the super nutrient content. I am a user of this natural ingredient already and this quality matches what I am accustomed to even when I swapped to this brand to try. Size of gel capsule is not as small as tiny vit A or small D type ones but still smaller and glides well to swallow. The astaxanthin is well protected as the layer seems thick, but otherwise the shell of the gel cap is similar to many supplements (a standard type). For me astaxanthin is a wonderful supplement overall as I heavily monitor my health with devices and find once I take astaxanthin consistently over a few weeks, my general health “markers” I look watch generally shifts a little into the range I am trying to hit (per recommendations from my medical practitioners). I swapped this brand for about 1 week and it was as effective as another organic item and a back up natural item I have been taking at the same doses.
I have seen this brand’s products before and notice the higher quality ingredients on label. So the price may be slightly higher but it seems very fair and reflective of what they strive to guarantee.
Robert Larmis –
Really worked. You will feel more energetic and also boost in testosterone level. Definately going to buy it again.
Panchali chakraverty –
Excellent product and delivery arrangements. But I did not get the 20% cashback via icici debit card payment. Terms were too complicated and hidden in fine print.
Dr J R Murti –
New in the market studies shows good results trying on myself will keep updating
JudieeK –
When I was first offered Astaxanthin at the Fit Expo, I was a guy who didn’t take any form of supplements (even protein). I didn’t want to take supplements not because I was against them, I just wanted to be “unique” and push myself to reach my goals WITHOUT using supplements. However, I found myself hitting a wall, plateauing often because of the limitations of not being able to recover. I go very hard at the gym because I was motivated to outwork and outperform people who were using supplements. After many instances of battling the temptation of experimenting with supplements (and then going to the Fit Expo), I decided to just go all in and give it a try. That’s when I experienced a drastic shift in my results. I didn’t get HUGE overnight, but what I did experience was higher levels of efficiency. My body was able to process and synthesize stress more effectively and was just able to recover much quickly overall. The studies of improved endurance and all of that was more than just placebo lol, I could actually feel it.
But yeah when I was given that free bottle of Astaxanthin, I was very skeptical because I thought to myself, what the hell is this? I can’t even pronounce the name. I thought it was some lab made drug, but after looking into it more, I realized it’s a pretty natural (not synthetically made). It’s a form of nutritional supplement you could say (which I’m more fond of than the lab made ones). I experienced a drastic difference in my body’s adaptation to stress. I can say with confidence my CELLS worked better. My levels of soreness were heavily diminished, even after very very heavy weights. That’s when I knew, supplements are about efficiency and optimization, and what allows serious athletes to take it to the next level. My favorite supplements are Spirulina, Chlorella, Astaxanthin, and then Whey Protein. Anything else is supplementary/bonus.
Panchali chakraverty –
Been using these pill for 3 months now, with no ill effects.
Everything seems fine. As for their effectiveness and claims; I can say I have not personally seen positive results, however like all vitamins supplements you have to figure out what works for the individual, results clearly vary.
The vitamins are made from high quality ingredients and do not upset my stomach, I usually take 5 different supplement pills at once daily.
I’m planning to buy more as I’m a 3-4 times a week gym guy and feel these are a good addition to my diet and work out plan
aryan –
Simply amazing! Skin nails hair general vitality just uplifted. I wont be buying anything else!
Kevin Mai –
This is one of the most potent and powerful supplements I have ever encountered. I took this supplement for approximately 2 months. During that time I noticed several positive and negative effects;
To begin I am a 28 year old man. In my experience this supplement will alter skin complexion and tone to be warmer and also reduce wrinkles somewhat. The main reason I began exploring Astaxanithin was to reduce inflammation and pain in my back that resulted from a torn rhomboid muscle and degradation of the underlying bursa beneath the shoulder blade. Astaxanthin is incredibly effective with soft tissue recovery and injury. During the course of use I rapidly felt my pain and weakness go into remission, further I began to gain muscle volume and size across my body. Overtime i felt myself becoming very aggressive socially – not in a completely negative way. A final positive; my hair began growing more thickly.
Unfortunately I began to develop difficulty attaining and sustaining an erection and also began feeling tenderness in my pectoral muscles and nipples. these two things were enough to make me discontinue use. It has been over a year since I used the product and I feel I have completely recovered from the negative effects of the Astaxanthin. Further I feel that I have retained some degree of resistance to inflammation. My original injury is vastly more manageable. I feel this is a quality supplement but it is essential to understand it is not to be used trivially. It is absolutely effective and potent but like many substances it is a double edged sword. Sports Research has yet to lead me astray. Please be careful – particularly if you are a young man like myself. Young women may have more flexibility to the hormonal effects but that is just speculation on my part im not a doctor.