Descrição do Produto: Urcinol Suplemento de Ácido Úrico para Suporte Articular – 60 cápsulas
O Urcinol é um suplemento inovador desenvolvido para oferecer suporte eficaz ao controle do ácido úrico, promovendo a saúde das articulações e melhorando a mobilidade. Formulado com ingredientes naturais de alta potência, o Urcinol é ideal para aqueles que buscam alívio dos desconfortos associados a crises de gota. Cada cápsula contém uma combinação poderosa de extratos, incluindo raiz de cúrcuma, açaí, folha de banaba, sementes de aipo e talo de yucca, que trabalham em sinergia para ajudar a gerenciar a acumulação de ácido úrico no organismo.
- Recupere Sua Mobilidade – Nossos suplementos para gota são formulados com ingredientes derivados da natureza para máxima potência. As cápsulas de controle de ácido úrico Urcinol podem ajudar a aliviar o desconforto das crises.
- Promove a Flexibilidade Articular – A fórmula de ácido úrico do Urcinol contém propriedades que ajudam a gerenciar a acumulação de ácido úrico no fluido ao redor das articulações, tendões e outros tecidos.
- Ingredientes Derivados da Natureza – Ao contrário do extrato de cereja para gota e outros suplementos de limpeza de ácido úrico, nosso suplemento de suporte ao ácido úrico contém extratos de folha de banaba, alcachofra, talo de yucca, frutas de açaí, sementes de aipo, raiz de cúrcuma e sementes de cardo mariano para suporte ao fígado e rins. Também possui compostos ativos que promovem de forma segura a excreção do ácido úrico.
- Instruções de Uso – Tome duas cápsulas de nossos vitaminas para gota diariamente, uma pela manhã e outra à noite antes de dormir. Consuma com um copo cheio de água. Beba de 5 a 8 copos de água ao longo do dia.
- Sua Saúde é Nossa Prioridade – Cada frasco do nosso suplemento Urcinol é orgulhosamente fabricado nos EUA, inspecionado quanto a metais pesados, testado por terceiros e possui dois selos de segurança: um anel de pescoço pré-perfurado e um selo interno de indução térmica.
1. Alívio Eficaz: Ajuda a reduzir o desconforto associado a crises de gota, promovendo um alívio rápido.
2. Melhora da Mobilidade: Contribui para a recuperação da mobilidade articular, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias com mais facilidade.
3. Suporte Natural: Com ingredientes naturais, oferece uma alternativa segura e eficaz aos tratamentos convencionais.
4. Apoio ao Fígado e Rins: Os extratos presentes na fórmula ajudam a promover a saúde do fígado e dos rins, essenciais para a excreção do ácido úrico.
5. Fácil de Usar: A dosagem simples de duas cápsulas por dia facilita a inclusão do suplemento na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Urcinol diariamente. A primeira cápsula deve ser tomada pela manhã, preferencialmente com o café da manhã, e a segunda cápsula à noite, antes de dormir. É importante ingerir as cápsulas com um copo cheio de água e manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia, consumindo de 5 a 8 copos de água. Essa prática não apenas maximiza a eficácia do suplemento, mas também auxilia na eliminação do ácido úrico do organismo.
Jeff –
I’ve had minor gout attacks over the past 8 yrs, getting over them by just letting it run it’s course with the help of NSAIDS. 45 yrs old now, and had an excruciating flare up in my knee 2 yrs ago. Researched the web and found Urcinol. Ordered it through there website, Amazon has much faster delivery. I took the product according to the label and it produces as advertised. Within 1 day pain and swelling had significantly decreased and were all gone by day 3 of use. Stayed on Urcinol for about 18 months drank beer, ate steaks, burgers etc… Then I switched to gout-pro, (cheaper) which is also a great product. During the transition I had another flare up in my knee which took fluid drainage and a cortisone shot to manage the attack. I’m currently at the end of a flare up in both knees, ran out of gout-pro (wasn’t available for prime shipping) switched to Solaray uric acid cleanse (cheaper) 2 weeks within taking it the attack I’m going thru now started, ordered Urcinol as soon as the first signs started. What these products don’t tell you is that during a flare up changing supplements or some prescription drugs can prolong the attack. Had Indomethacin and Methylprednisolone prescribed today and I was able to walk without crutches for the first time in 7 days. I will keep using Urcinol once the prescription meds run there course. Would have been 5 stars if the package would have brought to my attention the possibility of flare ups when changing supplements. Same goes for gout-pro, but it is not always prime available.
Steven G. –
This didn’t help me much at all.
B P –
I started taking Urcinol 4 years ago after a severe gout attack. During the attack the pain was so severe that just the pressure of a bed sheet sent searing pain through my toes. What got my attention was the attacks were getting more frequent, severe and longer duration. I went to my physician who suggested I try the recommended main stream chemical. Researching this I found that this chemical could trigger an attack and there was strong evidence for liver damage after long term use – this is modern medicine?
Online research lead me to Purmedica and their gout relief product Urcinol. What drew my attention was that the product is based on natural ingredients, that appealed to me. The price was reasonable so I ordered one bottle. After one month of use I noticed the post attack swelling of my toes had diminished, no pain on walking, I could flex my toes again and my shoes fit.
After 4 years of using this product I have discovered that when I feel and see the signs of an impending attack, all I need do is increase my daily intake by one additional dose. This strategy works for me, for it has blunted the onset of symptoms and lets me continue with daily life.
Urcinol and a common sense approach to diet will set you free from the debilitating affects of gout.
Thomas –
UPDATE: I changed my review to 5 stars from 1 star. Although I still believe this supplement does very little for SEVERE gout and Uric acid, I do believe it is a quality supplement. I take it everyday because I believe it has improved my kidney function and I’m fairly certain it lowered my glucose levels. The best thing about it is that I’ve had zero negative side effects from taking it.
I waited a long time to write this review and I’ll tell you why. The bottom line is that if you are suffering with severe gout this product will not help you.
I was very encouraged by the reviews I read on Amazon and a recommendation from someone who has friends that swear by this product. I took it in the middle of a bad flair that lasted 2 months with 9/10 pain. I took these pills for two weeks twice a day and they provided no relief whatsoever.
I waited to write this review until I got my bloodwork in case this product lowered my uric acid. Despite not drinking alcohol and very little meat, my uric acid didn’t go down. In fact, it went from 8.2 to 9.5.
This supplement does not work for severe gout.
Julie T –
My husband suffered from gout attacks for years, the attacks kept getting worse and more frequent, despite keeping a very strict diet (no beers, no dairy/soy products, can’t eat oatmeal, very little meat or shellfish, etc…) and on all sort of medications (allopurinol, colchicine, idomethacine). He frequently had to rely on crutches to get around, and there were times he had to get down on his knees and crawl as he could not bear any pressure on his feet. The gout attacks were viciously painful, and the duration kept getting longer. We were getting desperate as well as depressed (constant pain severely and negatively affects your outlook). With nothing to lose, I ordered several different brands of gout medications. The Urcinol turned out to be most effective in eliminating the gout attacks. After my husband was on Urcinol for a month and a half, he asked his doctor for a blood test, and his uric acid level decreased to normal level (used to be in the 9s, and this test showed 6.4). My husband has been on it for about 8 months now, no more gout attacks, the pain is now a distant memory. He’s now back to walking everyday, running up and down the stairs like a youngster (he’s in his 60s), eating all the food he gave up on before (in moderation, of course – we’ll have steaks once or twice a month, he’s back to drinking beer and wine, pizza, cheese, dairy and soy products no longer bring on gout attacks). We are so impressed with Urcinol that we went on the manufacturer’s own website to read up more about the medication and all the ingredients, and are now enrolled on the company’s autoship program to receive a bottle of Urcinol each month at $29.95 a bottle, can’t afford to be without it. The ingredients utilized in Urcinol are all natural herb and fruit extracts, so I’m hoping my husband can be on this on a long-term basis with no side effects. We waited a long time to submit this review because I want to make sure it works.