UltraLaurin ® Monolaurin: Suplemento para Suporte Imunológico e Saúde Intestinal
Descubra o poder do UltraLaurin ® Monolaurin, um suplemento inovador que combina a força da natureza com a ciência para oferecer suporte ao seu sistema imunológico e promover a saúde intestinal. Cada porção de 3000 mg de monolaurina, extraída do óleo de coco, é uma fonte rica de monoglicerídeos essenciais que desempenham um papel crucial na defesa imunológica e na manutenção de um intestino saudável. Com 66 porções em cada embalagem de 7 oz, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para fortalecer suas defesas naturais.
- Defesa Imunológica: O UltraLaurin contém um composto natural encontrado no óleo de coco que ajuda a apoiar o sistema imunológico. Seus monoglicerídeos essenciais são benéficos para a saúde intestinal e imunológica.
- Amigo do Intestino: O suplemento UltraLaurin é amigável ao intestino, graças à sua mistura de monolaurina, monomiristina e monocaprina. É uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suplemento voltado para a saúde intestinal.
- Não-OGM: Temos orgulho de usar apenas ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, por isso podemos afirmar com confiança que este produto é 100% não-OGM. É também vegano e não contém produtos de origem animal.
- Formulado nos EUA: Derivado do coco e feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
- Fácil de Tomar: As pequenas pelotas são mais fáceis de ingerir do que cápsulas, permitindo uma dosagem mais flexível conforme necessário. Se você tem dificuldade em engolir comprimidos, esta é uma ótima opção para você.
1. Suporte Imunológico Eficaz: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Saúde Intestinal Aprimorada: Promove um ambiente intestinal saudável, essencial para a digestão e absorção de nutrientes.
3. Fórmula Vegana e Não-OGM: Ideal para aqueles que buscam produtos éticos e sustentáveis.
4. Facilidade de Uso: Pelotas pequenas que são fáceis de ingerir, tornando a suplementação mais acessível.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produzido nos EUA com ingredientes de alta qualidade, assegurando segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 a 2 pelotas de UltraLaurin ® Monolaurin diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. As pelotas podem ser mastigadas ou engolidas inteiras, conforme sua preferência. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Mr. Wise –
Helped a lot with cleansing my system. This was exactly what I needed to add to my other herbals to get me back to optimum health. My digestion got a lot smoother, energy level increased, no more bloating, and joint pains went down significantly. I felt it working after the fifth day of taking one full scoop, three times a day with my meals. I was able to tolerate the full scoops right away because I was already pretty clean. But if you never did a long cleanse before, than start slow or the die off symptoms will be terrible! These pellets seemed to work more effectively than the capsules I tried from a different company. The pellets are small and can be a little tricky to swallow a whole scoop at once because they slide around in your mouth. So I would take one scoop out and take half of it at a time.
kc runner –
This is my second tub of Ultimate Monolaurin. I believe I have systemic Candida as a result of long term antibiotic use due to chronic lyme and co-infections. I stopped antibiotics at one point only to have a flare in neurological symptoms. I attributed this to Bartonella and began to take Rifampin. I noticed a decrease in the intensity of symptoms but not frequency. This continued for 2 months until Candida really became a problem despite mass doses of probiotics and candida diet. I added in Monolaurin and other herbal yeast killers and within 2 weeks, neuro symptoms of muscle twitching and shivers are gone. I now question whether it was Bartonella, but rather Candida. Either way, this Monolaurin is a godsend. It has definitely proven its worth in my household and I plan to continue to take as well as to give it to the kids at maintenance doses to ward away fungal, viral, and bacterial infections.
C.P. –
Amazing results! While I am also a Lyme disease compadre, my issue was with recurring cold sores – I had none in 2 years then at least one per week, sometimes more, for the past 6 months. No way I could figure out what was going on. Tried lots of other things, but in just a week, they stopped. I do see them trying to manifest but they don’t. Very happy with the results (it’s so hard to face anyone when you have an outbreak) and I know I’m also getting the benefit for Lyme and other ‘varmints’. Thank you!
Debbie S. –
Hopefully this does what it is meant for-anti viral. I think I might have started too fast. Important to start out slow. So I regrouped and started over. So far so good
Brenda Hagmeier –
I have fibromyalgia with terrible fatigue and pain. Add hypothyroid, arthritis, diabetes, HBP, connective tissue disorder, Celiac disease, depression and anxiety and you can see the uphill battle I am up against. Though I am in pain everyday, I had gotten the pain managed with medication. However, there is no pill to take for fatigue. I started taking Monolaurin and after a few weeks I found I wasn’t struggling so hard to get moving in the morning and didn’t need a nap in the afternoons. I makes you feel like something cleared out your system of the waste that was bogging you down. Also as a side benefit I haven’t gotten any viruses this winter and I work with kids. Can you imagine? Ordering my next shipment today!
mountain man –
One scoop of this is like taking five or six of the capsules from my local health food store. I have to assume the quality because it is very hard to tell how much good it really does, but I think it’s better than most
mckeesbird –
Excellent product and company that makes it. They include much information about the product and conditions it can help and really seem to care about helping people. This product works best if you FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS and take with food and build up to the maximum dose gradually. If you don’t it can make you feel much worse to killing pathogens quickly. I have four herpes viruses in my system and this is a good product for help control them. This pellet formula is better than any capsules as there are no additives, which can cause allergic reactions. To maximize absorption, I use my coffee grinder and grind the pellets to a fine powder and mix it with a small amount of organic olive oil and water. If I don’t , I have seen the pellets just pass through my system. I’m also going to order the company’s other product that busts bacterial biofilms to maximize results. Best wishes to all who try this-read the paperwork they send you and FOLLOW the directions!!
jj –
This product is really good! It’s small little pellets and it’s easy to take. I believe it’s really good quality. I will be buying more and I definitely recommend.