Descrição do Produto:
O Rep-Cal SRP00200 é um suplemento ultrafino de cálcio livre de fósforo, especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades nutricionais de répteis e anfíbios. Este produto é uma fonte excelente de cálcio, essencial para a saúde óssea e o desenvolvimento adequado desses animais. Composto por carbonato de cálcio derivado de conchas de ostras 100% naturais, o Rep-Cal é livre de fósforo, o que o torna ideal para a suplementação de animais que requerem um equilíbrio cuidadoso de minerais em sua dieta.
A fórmula é enriquecida com vitamina D3, que desempenha um papel crucial na absorção de cálcio, garantindo que os répteis e anfíbios possam aproveitar ao máximo os nutrientes oferecidos. Para uma aplicação prática, recomenda-se misturar aproximadamente 1/2 colher de sopa do Rep-Cal com 1/2 colher de sopa do herptivite para cada libra de alimento. Após a mistura, agite lentamente até que todos os alimentos estejam completamente cobertos, eliminando a necessidade de qualquer outra suplementação.
Disponível em um tamanho de 3,3 onças, o Rep-Cal SRP00200 é a escolha ideal para criadores e amantes de répteis e anfíbios que buscam garantir uma dieta equilibrada e nutritiva para seus animais de estimação.
– Suplementação Completa: Fornece uma fonte rica de cálcio, essencial para a saúde óssea de répteis e anfíbios.
– Fórmula Natural: Feito a partir de conchas de ostras 100% naturais, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
– Absorção Eficiente: A presença de vitamina D3 melhora a absorção de cálcio, promovendo um desenvolvimento saudável.
– Fácil de Usar: A mistura simples com alimentos facilita a inclusão na dieta diária dos animais.
– Sem Necessidade de Suplementação Adicional: Com a aplicação correta, não há necessidade de outros suplementos, simplificando o cuidado com os animais.
Para garantir a máxima eficácia do Rep-Cal SRP00200, recomenda-se que a mistura seja feita com alimentos frescos, como vegetais e frutas. Utilize aproximadamente 1/2 colher de sopa do pó ultrafino para cada 1/2 colher de sopa do herptivite, ajustando conforme necessário para a quantidade total de alimento. Após a adição do pó, agite lentamente até que todos os pedaços de alimento estejam uniformemente cobertos. Este método assegura que os nutrientes sejam distribuídos de maneira homogênea, proporcionando uma dieta equilibrada e nutritiva para seus répteis e anfíbios.
kasey –
So much cheaper than buying locally. Great deal for a necessary supplement in our gliders diet.
Tami Cherubino –
The best stuff out there! It is the most commonly used vitamin supplement for reptiles and is the most trusted.
It is a very fine powder that you put onto your feeder insects (or other delicious morsels, like leaves…aka salad). It stays on insects at least a whole day and they don’t die immediately after dusting…..Unless you put way way way the hell too much on them.
The best way to make this stuff last, is to use a coffee can or something similar. Put this Vitamin dust in there, add crickets (or other feeder), and shake. When you tilt the can, the crickets will climb to the opening and you can help scoop em out. The leftover dust stays in the can for next use. If you were to do this in a bag and toss it, you would lose a lot of vitamin powder and run out of it quickly.
This works great on salads, veggie/fruit mix, and other canned foods. I’ve never had an issue with mbd, that wasn’t a rescue who already had it.
Some people (breeders) will in fact use only this stuff as a vitamin D source, and not use the UVB bulbs at all, and claim to have no problems with their animals. I don’t condone this nor do I practice it, but it’s an interesting claim.
All in all……. Get it. Quality is high, it’s reliable, and it lasts a long time. I have plenty of animals and still run through only 1 jar a year. Coffee can method.
Amanda –
Exactly as advertised
Tami Cherubino –
My African Spurred Tortoise has hand this sprinkled on his greens once every other week for 25 years and she is extremely healthy with excellent shell and bone health. Its the only brand and type of calcium i would ever trust for consumption with any reptile. Its been used in world renowned zoos and breaders all around the world.
Shannon M. Lewis –
Hi again everyone ,
Our babies bones are nice and strong again however for those who can’t afford it through out this recession and especially winter you can get like magic bullet or a coffee grinder or use even a blender on highest speed and grind up egg shells, Note always give them hard boiled eggs but not the yellow maybe once a week like we do is OK. Other wise it would be too much protein.Oh and get Zoo med Adult Iguana food it has all the nutrients in it for them but if not just dehydrate your greens from the garden storage
through out the season letting nothing go to waste and just pour over their food through out winter until late spring or summer when you harvest your early spring crops like some lettuce, Peas. cabbages or even cold crops in the fall like Swiss chard and Kale but not Spinach because it will deplete the calcium in your reptiles. They need vitamin D3 with Calcium and it will help them assimilate it in their food and because of lack sunshine and even if they go out in the summer in the sun still use a reptile vitamin D3 UVA UVB light that looks like a florescence and remember it can’t just be the latter and then love them ,feed them and give them water everyday with their food and daily maintain their cages and keep them clean and let them swim in your bath tubes daily Oh and get Four Paws Reptile Vitaspray for their skin that has vitamin D# in it .Yes it is hard to get but it is out there so use it on them daily and you too get at least 15-30 minutes sunshine daily and be health
thx medicine
Angela –
This item was shipped very well. It arrived quickly and it did the job it. I could see a difference in my animals. Immediately and I am definitely a buyer if I need to purchase this again. I will buy from this individuals. Eller this item, thank you. Seller, and thank you for fast shipment and? Packaging well and selling exactly what it is you say. You’re selling thank you
Shawn Sutherlin –
I use this as the calcium source for when I make BML for my sugar gliders. Highly recommend it. It’s cheaper here on Amazon than it is in the brick & mortar stores, too.
medicine Woman –
I mix this with their food to sneak in some extra calcium. They eat it.