Descrição do Produto: TA-65 Telomere Activation Supplement
O TA-65 é um suplemento inovador que se destaca no campo da biotecnologia e da saúde celular. Com 90 cápsulas de alta potência, este produto foi desenvolvido para ativar a telomerase, uma enzima crucial que desempenha um papel vital na manutenção da integridade do DNA e na reparação celular. A ativação da telomerase é fundamental para a preservação dos telômeros, as extremidades dos cromossomos que se encurtam com o tempo e o envelhecimento celular. O TA-65 tem sido clinicamente comprovado para ativar a telomerase em humanos, o que ajuda a interromper a perda de telômeros e, consequentemente, a promover a longevidade celular.
Com uma potência 2,5 vezes superior em comparação a outros produtos no mercado, o TA-65 não apenas apoia a saúde das células-tronco, mas também contribui para a rejuvenescimento celular. Este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem proativa para a saúde e o bem-estar, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para os desafios do envelhecimento. Ao incorporar o TA-65 em sua rotina, os usuários podem experimentar uma melhora significativa na vitalidade e na energia, além de um suporte robusto para a saúde geral.
- TA-65 has been clinically proven to activate telomerase in humans which Stops Telomere Loss
1. Ativação da Telomerase: Promove a ativação da telomerase, essencial para a manutenção dos telômeros e prevenção do envelhecimento celular.
2. Reparo do DNA: Contribui para a reparação do DNA, ajudando a preservar a integridade genética e a saúde celular.
3. Suporte às Células-Tronco: Oferece suporte às células-tronco, fundamentais para a regeneração e reparação dos tecidos do corpo.
4. Rejuvenescimento Celular: Estimula processos de rejuvenescimento celular, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e saudável.
5. Aumento da Vitalidade: Melhora a energia e a vitalidade, permitindo que os usuários se sintam mais ativos e saudáveis no dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o TA-65, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. O uso contínuo do TA-65 pode maximizar os benefícios associados à ativação da telomerase e ao suporte celular, promovendo uma saúde duradoura e um envelhecimento saudável.
A. Anderson –
The cost does not meet the expectation of health benefits. Dr. claims the science behind this product will reverse dementia and Alzheimers but we noticed no benefits of any kind in 4 months.
Scott W –
I really wanted to find a supplement that targeted telomere length. After looking into this product I was able to find a myriad of studies showing its effectiveness. It’s really interesting to read about TA65’s impact on several aspects of health. I feel no side affects taking the product. Yes, it’s another pill to add to my routine, but I know that it is helping with my over all health. Thank you TA Sciences!
Esteban –
This is an awesome product but keep in mind, you need to take TA65 for a few months to see the results!
SC –
I’ve looked into several products that can support or lengthen telomeres and this is the only one that if you dig deep enough you’ll find over 11 peer reviewed published clinical studies on TA-65. It works and the science shows it! I’ve been taking this product for some time now through one of my doctors and found it easier to get from Dr. Gabriel’s storefront on Amazon. There’s a few reviews that say this is expensive and it doesn’t work, but I’ve tested my telomeres consistently and have had significant improvement in my telomere length. Plus I’ve noticed several benefits to my immune system along with improvement in hormone and cardiovascular markers…this was noticed in my labs when TA-65 was the only thing I changed in my supplement routine. The price is a little over $6/day to be on this supplement, which isn’t bad given the benefits and amount of published human trial data this product carries. I will pay for proven science any day than to risk spending time and money on products that aren’t back by real data using their actual product in the study. Beware of products that combine a bunch of extracts and vitamins and tell you how each one of those components does something beneficial and use that as their claim for their product…this is NOT the same as testing their actual product in humans and there’s truly no telling how well it’s being absorbed. It seems TA-65 has gone above and beyond to test their actual product, even completing several double-blind placebo-controlled trials unlike other products. For me its certainly been worth the investment for my health and longevity.
makito –
I love it. Lots of energy, no depressions.
Sith Warlord –
Truly one of the most amazing things ever invented. I started following TA-65 in 1999, when it was being researched. At that time, a company called the Geron Corporation was doing research into what caused cells to age. They had pinpointed the telomere as the main culprit. As you age, telomeres, which are located at the ends of your DNA strands, get shorter, just like a fuse. This is why human cells can only divide a finite number of times; something like 40 to 75 times. After that, the cells become senescent, and unable to divide.
TA-65, however, grows these telomeres back. This allows the cells to divide more than they normally would. According to Geron Corp.’s research, at least 400 divisions were tracked, with no signs of the cells aging! This would be the equivalent to a human being living to be some 500 years old.
Based upon what I have read, the amount you turn back the clock on your cells depends upon how many “units” you take per day. 50 units and you don’t age that day. 250 units (one standard pill) and your cells get about four days younger.
Many of the negative reviews are based upon the cost. Apparently, these pills originally cost $10,000 per bottle. Now they can vary between $550 and $600, depending upon Amazon’s daily price fluctuations. That works out to be around $200 per month, if you take one pill per day. You can still gain a great benefit by taking much less, say three pills per week. This would be 750 units, which would make you roughly one day younger per day, instead of one day older.
However, these pills are not perfect. They do not affect nerve cells, which do not have telomeres. Nerve cells do not divide on a regular basis, like other cells. There will likely be other supplements, invented in the future, which help with aging nerve cells, but TA-65 is currently the most cutting-edge, anti-aging technology that is available.
I have been taking them for four months and have already had many unexpected benefits, including having all of my joint pains vanish, as well as all chronic, age-related health problems. There is no other explanation other than the TA-65, working exactly as it is supposed to.
Gordon Pettipas –