O Suplemento Swanson Avocado Soy AvoVida Maximum Strength ASU para Articulações contém 300 mg em 60 cápsulas. Este produto combina extratos de abacate e soja, oferecendo suporte avançado para a saúde das articulações. Seus principais benefícios incluem a redução da dor e rigidez articular, promoção da mobilidade e proteção da cartilagem. Ideal para quem busca alívio e manutenção da saúde articular de forma natural e eficaz.
O Swanson Avocado Soy AvoVida Maximum Strength ASU é um suplemento inovador que combina a força do abacate e da soja para oferecer suporte máximo às articulações. Com 300 mg por cápsula, este produto é formulado para ajudar a manter a saúde das articulações, promovendo a integridade do tecido articular e da cartilagem. Através de ingredientes naturais e confiáveis, o AvoVida se destaca como uma solução eficaz para aqueles que buscam melhorar a mobilidade e a flexibilidade nas atividades diárias.
- SUPORTE ÀS ARTICULAÇÕES E MOBILIDADE: O suplemento AvoVida da Swanson é repleto de nutrientes poderosos que ajudam a sustentar os tecidos articulares e a cartilagem, promovendo uma mobilidade saudável.
- PROMOVE A SAÚDE DIGESTIVA: Embora focado nas articulações, o AvoVida também contribui para a saúde digestiva, liberando-se no trato gastrointestinal inferior para um benefício ideal.
- INSTRUÇÕES DE DOSAGEM: Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia com água, integrando este suplemento à sua rotina diária de saúde.
- COMPROMISSO COM A QUALIDADE: Com quase 50 anos de experiência, a Swanson garante que cada suplemento é produzido em instalações certificadas pela GMP, com testes de pureza e potência realizados por laboratórios independentes.
- GARANTIA DE DEVOLUÇÃO DO DINHEIRO: A Swanson assegura que todos os produtos de saúde são feitos com os ingredientes mais puros e frescos. Se você não estiver satisfeito com qualquer produto adquirido nos últimos 30 dias, pode devolvê-lo para um reembolso total.
1. Suporte Articular Eficaz: Ajuda a manter a saúde das articulações, essencial para quem pratica atividades físicas ou tem um estilo de vida ativo.
2. Aumento da Mobilidade: Promove a flexibilidade, permitindo que você realize suas atividades diárias com mais facilidade.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com abacate e soja, oferece uma alternativa natural e confiável para o cuidado das articulações.
4. Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para o bem-estar do sistema digestivo, promovendo uma melhor absorção de nutrientes.
5. Compromisso com a Qualidade: Produzido em instalações certificadas, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Swanson Avocado Soy AvoVida Maximum Strength ASU, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, acompanhada de um copo de água. É aconselhável tomar o suplemento durante uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga sempre as orientações de um profissional de saúde ao integrar novos suplementos à sua rotina.
indiank –
I’m 58. I’ve been experiencing Primary Osteoarthritis for a number of years now, and there is nothing my doctor can do. It’s gotten bad enough in my left hand/thumb area that I haven’t been able to hold hands with my husband for a number of years without tucking my thumb in, rather than holding his hand normally. My knuckles were getting larger, my pains were getting worse, I was tired of taking NSAIDs all day long, so I started doing my research, and found this product (approved by the Arthritis Foundation; go to arthritis.org and search for ASU) – Avocado Soy (ASU) by Swanson. I’ve been taking it exactly 60 days as I write this review, and I noticed over the weekend that I can grasp my husband’s hand normally without pain! I was overcome with this absolute proof that ASU works!!! IT WORKS! Be patient, you might have to take it a bit longer to see results, but in my case, slightly less than 60 days has worked wonders. I will be taking this the rest of my life (yes, it’s a large capsule, but easy to swallow) and buying it from Swanson (it might be faster shipping and more deals to work with them directly).
Honest Consumer –
I was worried that ordering this was like ordering breast cancer. Everyone says stay of phytoESTROGENS and ISOFLAVONES < to avoid an increase risk of cancers… I found the following research that confirms that the PHYTOSTEROLS in this product do NOT infact act like estrogens in the body – and do in fact help inhibit cancers(not cause them). I'm very hormone sensitive and avoid adding extra phytoestrogenic or foods high in isoflavones. OILS do not contain estrogenic compounds… (soy oil etc.) however SOY itself does. Here is the research / read the 2nd to last line. I'll have confidence that these pills will help ease my OA pain without the worry of estrogenic effects now. I hope this is helpful to other worried women (and men). Men get cancer too.
— I’ll update with my results on these pills after 30 days. I considered taking White Willow Bark internally (by pill) but found that to be an Estrogenic compound like soy – so I turned to this instead.
Phytosterols as anticancer compounds.
Bradford PG1, Awad AB.
Author information
Phytochemicals have been proposed to offer protection against a variety of chronic ailments including cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. As for cancer protection, it has been estimated that diets rich in phytochemicals can significantly reduce cancer risk by as much as 20%. Phytosterols are specific phytochemicals that resemble cholesterol in structure but are found exclusively in plants. Phytosterols are absorbed from the diet in small but significant amounts. Epidemiological data suggest that the phytosterol content of the diet is associated with a reduction in common cancers including cancers of the colon, breast, and prostate. The means by which dietary phytosterols may be achieving these effects is becoming clearer from molecular studies with tumorigenic research models. Phytosterols affect host systems potentially enabling more robust antitumor responses, including the boosting of immune recognition of cancer, influencing hormonal dependent growth of endocrine tumors, and altering sterol biosynthesis. >>>>In addition, phytosterols have effects that directly inhibit tumor growth, including the slowing of cell cycle progression, the induction of apoptosis, and the inhibition of tumor metastasis.<<<< This review summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the anticancer effects of phytosterols.
T. Bowers –
Someone recommended this product in a youtube video comment and I thought it was worth a try. I’ve been using the product for 2 months, 1 tablet in the morning, and it does seem to help relieve some of my arthritis pain. It’s now on my Take Daily list. It’s not very expensive, so I recommend giving it a try.
Jennifer Dubois –
I am not a big supplement person but at just 49 yrs old and in chronic pain I was motivated to try. While not all aches have gone away i have much less pain while sleeping and go longer periods with no stiffness or aches. Was noticeable within just a few days of taking it. For the price you get a lot of bang for your buck relief-wise. Cetsinly worth trying a bottle.
Excelente –
Sirve muy bien para todo
Barbara Dutton –
I have been diagnosed with 2 auto immune diseases and have been taking steroids for over 2 years. Both of these diseases cause muscle pain. And then I find out that I have now also developed arthritis. Every day is a challenge. I have not wanted to take some type of pain pill every day but if I wanted to function during the day, I usually had to take something.
Then I found CoQ10 and that helped a lot. But, when I added AvoVida to my daily regimen, I knew that I had found a combination that worked very well for me. I bought some for both of my sons-in-law. One of them is absolutely not a “pill taker” and would not even take Tylenol most of the time. But, the relief from both of these items for all of us is unbelievable. I am sold. I am so thankful that I thought about giving AvoVida a try. It has helped me so much! I do not have to take something for pain every day now.
I love it!
Francisco Trujillo –
Para emitir una opinión, deben pasar un par de meses. Sin embargo, no he sentido diferencia respecto a la versión de patente, y cuesta menos de la mitad. Por lo pronto todo bien.
Lo estoy usando, he visto un poco de mejoría pero quiero ver si es por este suplemento o por alguna otra razón.
Steve M –
My knee has definitely gotten better in recent months. Can’t say for sure it was this stuff, but it didn’t make anything worse.
Rosalba –
Tenía mucha fe de que me funcionara por los comentarios y el ingrediente, pero no funciono, soy honesta y seguí con dolor en mis articulaciones. Yo hago ejercicio box, y brinco y, me muevo mucho.