Descrição do Produto: Sleep Plus Supplement
O Sleep Plus é um suplemento inovador que combina uma seleção poderosa de ingredientes naturais, projetados para promover um sono reparador e um estado de relaxamento ideal. Com uma fórmula que inclui Melatonina, GABA, L-Theanine, 5-HTP, Ashwagandha e Flor de Maracujá, o Sleep Plus é a solução perfeita para homens e mulheres que buscam regular seu ciclo de sono e melhorar seu bem-estar emocional.
- INGREDIENTES NATURAIS: Sleep Plus combina Melatonina, GABA, L-Theanine, 5-HTP, Ashwagandha e Flor de Maracujá. Esses ingredientes são conhecidos por suas propriedades que rejuvenescem o sono.
- CICLO DE SONO É A CHAVE PARA A BOA SAÚDE: Sleep Plus contém Melatonina, um ingrediente que otimiza seus ciclos de sono e vigília. Homens e mulheres que tomam a dosagem recomendada de suplementos à base de melatonina frequentemente experimentam um sono mais tranquilo.
- FOMENTAR O RELAXAMENTO: GABA e Flor de Maracujá trabalham juntos para gerenciar o estresse. Esses ingredientes têm demonstrado estimular a calma, propícia ao sono.
- O FATOR BOA HUMOR: Ingredientes-chave como L-Theanine e 5-HTP são conhecidos por promover a melhoria do humor. A regulação do padrão de sono em humanos tem sido observada com mais frequência em condições de bom humor.
- ESTIMULAR O GERENCIAMENTO DO ESTRESSE: A Ashwagandha na fórmula ajuda o corpo humano a gerenciar o estresse. É um fato conhecido que um sono reparador ocorre com mais frequência quando o estresse diário é bem administrado.
1. Sono Reparador: Melhora a qualidade do sono, permitindo que você acorde revigorado e pronto para o dia.
2. Regulação do Humor: Promove um estado emocional equilibrado, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Fórmula livre de aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma experiência de sono saudável e segura.
4. Apoio ao Ciclo de Sono: Ajuda a regular o ciclo sono-vigília, essencial para a saúde geral e bem-estar.
5. Fácil de Usar: Suplemento prático que se integra facilmente à sua rotina diária, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Sleep Plus cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante seguir a dosagem recomendada e evitar o uso excessivo. Para maximizar os efeitos do suplemento, crie um ambiente propício ao sono, reduzindo a exposição a luzes fortes e eletrônicos antes de dormir. Mantenha uma rotina de sono consistente para otimizar os benefícios do Sleep Plus e desfrutar de noites tranquilas e revigorantes.
fancy1 –
I take some kind of sleep aid every night. Most of them contain Melatonin. The ones that do seem to work
best. This one works just as good for me as the others. Without a steady usage of any one product it would be hard to get a long term use evaluation. So, my conclusion is “no complaints”. My recommendation is to give them a try and see how they work for you. The price is fair and I’m confident you will be satisfied as well.
AndySki –
My daughter has been having trouble sleeping, and with Finals week coming up, she was looking for a supplement that would help her sleep to be rested for early morning study sessions and tests.
My daughter heard that melatonin would be helpful and that people fall asleep fairly quickly after taking it, so she asked me to get these.
After a week of trying them, she found out that melatonin doesn’t have a strong effect on her. She would take the supplement 30 minutes before she went to sleep, but wouldn’t fall asleep until an hour later. However, the supplements have been helpful as they do make her feel tired enough to go to bed, which is a step up from before.
LW –
Sleep meds and aids are subjective, and vary in efficacy person to person, but I personally haven’t found melatonin to make a big difference in my sleep. This product does seem to help. I don’t take it every night, but when I do, I feel just ever so slightly more relaxed, probably due to the ashwaganda. I didn’t have a next day hangover which was a bonus. Worth a try if melatonin alone isn’t sufficient.
Eihab –
Used as a replacement of melatonin only capsule and did not notice any issues. Works the same and helps me stay sleep and get back to sleep easier.
AndySki –
I really have to say that I am thoroughly impressed with this SEHATU Sleep Plus Sleep Schedule Support Supplement! It really works wonders for me in helping me to get a good night of uninterrupted sleep. I usually don’t have trouble initially falling asleep, but staying asleep the whole night without waking up for a couple of hours (or more) is sometimes a challenge. I don’t think I’ve had an issue with that, however, a single time that I’ve taken Sleep Plus before going to bed!
I initially ordered it because it contains the ingredients that have proven to be helpful to help me sleep in the past, such as Melatonin, L-Tryptophan, and L-Theanine, but also adds a host of other herbs that are reported to have a calming effect on the body and mind. I don’t know whether it’s the combination of ingredients, or certain specific ones which are helping me the most – all I know is that the formula WORKS! The only thing I noticed is that although the formula also contains Magnesium, for me it’s not enough (only 6.5 mg – 2% of the US RDA), so whenever I take Sleep Plus I also take another Magnesium supplement that provides more of this vital mineral.
Other than that, the Sehatu Sleep Plus is great! I would recommend it to anyone that has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It’s made in the US in an FDA-registered facility, and best of all (in my opinion); the dosage is only ONE capsule. Practically every other sleep aid supplement I’ve tried specified TWO capsules, so just one is a nice change (the bottle will last twice as long)!
Shawn P. –
I don’t know if it’s the product, or me. But it didn’t seem to have an effect on my sleep. Still trying it out, but it’s easy to swallow, and came well packaged.
I finally got a good night sleep
fancy1 –
I don’t normally have trouble sleeping, but after a stressful couple of weeks, I needed some help! Luckily I had seen these pop up on Amazon, ordered them and they were sitting in my cabinet ready to be used!
First, I don’t have any trouble taking pills, nor do I with these. They seem to have the same clear outer shell as lots of vitamins and supplements. In fact, if you set these on the counter they could easily be mistaken for any number of other pills, so keep that in mind. You don’t want to pop one of these instead of your daily pro-biotic!
These don’t make me tired in the normal sense. They just tend to relax me, which helps me fall asleep. Could it be a placebo effect? Sure, but as long as I’m sleeping then I’m good. They don’t seem to be hurting anything, so I’ll finish off the bottle and if need be, consider ordering more.