Descrição do Produto: Seeking Health DIM
O Seeking Health DIM é um suplemento inovador projetado para promover o equilíbrio saudável dos estrogênios no organismo. Formulado com I3C (indole-3-carbinol) e DIM (diindolylmethane), este produto é essencial para aqueles que buscam manter níveis adequados de estrogênio, contribuindo para a saúde hormonal e o bem-estar geral. O DIM atua como um modulador do estrogênio, ajudando a metabolizar os estrogênios de forma eficiente e a promover um ambiente hormonal equilibrado.
Além de seu papel no equilíbrio hormonal, o Seeking Health DIM também é um suplemento de suporte celular. Ele auxilia nas respostas de inchaço saudáveis e na manutenção da saúde celular, promovendo um ambiente interno que favorece a regeneração e a vitalidade das células. A saúde do fígado é outro aspecto crucial abordado por este suplemento, pois ele apoia o metabolismo saudável dos estrogênios, contribuindo para a desintoxicação natural do corpo e para o bem-estar geral.
O Seeking Health DIM é formulado com um compromisso com a segurança e a qualidade. É livre de alérgenos comuns, incluindo OGM, glúten, ovos, peixes, crustáceos, nozes, amendoins, trigo, gergelim e soja, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para aqueles com sensibilidades alimentares. Desde a pesquisa até a embalagem, a Seeking Health prioriza a qualidade em cada etapa do processo de produção, garantindo um suporte à saúde em que você pode confiar.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a manter níveis saudáveis de estrogênio, promovendo um equilíbrio hormonal ideal.
– Saúde Celular: Suporta a saúde celular e respostas inflamatórias saudáveis, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral.
– Desintoxicação do Fígado: Facilita o metabolismo saudável dos estrogênios, promovendo a desintoxicação natural do organismo.
– Segurança Alimentar: Livre de alérgenos comuns, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produzido com rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Seeking Health DIM diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações do seu profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e sempre consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Catherine Mesa –
I have the BRCA-1 gene and had a double dose of cancer from it. Had surgery for ovarian and breast cancer 1-1/2 years ago but opted out of the chemo and radiation. They still wanted me to be on the Tamoxifen since my cancer was estrogen sensitive but the side effects are horrendous. I did research and found this to be even more effective according to the studies done. I am not suggesting anyone else try it but for me, it was the answer. 5/10/17 Thought I would update. BTW, my naturalpathic doctor recomended this kind of product and I also read about this kind of product in Life Extension magazine and they said it was much more effective than the regular drugs according to the research done. It has now been over 3 years and still doing very well. No signs of cancer. (I also have changed my diet completely to natural/organic/vegan/gluten free and now grain free.)
Julie –
I usually buy this from my daughter in law that is in functional med, however, I ran out and had to get some faster than she could get them for me. This brand is the only DIM I use. I have tried others and I had issues with them. The dosing is good and they work. I was bleeding a lot and have been on HRT since I was 35 for peri-menopause. I was getting estrogen based breast tumors, albeit benign, thank God, this helped and they are gone.
Amazon Customer –
As far as I can tell it is a great supplement. I like the purity, if there is such a thing, and that it is a combination because both dim and i3c are good but conflicting info on which is better for healing. It is part of a regimen I’ve started to reverse high grade cervical dysphasia because I don’t want the surgery. My true faith for healing is in God and I trust He will guide me along this journey.
As I mentioned this is one element of my new regimen so I’m not sure yet, BUT, in 3 weeks time so far I have been very regular and have stopped the need of my HRT (54 yrs old, post menopause) no need for herbal laxative , sleep aid or antihistamine. In my search I found, a global quest, among other homeopathy programs available to be very enlightening. I also try to take a 30 minute walk as many days a week as possible. I am in no way an expert or suggesting I am qualified to give medical advice, I’m only sharing my story because with God all things are possible. God bless!
Megan –
There’s an article on the Eat Beautiful blog that talks about using DIM for insomnia. DIM balances hormones and prevents or corrects excess estrogen. I take one each night before going to bed, and it’s totally helped me overcome chronic insomnia. I’m in perimenopause, so excess estrogen is something that I needed to overcome. But DIM doesn’t just detox estrogen; it balances. I also use this supplement for my son’s acne, which has had nothing short of amazing results, within one week. I like that this product doesn’t have a lot of extra ingredients. DIM is also used by body builders (and those with man boobs) because it prevents testosterone from being converted into estrogen. DIM has a few co-factors that are talked about in the article: B12 and folate.
Melissa P. –
I’ve been taking this supplement for the past 3 months. They have made a HUGE difference in my skin. I use to have horrible cystic acne throughout the month, but this (along with several Pure Encapsulations vitamin / mineral supplements) turned my skin around in 6 weeks. It use to take me 30 min just to cover up my acne with makeup in the mornings, but now I’m finished in less than 10 minutes – or can even go without makeup now! If you are suffering from adult PMS acne, go on YouTube and watch “The 7 Different Types Of Acne by Amanda Ridout”. She and pharmacist Ben Fuchs talk about specific supplements for each type of acne. I followed Ben’s exact instruction on the “Premenstrual Acne” video. Pantothenic Acid (B5): three 500mg capsules 2 to 3/day, Zinc: one 30mg capsule 2/day, B6 Complex: 1/day (I use Pure Encapsulations brand), high quality Multivitamin / Mineral (I used Women’s Nutrients by Pure Encapsulations 6/day), Thorne Calcium D-Glucarate (2/day), and Seeking Health DIM+I3C (2/day), Vitamin A (15K IU Palmitate): 1/day, Vitamin D (5K IU): 1/day, high quality probiotic (1/day). I know it sounds like a lot of supplements, but I suffered with premenstrul acne for 3 years after I stopped taking birth control and taking these supplements every day is a piece of cake compared to dealing with the emotional drama of facing acne in the mirror every morning. My skin was simply crying out for nutrients so it could heal itself… and it took me 3 long years to finally figure it out. But now I appreciate every morning when I look in the mirror with clear skin! It is amazing what simple vitamins and minerals can do. No Rx needed.
Gilbert J Garcia –
This is a very high dosage product. I break-up each pill and sub-divide it into multiple doses. This is tedious, but not overwhelming. And, I certainly don’t use any extra empty capsules. I prefer to fine tune the product’s effectiveness to my own physique (male, 140 lb, some lean mass, and not much fat.) And effective it is! However I might be doing this because of personal reasons and someone else might be better able to tolerate the testosterone boost.
I won’t try to describe here why someone (male or female) would take this product other than bringing about a better estrogen balance and getting a testosterone boost.
The days-off are most noticeable (cognitively, emotionally, and even at the muscle mass level), so don’t take one, or in other words: Once you start, then you might need to take it indefinitely.
With that said, and considering the reasons outlined elsewhere in why to take it, I still recommend this product. The benefits are great for male health (and sexual health.) Although I do intend on trying in the future a different lower dose product.
Kathy Gregory –
What happened? All previous orders were fine….. tasteless and odorless. This order was two bottles that tasted and smelled the same… a bad perfume. I will pay closer attention to who I am buying from next time and not buy from this seller again. Ugh!