Descrição do Produto: Fresh Nutrition Akkermansia Muciniphila Probiotic 1 Billion AFU
O Fresh Nutrition Akkermansia Muciniphila Probiotic é um suplemento pré-probiótico inovador, formulado para elevar os níveis de Akkermansia muciniphila, uma cepa probiótica de próxima geração com uma vasta gama de benefícios à saúde. Cada cápsula contém 1 bilhão de unidades formadoras de colônias (AFU), proporcionando uma das potências mais elevadas disponíveis no mercado. Este probiótico desempenha um papel crucial na proteção intestinal, no suporte à inflamação e no equilíbrio do peso, tornando-se um aliado essencial para quem busca melhorar a saúde digestiva e metabólica.
Akkermansia muciniphila é reconhecida por sua capacidade de promover um microbioma equilibrado, fundamental para a saúde digestiva e a função imunológica. Estudos demonstram que essa cepa pode representar até 4% do total de bactérias em microbiomas saudáveis de adultos. Contagens baixas de Akkermansia estão associadas a uma variedade de doenças metabólicas, o que torna a suplementação uma estratégia eficaz para restaurar e manter a saúde intestinal.
Além disso, a Akkermansia muciniphila influencia o metabolismo da glicose e dos lipídios por meio da produção de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (SCFAs), que induzem a produção de hormônios como PYY, GLP-1 e GLP-2, apoiando assim a saúde metabólica. O suporte probiótico direcionado oferecido por este suplemento não apenas melhora o crescimento de bactérias benéficas no intestino, mas também auxilia na absorção de nutrientes e no conforto digestivo.
O Fresh Nutrition Akkermansia Muciniphila é fabricado nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação registrada pela FDA e certificada pelo GMP, garantindo que cada aspecto do processo de fabricação, incluindo métodos de laboratório e testes de estabilidade e potência, seja rigorosamente examinado.
– ✔ Aumento dos níveis de Akkermansia, essencial para a proteção intestinal e suporte à inflamação.
– ✔ Suporte avançado à saúde intestinal, promovendo um microbioma equilibrado.
– ✔ Melhora no desempenho metabólico, influenciando positivamente o metabolismo da glicose e lipídios.
– ✔ Suporte direcionado para a absorção de nutrientes e conforto digestivo.
– ✔ Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, promovendo o bem-estar geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Fresh Nutrition Akkermansia Muciniphila diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção e eficácia do probiótico, garantindo que os benefícios sejam plenamente aproveitados. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para promover a saúde intestinal e metabólica ao longo do tempo.
Ryan –
I believe I’ve found my new go-to probiotics product with this one. Without thousands of dollars in equipment or testing, it’s impossible to say exactly how effective these have been so far, but I am convinced. This company is becoming well-known for its quality, and from my first impressions, that reputation carries over to this new release. The bottle is well-designed and inspires confidence with its labeling—straightforward, simple, and easy-to-understand product information and description included.
The capsules themselves are consistent and show no quality concerns. The small white capsules are super easy to swallow and are well-protected under a tamper-evident safety seal. The bottle’s cap is easy to remove and shouldn’t pose an issue for those with hand mobility issues.
So far, this seems to be a great probiotics product from a reputable manufacturer. If I notice any changes health-wise, positive or negative, going forward, I will update this review.
Eliza Jane –
These are plenty easy to swallow. They do seem to be working because I notice a difference in movements when taking them. That being said I’ve only took them off and on because I can’t seem to get passed the stage where my guts react to the change. Idk, this strain gives me more bm than I want and lighter color than is healthy so I’m not sure what it’s doing, but not sure it’s helping because I don’t have normal bm on this strain.
Otter Pop –
“Fresh Nutrition is a team of dedicated experts, driven by a shared passion for enhancing lives through science-based wellness.”
-Easy to swallow
-No adverse tastes, smells, or side effects
-Able to easily find company website.
-Supplement Facts chart on this site
-Can read label
-Made in the USA
-Manufactured in house in a cGMP facility
-3rd party testing
-Safety seals were intact
-I’m not a healthcare professional or expert on supplements.
Linda R. –
I’ve been taking these for about 3 weeks now with no stomach upset. It seems like a solid product, but of course there is no way to tell for sure that it is working. I’m going through a health challenge right now so I’m hoping this will keep my gut healthy during treatment.
The downside is the price, which comes to around $1.75 per day at the current price. A bit pricey, but if it helps me navigate my current situation better, it will be worth it.
SafeMoneyTrendsDOTKOM –
Akkermansia muciniphila is one of the more controversial probiotics. It is a mucin-degrading bacterium found in the intestines that has some beneficial effects on metabolism There is some intriguing research suggesting supplementing Akkermansia may help prevent certain metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, or heart.
However, if you have certain kinds of gut issues or metabolic problems, supplementing Akkermansia may not be beneficial. In fact, it could cause you more issues. You should, of course, talk to your physician or natural healer before trying ANY probiotic, including akkermansia, especially if you currently or recently had salmonella or inflammatory bowel disease. Also, women with certain gynecological disorders like PCOS or endometriosis may have their risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease INCREASED by taking akkermansia. EVERYONE is different.
Overall, the recent studies are encouraging, suggesting that Akkermansia muciniphila may indeed be a viable and cost-effective probiotic strategy for the treatment of obesity and diabetes.
I am trying it out very cautiously- using only 1-2 times per week. So far, haven’t seen much difference, good or bad. But, I am willing to keep using for a while longer.
Serikbaikyzy –
In general, it didn’t work at all, it gave me an allergy, I’m very sensitive to any medicine, I thought it would be better, but no
Stephen –
Akkermansia muciniphila is a mucin-degrading bacterium found in the intestines that has some beneficial effects on metabolism.
Consult with your physician or health care practitioner before taking for optimal effectiveness.
The bottle contains 60 capsules.
Chester County –
Contents solid on paper. Everything you would expect.
I ran the full course before posting. No effects from taking. (Full disclosure I have taken Akkermansia before and during). I have been using an Akkermansia supplement that is far more expensive so I was looking to alternatives and this surely could be it. I ended up running this as a buffer at half dose on top of teh other. The one thing that separated the two was the other suggests refrigiration and this doesnt which has me wondering and lacking in know if this is a key point. Active vs inactive? Honestly I dont know but worth consdieration and futher review. Overall no complaints and often with supplements thats the make or break because the results are often not obvious. The good news is no negatives