Descrição do Produto: 5%% Nutrition Rich Piana 5150 High Stim Pre-Workout Powder
Prepare-se para uma experiência de treino sem igual com o 5%% Nutrition Rich Piana 5150 High Stim Pre-Workout Powder. Este pó pré-treino foi meticulosamente formulado para proporcionar uma explosão de energia, foco e pumps extremos, elevando seu desempenho a níveis que você nunca imaginou ser possível. Com uma mistura única e mega-dosada, o 5150 é a escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam não apenas treinar, mas dominar cada sessão.
- MEGA-DOSED ENERGY, FOCUS & PUMP! A mistura pré-treino inigualável do 5150 oferece energia insana, pumps extremos e vascularidade, foco afiado, motivação intensa e resistência prolongada.
- JITTER-FREE INTENSITY & DRIVE: O complexo de cafeína estimulante entrega 400 mg de cafeína derivada de 7 fontes, incluindo Dicaffeine Malate de liberação prolongada e extratos de café, chá verde, yerba mate, guaraná e café verde. Destrua cada sessão!
- EVERLASTING ENDURANCE & RAPID RECOVERY: Vença a fadiga muscular e supere os treinos mais intensos com 2,5 gramas de Beta Alanina, que ajuda a bloquear a acumulação de ácido lático antes que ela comece.
- SUPERIOR N.O. BOOSTER: Enquanto outros produtos utilizam L-Citrulline Malate, o 5150 utiliza 4 gramas de L-Citrulina 100% pura, garantindo um fluxo sanguíneo massivo que entrega nutrientes onde são mais necessários. Como precursor do óxido nítrico, ele se converte em Arginina no fígado para pumps insanos e duradouros.
- 6 INCREDIBLE FLAVORS: Disponível em Pink Lemonade, Rocket Pop, Green Apple, Wildberry, Tropical Rage e Blue Ice. A 5%% Nutrition oferece as formulações mais abrangentes da indústria, feitas para desempenho em nível de elite. Junte-se à 5%% Nation, orgulhosa de ser a comunidade de construção muscular mais hardcore do planeta.
1. Aumento de Energia: A combinação de cafeína de múltiplas fontes proporciona energia intensa sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados.
2. Foco Afiado: Melhora a concentração e a motivação, permitindo que você se mantenha no caminho certo durante todo o treino.
3. Pumps Extremos: A L-Citrulina pura garante um fluxo sanguíneo otimizado, resultando em pumps visíveis e duradouros.
4. Recuperação Rápida: A Beta Alanina ajuda a reduzir a fadiga muscular, permitindo que você treine mais intensamente e se recupere mais rapidamente.
5. Variedade de Sabores: Com seis sabores incríveis, o 5150 torna o consumo pré-treino uma experiência agradável e saborosa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 15g) do 5%% Nutrition Rich Piana 5150 High Stim Pre-Workout Powder em 300-400 ml de água gelada. Consuma 20-30 minutos antes do treino. Para iniciantes, recomenda-se começar com meia dose para avaliar a tolerância. Não exceda duas doses em um período de 24 horas. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
Jonathan –
This stuff gave me the most intense energy level. Warning do not take 6 hours before you go to bed. Will keep you up. But other than that it tastes great.
Evelyn –
I’m not quite up to a full scoop, but filling it up 75% of the way does the job. Do not take it at least four hours before bed, you will not sleep!
N8 –
I’m 16 and trying to throw on some muscle and this helps a lot. great pump, energy, and focus. I feel so zoned in when i lift now and jus vibe out to some music. It also taste great but the only down side is the crash due to the caffeine. to prevent this from happening to you just drink 2 bottles of water before lifting and then drink while u lift and after so basically if u drink a lot of water you’ll be good
johnny miller –
Good product great pre-workout probably best on the market not for beginners
tom cat –
Like the product. Used one dose until red head connect. Went to two doses for a couple days. Thought it helped, (carbon veins). But upset stomach. Now am taking two half scoops twice a day. Have consistently done two sets of two hours. From arm curls and single arm exercises. Am pleased. Thanks!!
Juan C Rocha –
This is the stuff! I’ve tried every pre workout out there and none have been as explosive and focusing as this one, start slow with one scoop and work your way up depending on the workout, I mix this with amino acid powder for blood flow. Taste is great depending which one you get, Apple and Berry is my favorite.
Joseph –
Rich Piana was the most entertaining person in the bodybuilding scene. Watching his Bigger by the Day videos years ago was perhaps my most joyful YouTube experience. The man really lived up to his philosophy “Whatever it takes” like a true 5%’er. His preworkout did deliver in that aspect. Compared to the other preworkouts I’ve tried, I did feel mentally elated while consuming this. The taste was palatable and I didn’t catch myself gagging while swallowing this mixed with water. The 400 mg of caffeine was fantastic for a caffeine dependent person like myself. This preworkout is definitely designed for someone who has a high tolerance for caffeine. The beta alanine didn’t give me any paresthesia as some other preworkouts did. Despite there not being any l-theanine in it which can counteract any “caffeine jitters”, it isn’t necessary to have to consume l-theanine in conjunction with this because I never felt any uneasiness or anxiety despite consuming 400 mg of caffeine in one sitting which is what the FDA recommends someone should take as a maximum amount of caffeine per day. The l-tyrosine in this product did assist in elevating my mood as it is. I actually didn’t use this product for working out as after experimentation I found that preworkouts did make me quite anxious while working out so I use caffeine tablets/capsules, or energy drinks/energy mixes containing lower amounts of caffeine so I wasn’t excessively anxious. I used his product for my 12+ hours shifts at work so I could be awake as well as retain that focus which is required for my career. I gotta say that this product made me handle work stress like a charm. The only drawback, if it is one, is that I would only take one serving of this as an entire day’s worth of caffeine so I wouldn’t overdo it and risking myself from getting to the point of “caffeinism” – look it up. It’s a real thing. Take with caution.
Rick Thomas –
Gives good energy, no crash for me. Flavor is good. No grit or clumps.