Descrição do Produto: LEGION Recharge Post Workout Supplement – All Natural Muscle Builder
O LEGION Recharge é um suplemento pós-treino que se destaca por sua formulação totalmente natural, projetada para maximizar a recuperação muscular e promover o crescimento da força. Com uma combinação de ingredientes clinicamente eficazes, este pó de recuperação é adoçado e aromatizado de forma natural, oferecendo uma experiência saborosa sem aditivos artificiais. O produto contém doses comprovadas de três ingredientes que demonstraram aumentar o ganho muscular, melhorar a recuperação e reduzir a dor muscular.
A eficácia do LEGION Recharge é respaldada por 44 estudos científicos revisados por pares, totalizando 486 páginas de pesquisa que confirmam a ação do construtor muscular, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres. A creatina monohidratada, um dos principais componentes, é apresentada em sua forma pura, sem adoçantes artificiais, sabores, corantes alimentares ou enchimentos desnecessários. Embora alguns produtos no mercado possam conter substâncias químicas questionáveis, o LEGION Recharge prioriza a saúde do consumidor, evitando esses aditivos.
Além disso, o pó de creatina é testado quanto à pureza e potência em um laboratório de terceiros acreditado pela ISO 17025, garantindo que cada frasco do suplemento contenha exatamente o que o rótulo promete, sem contaminantes ou substâncias proibidas. A transparência é um dos pilares do LEGION Recharge, que apresenta um rótulo claro, mostrando exatamente o que está em cada porção e o que não está, sem misturas proprietárias ou ingredientes ocultos.
– Aumento de Força e Massa Muscular: Ingredientes cientificamente comprovados que promovem ganhos significativos em força e massa muscular.
– Recuperação Muscular Acelerada: Melhora na recuperação pós-treino, permitindo que você retorne aos treinos mais rapidamente.
– Redução da Dor Muscular: Diminuição da dor muscular tardia, facilitando a continuidade dos treinos sem desconforto.
– Pureza e Transparência: Produto testado em laboratório, garantindo que não há contaminantes ou substâncias proibidas.
– Sem Aditivos Artificiais: Fórmula limpa, sem adoçantes, sabores ou corantes artificiais, priorizando a saúde do consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o LEGION Recharge, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (scoop) do pó em 240 ml de água ou sua bebida preferida imediatamente após o treino. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para otimizar a absorção, consuma o suplemento dentro de 30 minutos após o término do exercício. É aconselhável utilizar o produto em dias de treino e também em dias de descanso para maximizar os benefícios de recuperação muscular.
Sharon L. Rutledge –
Taste is very good and not too tart or have a bad after taste.
Mateo Reza –
Hey I would like to share with you my experience with The Legion team. I have been a long time supporter of Mike Matthews and his work, I have read and owned Bigger Leaner Stronger, The Shredded Chef, Eat Green Get Lean, and I’m currently about to finish the Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger book and challenge. I’m also under a meal plan I purchased from Muscle for life. Over the last four years, since it’s foundation, I have supported Legion Athletics and I consume their pre workout Pulse, their multivitamin Triumph, their joint supplement Fortify, their fish oil Triton, their fat burners, well almost everything with the exception of their Protein which is not affordable for me. I’m quite happy with their products I think they are honest with their work and Mike’s books have changed my life, and I’m grateful for that.
Sadly, Legion is now a proud company that doesn’t care for their long time supporters. As part of my cutting plan I decided to join their Facebook group for support and interaction while having a few difference of opinions with some members which is natural in a multicultural and varied background forum. The Legion team constantly blocked anyone that had anything than a perfect opinion of their products and services. They also targeted my content and they finally blocked me when I expressed that I was sad with the costumer service they provided me. They discriminate, target, and block you without consideration, in words of a fellow and current member of the group “I didn’t think your posts were any worse than what others posted and I thought you were UNFAIRLY TARGETED for reasons I’m not sure of”.
I have to be honest with you. I was surprised with Legion’s customer service behavior, a few years ago I would have never believed they will act like this. I have personally defend their reputation in Amazon when people were lying about their products so WHY would they discriminate and target their customers? And I know why, for the quality of their products Legion is used to a lot of praise but the moment you raise a concern or valid criticism they shut down and target you, they stop liking you and they discriminate against you. Instead of growing as customer service they have become egocentric and prideful and the once honest company has become the one that uses defamation and falsehoods against their long time supporters.
If your experience have been different, god bless bother, if they have treated you nice and with respect, god bless sister. I really don’t wish that they treat everyone like they have treated me I respect your truth and also please respect mine.
By the way they won’t give you your money back if you don’t want their products anymore. Don’t expect them to have the decency to even take their products back.
Kathleen Hickman –
It tastes so good and light that I’m sad when I’m done.
Jabba –
What an awesome product. Lives up to all the reviews and more… 😀
Kelsee Mortimer –
Best creatine that I have noticed so much difference in my body since I started to incorporate it into my daily supplements! I usually mix it with the pulse and it works amazing!
mat nardone –
I like the flavor, the mixability and that it lasts me a long time
carly –
As a personal trainer I look for quality products like this. The main goal when buying this product was making sure there was 5mg of creatine monohydrate, there is that plus more, I really like the added L-cartine. Both of these have be proven to help with muscle recovery and growth.
Jasmine Sada –
It’s worth the money easy to mix. Taste really good. Doesn’t give that nasty taste and is extremely easy to swallow.
benjohnson123 –
Previously used MyProtein creatine and in comparison this product is far more enjoyable, the two previous creatines I have tried specifically from that other brand seemed to clump easily and had a consistent bit of powder floating throughout the drink. With this product the flavour is really tasty and the mixture with the recovery supplements is great. Will be buying again, noticed strength improvements already.
Anthony –
I actually like the pink lemonade flavor, but unfortunately, no amount of mixing (I even tried a milk frother) and water will dissolve the powder.