Descrição do Produto: Programa de Suplemento de Suporte à Recuperação Pós-Cirúrgica de Grau Clínico
O Programa de Suplemento de Suporte à Recuperação Pós-Cirúrgica de Grau Clínico é uma formulação abrangente, projetada por médicos, que visa otimizar o processo de cicatrização e recuperação após procedimentos cirúrgicos. Este suplemento contém uma combinação cuidadosamente equilibrada de vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes, que atuam sinergicamente para promover a regeneração celular, fortalecer o sistema imunológico e reduzir a inflamação. Com ingredientes de alta qualidade, este programa é ideal para pacientes que buscam acelerar sua recuperação, minimizando complicações e promovendo um retorno mais rápido às atividades diárias. A formulação inclui nutrientes essenciais como vitamina C, zinco, selênio e complexo B, que são fundamentais para a síntese de colágeno, a cicatrização de feridas e a manutenção da saúde geral.
1. Aceleração da Recuperação: Fórmula projetada para otimizar o processo de cicatrização, ajudando o corpo a se recuperar mais rapidamente após a cirurgia.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ingredientes que ajudam a reforçar as defesas naturais do organismo, reduzindo o risco de infecções pós-operatórias.
3. Redução da Inflamação: Antioxidantes que auxiliam na diminuição da inflamação, proporcionando conforto e bem-estar durante o período de recuperação.
4. Suporte Nutricional Completo: Combinação de vitaminas e minerais essenciais que garantem uma nutrição adequada, fundamental para a recuperação.
5. Fácil Integração na Rotina: Suplemento prático que pode ser facilmente incorporado ao dia a dia, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do suplemento diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações do seu médico ou nutricionista, especialmente se você estiver sob cuidados pós-cirúrgicos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e evite o uso em caso de alergia a qualquer um dos componentes da fórmula.
Quality Shopper –
After losing 100 pounds via lifestyle changes, I had a lot of excess skin left behind. As a result, over the last 2.25 years, I have had a few plastic surgeries to remove the excess skin. I DIDN’T use the VitaMedica Surgery Program in conjunction with any of the surgeries, EXCEPT the last one, which was to remove excess skin from my inner thighs. (Note: I had liposuction of my inner thighs ten weeks prior to the skin removal, and my incisions were ONLY along the crease of the upper thigh/pubic region; I didn’t have incisions vertically down my inner thighs.) That being said, of all my skin removal procedures, the anticipation of the inner thigh lift was the only one that caused me to lose sleep because of the reputation that this surgery has for being the most difficult recovery of all the plastic surgeries. It was for that reason that I decided to try to tip the balance in my favor and purchase the VitaMedica Surgery Program. I am now 1-1/2 weeks post op, and this recovery has been one of the easiest of all my procedures. I’m not sure that I can say that it was all due to taking the VitaMedica Surgery Program pills because there were some other things I did to try to reduce my chances of infection and wound separation (e.g., I asked my surgeon to allow me to keep the Folley Catheter in when I left the Outpatient Surgery Center to reduce the risk of urine contamination of the wounds during the first few days and to reduce having to get up and down off the toilet so much for a few days (he removed it five days post op); I bought a used lift recliner on eBay so that I wouldn’t have to pivot on the wounds getting in/out of bed; I had a fan blowing on the incisions to keep them dry while I was sleeping/lounging in the lift recliner; I prepared my food in advance to incorporate increased protein and fiber, and all of it was made without salt; I drank extra water and organic carrot juice the first couple of days, and starting the third day, I drank a large green smoothie each day; in addition to the prescribed antibiotic–because I am a vegan–I also took a couple of probiotic pills each day; and, I have been very compliant about keeping my activity very limited, per my surgeon’s orders.) My first day post op, I had a small amount of swelling in my left leg, but it quickly dissipated, and for a few days, I had some tolerable soreness along the incision line that ran part way under my butt. That was it! Seriously! Hallelujah!
Knowing what I know now, would I still purchase the VitaMedica? Probably. In retrospect, I wonder if I would have benefitted by taking them with my other procedures…there’s no way to know. What I know right now is that this recovery has been such a “non-issue,” and I am exceedingly grateful.
If you decide to purchase this VitaMedica Surgery Support Program, just know that you will be taking A LOT of pills! (I even made a daily check list for myself so that I would make sure I got all the pills in each day (some you need to take on an empty stomach).) I was relieved to discover that none of the pills upset my stomach, or had an icky taste.
alberto hernandez –
I got shoulder surgery somebody recommended me this product and started to take 2 weeks before my surgery,the day of my surgery I got no problem and the night after sleep like baby,no pain o swelling I wrote this 1 week post surgery and start my therapy whit any problem very recommended
fxn1987 –
My plastic surgeon’s office recommended using this product for my upcoming breast reconstruction (reduction, lift and then implants) and I looked and felt great immediately following surgery!! There was barely any bruising and minimal pain. I couldn’t believe how great I looked and felt. After speaking with 2 other people who have undergone breast surgery, specifically reduction or lift or a combination of the two, they described their experience as unbearable and commented on how bad the bruising was, how painful it was and how bad they looked – I told them about me and the VitaMedica Program and they wished they had listened to their doctors. If you are spending the money to have plastic surgery or any surgery for that matter, then don’t chince out and not properly prepare your body for the intense invasion that it’s about to experience. This was worth every penny.
Amazon Customer –
Post procedural swelling was kept to a minimum. Heads up, the “morning formula” has a strange smell; at first I thought my dog had peed inside but soon realized the smell was coming from the closed bottle. Would still buy again.
WedgeHound –
Beware that the Bromelain is not a 30-day supply as labeled. It’s suggested that you take it as a daily supplement or for pre-surgery (10 days). The bottle only has the 10 day supply. This should be available in 2 different quantities.
rabid786 –
This product is excellent to take before and after a major surgery. I found that it helped me recover quickly and even my surgeon was impressed at how fast I recovered. I didn’t experience any side effects either and was able to take it with and without food. High recommend!!
Kristy –
I loved these products! They performed a great deal and were easy to swallow.
rabid786 –
The supplement has all the ingredients you need for recovery. However the description is misleading. This program needs to be started 2 weeks prior to surgery. Don’t order this if you are 1-2 weeks post surgery already.