Descrição do Produto: Leaky Gut Repair
O Leaky Gut Repair é um suplemento em pó de L-Glutamina projetado para restaurar a saúde intestinal, especialmente formulado para mulheres que enfrentam problemas digestivos como inchaço, síndrome do intestino irritável (IBS), refluxo gastroesofágico (GERD) e intolerância ao glúten. A integridade da mucosa intestinal é fundamental para a saúde geral, e a combinação de ingredientes potentes neste produto visa reparar e fortalecer a parede intestinal, proporcionando os blocos de construção necessários para a regeneração celular.
- Suporta a Reparação do Tecido Intestinal – O dano à mucosa intestinal, conhecido como intestino permeável, pode permitir a entrada de toxinas nocivas no corpo, resultando em diversos problemas de saúde. O Leaky Gut Repair combina ingredientes eficazes para restaurar a saúde intestinal, fornecendo os nutrientes essenciais para reconstruir e reparar as células da parede intestinal.
- Proporciona Alívio Digestivo e Intestinal – Este suplemento de saúde intestinal alivia sintomas como inchaço, constipação, azia e sintomas da IBS. O pó estimula a produção de mucilagem, que reveste o estômago e a mucosa intestinal, ajudando a reduzir o inchaço e protegendo a parede intestinal de danos adicionais.
- Fortalece a Saúde Intestinal – Uma saúde intestinal adequada é crucial para o bem-estar geral. Nossos suplementos contêm componentes nutricionais como L-glutamina, olmo escorregadio e raiz de malva, que são essenciais para a restauração completa da saúde intestinal. Esses ingredientes trabalham em sinergia para fortalecer o trato gastrointestinal.
- Fórmula Limpa e Natural – Nossos suplementos de saúde intestinal são feitos com ingredientes naturais de grau A, sem aditivos ou enchimentos. Cada porção do nosso pó de reparo do intestino é livre de laticínios, glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO). Disponível em dois sabores: sem sabor e chocolate com menta.
- Formulação Especializada – Com a Liver Medic, você se beneficia da experiência de nossa equipe de especialistas. Nossos suplementos de reparo do intestino são formulados por um biólogo celular molecular e apresentam uma mistura sinérgica respaldada pela ciência.
1. Reparação Eficaz do Intestino: Restaura a integridade da mucosa intestinal, prevenindo a entrada de toxinas.
2. Alívio Rápido de Sintomas Digestivos: Reduz inchaço, constipação e azia, melhorando o conforto digestivo.
3. Fortalecimento da Saúde Geral: Contribui para a saúde do sistema imunológico e bem-estar geral.
4. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Sem aditivos, laticínios ou glúten, ideal para dietas restritivas.
5. Apoio Científico: Desenvolvido por especialistas, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa do pó Leaky Gut Repair em 240 ml de água ou sua bebida favorita, uma vez ao dia. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para maximizar os benefícios, utilize o produto regularmente e combine-o com uma dieta equilibrada e rica em fibras. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Nessieb42 –
تم الاستخدام فترة شهر كامل والكن النتيجه كما هي
Me –
I tried many products to help heal my leaky gut, but with this one I have had the most success. As the healing took place I noticed inflammation in other parts of my body began to diminish. I also began to notice I was able to digest better and eat foods that bothered me before I used this product. It has a mild taste and very easy to mix in with other drinks. I love this product. It is now my “go to” helper when my insides are not happy. Thank you for making a product that actually does what you claim.
Kat53 –
This is a great product. I was skeptical but went ahead and tried it. A little pricey. It had all the ingredients that my Chiropractor recommended for stomach/intestinal problems. After taking the flavorless powder once a day mixed in with my morning cup of coffee(absolutely no difference in how coffee tasted) for about two-three weeks; could tell a great difference in my stomach/intestines. Have felt much better and more energetic overall. Been awhile since I have felt like this. Pleasantly surprised. Just ordered another canister – felt it was well worth the money.
Golub 1961 –
I like that it’s not grainy and taste good!
It took about 2 days for my body to respond. I highly recommend that you don’t start off doing advanced servings [2 scoops] because I started having loose stools! No stomach pains at all! Bloating is beginning to subside 👍🏾 Drink plenty of liquids! I’ve mixed it with water alone then I used it with cranberry juice, frozen strawberries and blueberries aka leaking gut supplements smoothies 😋 this is what I’ve chosen to mix it with however just water is my preference mostly! I recommend it although for the size it’s a bit pricey so I tilt the container slowly upside down and right side up a few times to loosen the powder since it’s compacted and I believe it’ll go farther but anyway I’m glad I got this. Stay in the Holy Scriptures be. praying for everyone as we endure the pandemic and various trials by fire 🔥
Be blessed and stay safe everyone 💐💞
Abdullah –
I took this product to heal my leaky gut due to skin posoriasis a year ago.
There are researches linking psoriasis to leaky gut problems…..intestinal permeability can allow toxins and pathogens enter bloodstream
In order to treat skin psoriasis….I need to clean and detox my body FIRST !!!!
Took this product for second day….SO MUCH POOS OUT !!!!!!!
I got constipation problems …..taking this product….really cleanse my gut out !!!!! Drink plenty water.
Good luck in your quest TO HEAL YOUR BODY !!!!!
Jennifer –
I used to buy this brand for years because I liked the ingredients used in the formulary and their price was lower than some other brands with the same ingredients. But recently they keep increasing their price so they are just as expensive, if not more so, than some of the other top brands. It’s disappointing and I will no longer buy this brand. Seems like companies achieve a certain level of success and become GREEDY. They make it unaffordable for people to continue using their brand. Such a shame.
This powder has ingredients that are beneficial for gut health, especially leaky gut, although you can’t tell for sure that you are getting the 5g dose of glutamine necessary due to the proprietary formula. However, the taste is terrible and needs significant improvement. It has a weird off-chocolate flavor with a hint of mint that you need to chug to only have to taste once.
Me –
I have been struggling with bouts of constipation then immediately after diarrhea for 3-4 years and intense bloating and gas in the evenings and night that I couldn’t even fall asleep. I would go to the bathroom but nothing, just severe gas.
Since January I had a flare up of perioral dermatitis, for almost 3 months and nothing absolutely nothing would clear it up. It was red, brownish hyperpigmentation and so itchy it was researching perioral dermitis that I learned that all forms of eczema and dermatitis are derived from LEAKY GUT! Since nothing was helping this perioral dermatitis I decided to try Leaky Gut Repair. It only 2 days I went from having a horrible PO dermatitis rash to completely normal skin, yes in only two days of taking Leaky Gut repair. And that’s not all it completely fixed my IBS constipation/diarrhea issue I was having in about 2-3 days, I had complete relief. No gas at nights no C/D. In about 1 week of taking this product I began having having normal sausage shape bowel movements! Which was a huge indicator that my gut is healing!!!!! I was taking one scoop in the mornings. But upon going on the website I learned that for acute cases it should be 2 scoops in the evening. So I will begin implementing that. I cannot thank God Most High enough for revealing the underlying cause of all my systemic issues I’ve been battling with! Also my nails and hair have become strong and shiny, and my skin has a glow! I will update in two months! I got my whole family on this!
Also I did purchase GI Revive from “Designs For Health” they are much pricier with lowers ingredients only 1.5 grams of L Glutamine and it wasn’t really helping me at all. Once I began this Leaky Gut Repair powder which contains 3 grams that’s when I began seeing the immediate healing!
Family Man –
TL;DR— Absolutely love it and will buy again and again.
I was already taking a product to help heal my gut (recommended by my chiropractor) and ordered this one because it had some key ingredients (slipper elm being one) that I knew could help. After one cup of this product I could tell it was superior and far more healing than my originally powder. I immediately stopped the first powder and began only drinking this supplement exclusively. Within days I was having better BMs and tolerating most FODMAPs. I’m sleeping better and have more energy during the day. I’m not as cranky as I was, my skin is clearing up, and my clothes fit better because I’m not as bloated.
My gut issues began as a result of a difficult pregnancy. At the worst of it I was dealing with SIBO, leaky gut, GERD, & LPR. I’ve done a lot of work to heal through diet but this supplement is the final piece to the puzzle.
I am on a mostly paleo diet – which helps to control my symptoms – but I know this supplement is helping me truly heal! Absolutely love it and will buy again and again.