Thorne Brain Factors – Suplemento para Saúde Cerebral
Em um mundo onde a agilidade mental e a capacidade de aprendizado são essenciais, o Thorne Brain Factors se destaca como um aliado poderoso para a saúde cerebral. Este suplemento inovador combina ingredientes de alta qualidade, como Ribosídeo de Nicotinamida, Extrato de Fruto de Café e Betaína Anidra, para oferecer suporte abrangente à função cognitiva, memória e aprendizado. Cada cápsula é formulada para promover a saúde cerebral ideal, ajudando você a alcançar seu próximo grande projeto com clareza e foco.
O Thorne Brain Factors é projetado para otimizar a saúde do cérebro, estimulando a produção de BDNF (Fator Neurotrófico Derivado do Cérebro), uma substância vital que promove o crescimento de células cerebrais e nervosas. Além disso, o aumento dos níveis de NAD+ (Nicotinamida Adenina Dinucleotídeo) é crucial, pois melhora a produção de energia celular, essencial para o funcionamento adequado do cérebro. O extrato de fruto de café é um componente chave que ajuda a manter níveis saudáveis de BDNF, promovendo o desenvolvimento e crescimento de novas células cerebrais, além de apoiar funções cognitivas como aprendizado, memória e foco.
O Ribosídeo de Nicotinamida, outro ingrediente fundamental, é conhecido por promover níveis saudáveis de NAD+, contribuindo para um envelhecimento saudável ao ajudar a manter a produção de energia nas células. À medida que envelhecemos, os níveis de BDNF e NAD+ tendem a diminuir, mas com o Thorne Brain Factors, você pode promover uma saúde cerebral ideal e uma cognição afiada, ajudando a manter sua agilidade mental ao longo dos anos.
– Suporte à saúde cerebral ideal, promovendo funções cognitivas essenciais.
– Aumento da produção de BDNF, favorecendo o crescimento de novas células cerebrais.
– Melhora na memória e aprendizado, facilitando a retenção de informações.
– Contribuição para um envelhecimento saudável, mantendo a energia celular.
– Aumento do foco e clareza mental, essenciais para a produtividade diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Thorne Brain Factors diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que seu cérebro receba o suporte necessário para funcionar em seu melhor. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Don’t Panic –
Thorne is a top tier supplement manufacturer. If you are concerned at all about the purity of your supplements, then Thorne should be on your short list of suppliers. This appears to be a “nootropic” supplement which claims to increase BDNF. I am not really aware of compelling evidence that any of the ingredients actually do that. If you really want to increase BDNF, then exercise or fast. Those are the best ways that I am aware of. I picked this up mainly for the NR, which I like to rotate into the supplement stack for the NAD boosting effect, for what that is worth. Other sources of NR are pretty pricey, and the dose here is decent. I believe the coffee fruit extract may have some weight management benefits, but I am not aware of an effect on BDNF. As a nootropic I suspect it is no different than simple coffee (caffeine). The betaine is nice to add to the NR as a methyl donor and may help reduce the effect that has on homocysteine elevation, but the dose here is super low. As such, I am not sure this product really has evidence to suggest that it can accomplish what it claims to, but may be a good source of NR.
Wesley –
This is a really great NAD+ boosting supplement. The formulation is simple, but the ingredients are high quality and the dosages are high enough to really provide benefits.
The formulation:
** 415mg Nicotinamide riboside – This is an excellent dose and plenty to boost NAD+ levels. This is a better / higher dose than most NR supplements contain.
** 100mg CognatiQ coffee fruit extract – Good dosage, and clinically proven to boost BDNF (for cognitive function)
** 85mg Betaine – Relatively low, but adequate dose of betaine (which may be a necessary cofactor for boosting NAD+ levels.
The quality is excellent, and Thorne makes some of the best and most reputable supplements around.
Overall – this is a great product, but is more of an upgraded NAD+ booster / NR supplement rather than a balanced nootropic supplement. That being said, the formulation is excellent and would recommend it if you want to test both CognatiQ and NR at the same time.
Purchaser –
If I could give zero stars I would. These capsules came with a dark brown gel inside them. When I ordered the same from Thorne, they were a light brown powder. The ones I bought here had gone bad and/or were exposed to extreme heat, or worse, were some other type of capsule put in the Thorne bottle.
Only buy Thorne products from Thorne!
Sally J. Harper –
Bout this for my hubby who is 65. He says he doesn’t care if it works for increasing memory and brain function, it’s worth the money just for the insanely cool dreams he’s been having since he started taking it!
Anna Olson –
This product has saved me more times then not! I take it right away in the morning with my other medicine and within 2 weeks I noticed that I wasn’t spacing out as much or forgetting how to do simple tasks. I did run out and forgot to order more and about 2 weeks after I stopped taking this product I could I was spacing out more then normal and forgetting small things. I am definitely buy this product monthly and continuing it!
Amazon Customer –
I was initially hesitant about these, especially given the price point, but after using these for a couple of weeks I have noticed more focus and energy overall. They’re easy to swallow, okay tasting, and most importantly, they’re easy on my stomach. I have a sensitive stomach regarding supplements like these, So I was happy when I didn’t experience any discomfort. While I’m not increasing in IQ points, I do feel more focused and energetic.
Michael Wissinger –
Have to say I’m disappointed with this product. Especially after paying $42 for it. Just has not given me any boost or cognitive change. Just gave me diarrhea. I’m finding any ‘brain booster’ supplements do nothing for a neuro divergent brain. I would spend your money on supplements like Ginseng and Zinc instead.
K. Peterson –
Thorne brand is a brand of supplement I have trusted for years. They add limited fillers and flow agents making the supplements as clean as possible.
This supplement has 415 mg of nicotinamide riboside hydrogen malate, 100 mg of CognatiQ coffee fruit extract and 85 mg of betaine anhydrous. You are directed to take one capsule per day and the capsules are about as wide as my thumb and are composed of cellulose.
The company states that they manufacture most of their supplements in the factory in South Carolina. They state the following:
“Using advanced equipment, our quality team methodically tests our raw ingredients, and then our production team meticulously crafts each supplement with the utmost consideration for details, from mixing the raw materials to encapsulating and bottling the finished product. Because we manufacture many of our products in our facility in Summerville, South Carolina, we have total authority over what goes into our products, so we refuse to use magnesium stearate or any other arbitrary filler that can inhibit absorption. Using unnecessary ingredients goes against our belief to design and provide optimal solutions for health. To meet the highest quality standards we also ensure that our facility is third-party certified.”
I think that says it all. If you are looking for high quality supplements (and in this case a supplement for a healthy brain and to help with healthy aging) Thorne supplements are some of the best you can buy.