Descrição do Produto: Metabolism
O Metabolism é um suplemento inovador, desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de saúde e bem-estar de homens e mulheres acima dos 30 anos. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto se destaca por oferecer suporte à saúde da tireoide e ao equilíbrio hormonal, fatores essenciais para manter a vitalidade e o bem-estar em uma fase da vida onde o metabolismo pode começar a desacelerar.
- Suporte à Tireoide e Suplemento de Iodo: Enriquecido com iodo, o Metabolism é projetado para promover o bem-estar da tireoide, fundamental para a regulação hormonal e o funcionamento adequado do organismo. Este suporte é especialmente importante para aqueles que buscam manter a saúde em dia após os 30 anos.
- Alívio Natural do Estresse e Fórmula Antiestresse: Com uma mistura única de ervas, o Metabolism combina benefícios de alívio do estresse e antistresse, promovendo uma sensação de calma e bem-estar. É a escolha ideal para quem deseja desestressar e encontrar equilíbrio em sua rotina diária.
- Suporte à Saúde Metabólica e Níveis de Energia: Este suplemento foi desenvolvido para complementar um estilo de vida saudável, contribuindo para a manutenção das funções metabólicas normais e apoiando a energia e vitalidade geral do corpo.
- Suplemento de Cortisol para Bem-Estar Equilibrado: Com propriedades naturais redutoras de cortisol, o Metabolism auxilia na gestão dos níveis de cortisol, promovendo um estado equilibrado de bem-estar e ajudando no gerenciamento do estresse.
- Suporte Abrangente para Homens e Mulheres Acima dos 30: O Metabolism é especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades de saúde de pessoas acima dos 30 anos, oferecendo suporte direcionado à tireoide, equilíbrio hormonal e aprimoramento do metabolismo, tudo em um único produto.
1. Apoio à Tireoide: Melhora a função tireoidiana, essencial para o metabolismo saudável.
2. Redução do Estresse: Promove um estado de calma, ajudando a lidar com as pressões do dia a dia.
3. Aumento da Energia: Contribui para níveis de energia sustentáveis, permitindo um desempenho otimizado nas atividades diárias.
4. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os hormônios, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
5. Fórmula Completa: Oferece uma solução integrada para as necessidades de saúde de homens e mulheres acima dos 30 anos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Metabolism diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob tratamento médico. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Amazon Customer –
I’m a 50 years Hispanic male, I’ve always been healthy, thin, and in fairly good shape. I also do not drink, or smoke, or do any type of drugs. And I’ve always exercised on regularly basis, and I drink a ton of water every single day.
But lately I have noticed I don’t have the same level of energy as I did before (Yes getting old sucks)? I was looking for something just like this, and after just ten days of taking this I have noticed a change? I’ve noticed I wake up with more energy, and I feel less sluggish when I wake up in the morning. And I also have more energy throughout my day, and especially at the end of my day. So it does seem to be working so far? And this is only after ten day?
I will confess I only take one pill per day, and I also take a multivitamin (One A Day Mens 50+), and I also started taking a testosterone booster ten days ago as well. And yes I take only one of those per day as we’ll.
So far no weight loss to report? But it has only been ten days since I started taking these… And already I have notice a change???
Sam Bam –
Noticed absolutely ok difference when taking this product. Waste of money and false advertisement.
Gabrielle –
This product gave me a lot more energy! Unfortunately I felt very overstimulated, and a little bit of heart palpitation… I wish I could have this supplement in a lower dose I believe that would help I only took one pill a day. I think it could work for some people. I’m wondering if my multivitamin also had a high dose of b12 and that may cause the negative effects.
Michelle Mobley –
Thank you for this product!
I am about to finish up month 4 and start 5.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 8 years ago but didn’t treat it. I was having throat surgery we had just lost our home and were homeless, and my husband had congestive heart failure so I didn’t have time to worry about it.
Fast forward 8 years later, my husband has passed away and all my kids are now grown and out of the house. Every day I was feeling worse! I felt like crap all the time, I mean not sick but just really bad. I was moody. I was exhausted all the time even though I was, well kind of sleeping. I would either not really sleep too long to make up for all the sleep I had missed. I was suffering from every side effect of hypothyroidism except the constipation (thank goodness)… My weight had slowly creeped up to 209, getting cold easy when I was young I enjoyed being cold I would wear shorts in the winter (southern California), my joints and muscles, my hair was falling out crazy fire a long time and had gotten pretty thin, my eyebrows almost have no hair. My skin was itchy and dry I was using a ton of lotion and scratching like crazy. I was really depressed, I didn’t want to socialize or go places, I didn’t want to work because I would have to interact with people. I was having stress and anxiety to the point where I would wake up in a full blown panic attack in the middle of the night. For 20 years since I had my last child (I don’t know how long I have actually had hypothyroidism) but I have had such heavy periods for 12-24 hours of the second day every month I had to use 2 tampons and my periods lasted for 10-12 days. I would walk into a room to get something or go to check my phone and forget what I was doing. I WAS LIKE MAN I AM GETTING REALLY OLD AT 50.
I am a big fan of Pinterest, and I kept seeing posts about hypothyroidism and ignored them for a while then one day went in and re-read all of the symptoms-I had almost all of them, and I was like, man…I should have taken care of all of this 8 years ago and I probably would be fine now. Well, I am not big on trusting doctors so deciding to try to fix it on my own first I started looking for products and found Natural Energy & Metabolism Booster with Adrenal Support when searching for thyroid products. The reviews were good and the price was too.
SO NOW…fast forward almost 4 months since I received my first bottle: I AM SLEEPING! It is now reversed, if there is a sleepless night it is like 1 night out of 10 instead of the other way around. I AM NOT EXHAUSTED WHEN I WAKE UP:). MY JOINTS AND MUSCLES AREN’T AT 100% but are so much better. My knees and back don’t hurt nearly as bad, and I had hurt my shoulder moving-it hurt so much for over a year, and now I can move it and do stuff and I have to hit that right spot to even feel where I pulled it. My elbow joints used to hurt-not now. MY HAIR! It’s just starting, but I have a ton of new little hairs growing in! I didn’t notice them at first but I have a bunch of new hair growing in at all different lengths some are just an inch and others are a few inches now! My hair isn’t falling out as much now at the 4th month either. My eyebrows don’t seem to be changing but it had been a really long time with untreated hypothyroidism. MY STRESS, ANXIETY AND PANIC ATTACKS…if what I was experiencing before was 100% it is now at maybe 2-5%. Super calm not anxious, no panic attacks past the first month of taking this. I DO HAVE TO MENTION-I DID START TAKING ANOTHER PRODUCT I HAD USED BEFORE FOR THOSE SPECIFIC THINGS-so I don’t really know if THAT is better because of the ADRENAL WORKS product or the IT WORKS! CONFIANZA…because I am taking both. MY PERIOD…after 20 years of having the worst heavy periods as I mentioned above-this month was the 4th month I had been taking this product and for the FIRST TIME AFTER 20 YEARS I had a normal period. First day light, second day medium (didn’t have to use 2 tampons and get up in the middle of the night twice to change) and third day light.
I really didn’t expect anything to work this well. I knew it would take time because of all the things I read about the medication you are supposed to take and then the feedback from all the supplements I had read. So I had originally decided to commit to taking this product for 6 months to see if it helped-IT DID!
Month 1-started feeling better after about 2 weeks. Started to be in a better mood.
Month 2-sleeping a little better, happier, didn’t feel like crap, stress and anxiety was a little better
Month 3-everything was even better than before joints and muscles feeling better.
END OF MONTH 4-No stress/anxiety/panic attacks for 3 months, sleeping for 8-9 hours almost every night. period-normal! I have new hair growing in! My nails are doing better too! they stopped splitting and peeling-don’t know if that is another awesome side effect from the Adrenal Works product or not. My skin is 60% better? I am not itchy all the time and it’s not as dry. I do live in the desert though so it’s hard to tell if that was all from the thyroid issue or the desert or both! I pretty much had given up on working out because I couldn’t lose any weight. But after me thinking about everything that this product has helped with this week-and the new hair growth-I am going to start working out again!:)
I AM SO HAPPY WITH THIS PRODUCT! I will continue to use it because IT IS WORKING SO WELL! THANK YOU SO MUCH-this sounds so weird to say it but I FEEL LIKE A NORMAL PERSON AGAIN!!!-I haven’t for a really long time:)
Michelle M.
The one who buys too much –
My whole life, I’ve had a sort of fatigue that none of my doctors could really figure out. I’ve tried all sorts of things. I took a medication a while back that had the reverse effect than expected. While researching into this, I found information online that indicated I could have possible issues with adrenaline and noradrenaline production, aka adrenal glands.
I’ve tried L-Tyrosine in the past, but found I developed a tolerance fast and it produced too much dopamine, making me consistently irritable. When I saw this, I was intrigued. There are a few ingredients I had read had success online, all in one pill! But I was concerned about the L-Tyrosine affecting my mood.
Fortunately, I’ve had no such issues. I’ve now been using this every morning for a month along with a 5-HTP/L-Tryptophan/SAMe/B6 supplement before bed, and I’ve never been better. I’ve been on all sorts of medications to tackle my anxiety and depression, but this combo takes the cake. I can feel the.. natural energy from this supplement. Before I could easily drink 5 – 6 energy drinks just to feel the slightest bit of energy, but when I take this I’m energized all day. It’s helped my depression like no other, my anxiety is still a struggle but I’ve been consistently up for the whole month. I would definitely recommend.
**Side note: I can’t attest all success to this supplement as I haven’t tried it solo. As mentioned, I added the 5HTP supplement, as well as taking Acetyl L-Carnitine, R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, and a multivitamin.