Descrição do Produto: Suplemento ORZAX Próstata com Extrato de Saw Palmetto 2000 mg para Homens – Cabelo
O Suplemento ORZAX Próstata é uma fórmula avançada desenvolvida especialmente para atender às necessidades dos homens que buscam manter a saúde da próstata e promover o bem-estar geral. Com uma potente dose de 2000 mg de extrato de Saw Palmetto, este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que desejam apoiar a função urinária e a saúde da próstata, além de contribuir para a saúde capilar. O Saw Palmetto é conhecido por suas propriedades que ajudam a equilibrar os níveis hormonais, o que pode ser benéfico para a prevenção da queda de cabelo e para o fortalecimento dos fios. A combinação de ingredientes naturais e a alta concentração do extrato tornam este produto uma escolha eficaz e segura para o uso diário.
1. Saúde da Próstata: Ajuda a manter a saúde da próstata, reduzindo o risco de problemas urinários.
2. Apoio à Função Urinária: Melhora o fluxo urinário e reduz a frequência de idas ao banheiro, especialmente à noite.
3. Fortalecimento Capilar: Contribui para a saúde dos cabelos, ajudando a prevenir a queda e promovendo fios mais fortes.
4. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Auxilia na regulação dos níveis hormonais, o que pode ser benéfico para a saúde geral do homem.
5. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes de origem natural, oferece uma alternativa segura e eficaz para o cuidado da saúde masculina.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do Suplemento ORZAX Próstata ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para melhor absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e fora do alcance de crianças. Para resultados otimizados, associe o uso do suplemento a uma dieta equilibrada e a um estilo de vida saudável.
dan strouss –
Easy to work with
Prof. DM –
Saw palmetto can be a possible treatment for prostate cancer and urinary tract problems associated with an enlarged prostate. It is also being used to treat hair loss too. Few studies showed that the saw palmetto extract improves the BPH symptoms and improve the quality of life. There is no evidence that saw palmetto could be used to treat ED.
The bottle is well-sealed with 120 easy to swallow capsules inside. No strong smell and no bad aftertaste. Each capsule contains 2000mg of fruit that equal to 500mg of Saw palmetto extract. A bit of confusion here because the front of the bottle implies 2000mg of Saw palmetto extract, but that is not the case.
I’ve been taking Saw Palmetto again after another round of hair shedding. To me it’s a safer, natural and cost effective alternative to the benefits/side effects of Finasteride. I’ve added this to my daily routine of applying minoxidil to my scalp. I’ve been trying different brands of Saw Palmetto and came across this one.
This one is not a Non GMO product. It just states it’s Dairy Free and made in an FDA approved facility. The 2000 mg on the bottle is a bit misleading since it explains on the back that it’s equal to 500 mg extract. So I’m still not sure what that means. I checked their website and they do sell various extracts, vitamins and supplements.
I’ve been taking this supplement for over a month now and have not experienced any negative side effects. The hair left in shower drain seems to be less than before. So far so good.
Reine Soleil –
Now I’d be careful with this dosage since it is formulated for use by men but recent research suggests that women may also benefit from Saw Palmetto.
Apparently it helps with thinning hair and hirsutisim. I am willing to give anything a try especially that the hair I lost on my head is now growing on my chin.
There are several Beverly Hills doctors who use saw palmetto in their proprietary products and skin revitalization and hormone rebalancing.
I can’t say for sure at this point that it is working but trying a couple of bottles should let me know in a few months if there’s reason to continue taking this product or others like it. I will update.
As with all herbal/plant supplements I suggest consulting a medical professional if you have health issues or are taking medications that could be affected by other substances.
Rpm –
I’m not really confident that this product is actually working as defined in the chemical composition
Guerrero –
Muy bueno
EnsembleMan –
If the placebo effect works for you, get them, If not move on.
Prof. DM –
If you are a male approaching your fifties, I highly recommend you start taking saw palmetto. An engaged prostate is not comfortable or convenient way to live and the solution is as simple as taking this affordable capsule. I felt major relief within hours and thought I was healed in a few days. The relief is life changing. Unfortunately, it’s a lifetime commitment because within a few days of not taking it, all the pain and discomfort returns. A natural and healthier option to try before expensive prescription medicine with negative side effects. It 100% worked for me.