Descrição do Produto: UpNourish Organic Ashwagandha Saffron Supplements com Probióticos
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a ansiedade se tornaram companheiros constantes, a UpNourish apresenta uma solução inovadora e eficaz: os suplementos orgânicos de Ashwagandha e Açafrão, enriquecidos com probióticos. Este produto premium foi desenvolvido para aqueles que buscam não apenas aliviar o estresse, mas também melhorar o humor e a clareza mental. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, que inclui o extrato orgânico de ashwagandha SENSORIL, o extrato de açafrão AFFRON, probióticos que atuam na conexão intestino-cérebro, L-Theanine e adaptógenos como a Rhodiola Rosea, este suplemento é a resposta para um dia mais produtivo e uma noite mais tranquila.
- GOODBYE STRESS: Sentindo-se esgotado ou irritado com a pressão do dia a dia? Este suplemento de alívio do estresse e aumento do humor foi criado para você. O extrato de ashwagandha SENSORIL, clinicamente comprovado, combinado com o açafrão AFFRON e probióticos, ajuda a começar o dia com mais energia, mantendo a calma e o foco ao longo do dia, e finalizando com uma noite relaxante.
- MORE RESTFUL NIGHT: O AFFRON é um extrato de estigma de açafrão de ação rápida e não viciante. Testado em três estudos clínicos, demonstrou reduzir o número de despertares noturnos, aumentar a qualidade do sono e melhorar o foco e a atenção ao acordar. O AFFRON ajuda adultos e adolescentes a manter um humor positivo e aliviar o estresse, frustração e tensão.
- STAY ENERGIZED AND VITALIZED: Comprovado por 14 estudos clínicos, o extrato de raiz e folha de ashwagandha SENSORIL proporciona energia duradoura enquanto diminui a fadiga. A sinergia com ervas adaptogênicas como açafrão, rhodiola rosea, manjericão sagrado e theanine promove suporte imunológico, memória, cognição, resistência e suporte à tireoide.
- HEALTHY GUT CLEAR MIND: O intestino é considerado o segundo cérebro. A microbiota intestinal saudável influencia a função cerebral, as emoções e o humor. Selecionamos cuidadosamente 11 cepas probióticas de suporte ao humor para melhorar a diversidade do microbioma e manter níveis saudáveis de hormônios do humor, promovendo suporte emocional positivo.
1. Redução do Estresse: Alivia a tensão e promove um estado de calma, ideal para dias agitados.
2. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Diminui os despertares noturnos e melhora a qualidade do descanso.
3. Aumento da Energia: Combate a fadiga e proporciona energia duradoura ao longo do dia.
4. Suporte Emocional: Ajuda a manter um humor positivo e a lidar com frustrações diárias.
5. Saúde Intestinal: Melhora a diversidade do microbioma, influenciando positivamente o humor e as emoções.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os benefícios do produto. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Msquared –
My son asked for a supplement he could add to his adderall to help more with focus. He’s been taking this for a month and says it does help him during school.
Dalia Black –
I did feel a difference but it took like a week and it wasn’t sustainable it stopped working pretty quickly
Sarah –
I have unmedicated ADHD and struggle heavily with concentration and executive function. It’s only been two days and I’m stunned at what a difference this has made. I have SO much more energy and SO much more motivation. This is the clearest my head has felt in I don’t even know how long. I don’t feel like I took something. I just feel like a normal person. It’s amazing. For me, it wakes me up, so be wary taking at night if you have ADHD lol. I’ll update again in a few weeks, but my immediate reaction is this stuff is great.
EDIT: If you menstruate, be aware that your cycle could be affected. After 8 days of taking this, I started my cycle a week early. I did some online research and this is apparently pretty common with ashwagandha! Doesn’t happen to everyone, of course, but I did want to mention it!
Zachary H. –
Got this because I have SEVERE ADHD and anxiety and this combo was supposed to knock them both out… did not feel any different on or off of it unfortunately… worth a shot if your struggling it may help you but it did not help me unfortunately
Sheryl Thornburg –
It’s a vitamin and seems to help me feel better.
Elizabeth –
TL: DR – has significantly improved treatment resistant MDD, improved menstrual problems, improved libido and connection. May as well be magic..
I have lived with treatment resistant major depressive disorder and anxiety for more than 20 years. Any medication we tried only made things worse. I had resigned myself to living like this. I went to see my physician because my symptoms became acutely worse and I was no longer safe. She hesitantly prescribed yet another medication, but mentioned “off the record” that saffron was showing great efficacy, better than SSRIs, in double blind studies. I told her I’d try that instead as I had no hope for the prescription.
Within a few days, it was magic. I had my full range of emotions, but they were situational appropriate. My fatigue was decreased, I was sleeping well, the brain fog lifted, and I felt better than I had in more years than i can remember. It also has brought back the libido I had in my early 20s which i thought was a lost cause. Now, two months in, I am still feeling good with some mild variability and an occasional bad day, which is still a world of improvement.
As a side note, I have also struggled with hemorrhage level bleeding and debilitating cramps during menstruation, and my last cycle was normal-person normal. I only finally connected these a couple days ago, when I realized that ashwaganda can improve menstruation and fertility, but fingers crossed that that continues as well.
Will this work for everyone? No, nothng does. Is it worth a try? Absolutely.
Jenifer Nichols –
I have been using this mainly for the saffron to help with focus. It’s been working great so far and I’ve had more energy. It’s pretty easy to swallow and does not have a strong taste. I will be ordering again!
Bernice Simpson –
I started taking this in the evening and found I handle the stress of my work day so much better. I have tried several products. this one has the magical combination for sure. Truly helps me stay focused and not anxious with everything going on. I love it.