Descrição do Produto: Suplemento Orgânico de Prebióticos e Probióticos – 60 Bilhões de CFU
Descubra o poder do nosso Suplemento Orgânico de Prebióticos e Probióticos, uma fórmula avançada que combina 60 bilhões de CFU (Unidades Formadoras de Colônias) de cepas cientificamente comprovadas, projetadas para apoiar a saúde do sistema imunológico e a digestão. Este suplemento de máxima potência é ideal para quem busca uma solução eficaz para melhorar a saúde intestinal e o bem-estar geral.
A nossa fórmula inclui enzimas digestivas, como Lactobacillus acidophilus e Bifidobacterium lactis, que são essenciais para a absorção adequada de nutrientes. Com 10 cepas supercarregadas, este suplemento não só promove um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal, mas também facilita a quebra de proteínas, gorduras e carboidratos, otimizando a absorção de nutrientes essenciais pelo organismo.
Além disso, cada frasco é estável em prateleira, o que significa que não requer refrigeração, tornando-o prático para o uso diário. Utilizando as cápsulas patenteadas EMBO Caps, garantimos que os probióticos sejam protegidos do ácido estomacal e da bile, assegurando que cheguem ao trato intestinal, onde são mais necessários. Orgulhosamente fabricado em uma instalação certificada pela GMP nos EUA, nosso suplemento é sinônimo de qualidade e eficácia.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: Promove um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal, reduzindo desconfortos digestivos.
– Absorção Eficiente de Nutrientes: As enzimas digestivas ajudam na quebra de alimentos, melhorando a absorção de vitaminas e minerais.
– Praticidade: Produto estável em prateleira, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada e não pode se preocupar com refrigeração.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado em instalações de alta qualidade nos EUA, assegurando pureza e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a eficácia das enzimas digestivas e dos probióticos, garantindo que os nutrientes sejam absorvidos de maneira otimizada. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Texmel –
Humble Wellness’s Probiotic Y Prebiotics W/Digestive Enzyme has been a very useful product. Its trio of plentiful key ingredients include a Multi Strain 60 Billion CFU Probiotic (with 11 different probiotic strains); an Organic Prebiotic Complex (with two vegetable contents); and a Digestive Enzyme Complex (with 9 different enzymes). These are housed in a medium-sized capsule that is easy to take. The directions recommend taking 1 capsule with a glass of water. There are 30 capsules in this container.
I love everything about this pre/probiotic. It is easy to take, and I’ve included it as part of my meals. Wonderful way to round out those meals with the supplements I consider key and important.
Amazon Customer –
I’m sure it’s a decent product for the right person. I however have had hives every time I’ve taken it. So, I am no longer taking it.
treerainsun –
Honestly i think its a good value, the brand has a good reputation and I am happy to purchase more products from them in the future. If you are looking for a probiotic I believe this is a good choice.
James W. –
I think I decimated this bottle in record time. I’m usually pretty bad at taking probiotics consistently as I tend to schedule them apart from my consistent routine, but this I powered through. Taking this I didn’t notice a dip in my flora situation, and I think the enzymes were helping as when I stopped taking them I started feeling a bit cruddy. Could just be coincidence but in general taking these was a pleasant experience. Didn’t notice any weird side effects or issues, the range of probiotics here is rather expansive. Sus the claim of 60 billion, but it’s rather an impossible task for me to calculate or verify. Dig the GMP. Overall think it’s at min a decent product. Would need more time than a month to fully evaluate.
Lindsey Colman –
I have been taking this probiotic every morning and it’s been great
CrazyHusky –
Our family believes in the benefits of probiotics to keep our tummies happy with good flora. These Humble capsules are easy to swallow, do not leave an aftertaste or cause bubblegut, and seem to digest well without any issues. Priced similarly with other brands containing the same blend of pre- and probiotic ingredients, this Humble brand offers another choice in this crowded market.
Eric B. –
To avoid any confusion as to the product description herein under review, the actual product description as posted by the seller on his Amazon marketing webpage is: Humble Organic Prebiotics + Probiotics Supplement – 60 Billion CFU, Digestive Enzymes, Shelf Stable, Made in USA.
Price-point during this review: $19.99.
My first reaction when I noted the price-point of this item was somewhat surprising given the fact it only contains a mere 30 capsule quantity. That plays out to be quite pricey, but a closer look at the other competing myriad Amazon probiotic offerings, caused me to do a bit of research regarding the evolution of these types of digestive-friendly products (that have become so popular owing to their implied effectiveness and users’ strong acceptance). What I learned was that the actual cost-per-capsule in this offering indeed plays out to be quite competitive with its seller rivals.
I’ve been a long-time user and firm believer in probiotic products. Over that span, I’ve found Amazon to offer the best and most complete complement of these ‘hard to do without’, “must-have” products. So, as a gold-rated member of Amazon’s Vine Voice reviewer program, it fast became an ‘excellent-fit’ for me to begin to acquire, use and test several of these digestive-aiding items.
My ‘intimacy’ with navigating Amazon’s vast, unmatched inventory of these types of products made it a much easier proposition for me to initially source and then subsequently acquire several iterations of them. Accordingly, it also ultimately proved to be the best source to do my research into what is actually ‘out there’ in today’s marketplace.
What I found is that the pricing of this product currently under my review is actually not too ‘out of line’ with other competing, similar offerings. What it all seems to boil down to, for me, are the ingredients (quality and reputation-wise), the quantities in each bottle, and the almighty review-reactions to prior users of those products.
By way of a bit of background history as to how I’ve grown to rely upon my daily consumption of probiotic digestive enzyme-aiding products, my welcomed acceptance of them came solely in the form of what has heretofore been known simply as a “probiotic” vitamin-related supplemental product. But now, thanks to my Vine Voice reviewer extended access to these types of items, I’ve thankfully been exposed to what is now apparently the latest ‘craze’ in the world of probiotics – – namely ‘prebiotics’ and ‘postbiotics’. Without my involvement with that program, I probably never would’ve become aware of the existence of these newer probiotic variants – – the result of which is that I now have become a ‘heavy’ user of these latest digestive ‘phenomenons’.
This particular convenient offering captures many of the purported advantages of the combining of both the prebiotic and the main probiotic constituents into one single, ‘unified’ consumer product…we’ll have to leave the remaining, latest ‘postbiotic’ inclusion for another Amazon product review at another time (LOL!…of which, incidentally, I’ve already acquired and awaits full testing and review).
My observations of this ‘power-packed’ item are as follows:
1) Probiotic ‘strain-wise’, as well as quantity-wise, this product needs not take a ‘back-seat’ to any of its Amazon competitors. Its generous supply of 60 billion CFU (Colony Forming Units) is more than an ample collection of those ever-so-necessary, ‘good microbial bacteria’ ‘friendlies’ that serve to clean up and revitalize the large intestinal tract (AKA the ‘colon’ or ‘gut’). Suffice it to say, you’ll never get ‘short-changed’ if you decide to indulge yourself in a bottle of this great stuff.
2) This Amazon vendor purports that his product contains no less than 10 good bacterial ‘strains’ (varieties).
3) All the included 30-day supply of capsules come encased with ‘time-release’, encapsulated containment properties – – sometimes referred to in the vitamin supplement industry as ‘enteric coating’ – – which means that this valuable digestive supplement will supposedly not ‘breakdown’, nor degrade before it finally makes its way through all the strong digestive rigors of the stomach acid and small, nutrient-absorbing intestines before it finally arrives at its ultimate destination/resting-place in the large intestinal colon where its ‘good’ bacteria can perform its most beneficial service – – namely to cleanse and maintain the gut’s health and conceivably reduce the risk of acquiring the dreaded arrival of colon cancer. Suffice it to say, I would never consider any such product without the inclusion of enteric-coated capsules. Any lack of this vital feature would be a proverbial ‘deal-breaker’ for me.
4) Of particular, very important note: The ingestion of antibiotic drugs, in an implied effort to deal with other critical body-induced health afflictions, will for sure ‘kill-off’ any of this newly settled ‘good bacteria’ colonization-arrival in the large intestinal area…sort of like a “robbing Peter to pay Paul scenario,”…so anyone who’s managed to realize a significant amount of good intestinal probiotic bacterial ‘build-up’, might want to think twice before needlessly indulging in the use of such. As always, consultation with a medical professional in such a situation is recommended.
5) The not-to-be forgotten inclusion of the 200mg quantity of the added beneficial ‘digestive enzyme mix’ of Lipase, Amylase, Protease, Papain, Cellulase, Lactase, Maltase, Bromelain and Glucoamylase is an extra added ‘bonus’ to this gem of a digestive-aiding product.
Dino Henry –
Great probiotic, definitely the best one I’ve used so far. Easy to swallow, and no foul taste. Single capsule serving <3