Descrição do Produto: DR. EMIL NUTRITION 2100mg Organic Lions Mane Supplement Capsules
As cápsulas de suplemento de Lion’s Mane da Dr. Emil Nutrition são uma poderosa adição à sua rotina de saúde mental. Com 2100 mg de extrato puro de Lion’s Mane, este produto é formulado para otimizar o desempenho cognitivo, promovendo clareza mental, foco e memória. O Lion’s Mane, um cogumelo conhecido por suas propriedades nootrópicas, é um aliado valioso para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua capacidade de concentração e agilidade mental.
Além de suas propriedades cognitivas, a fórmula do Lion’s Mane também oferece suporte ao sistema imunológico. Estudos indicam que este cogumelo pode melhorar a saúde intestinal, contribuindo para um desempenho imunológico geral mais robusto. A qualidade do produto é garantida, pois o extrato é obtido a partir de cogumelos cultivados nos EUA, colhidos à mão e processados por um método de extração em água quente de última geração, que assegura a máxima retenção de nutrientes.
A fórmula desenvolvida pelo Dr. Emil Hodzovic é livre de glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e é isenta de aditivos ou enchimentos prejudiciais. Cada cápsula é resultado de um rigoroso processo de fabricação em uma instalação cGMP, garantindo que você receba um produto de alta qualidade, sem promessas vazias ou hormônios.
– Aprimoramento Cognitivo: Melhora a clareza mental e a capacidade de foco, ideal para estudantes e profissionais.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, contribuindo para uma saúde geral melhor.
– Saúde Intestinal: Promove um microbioma saudável, essencial para a digestão e absorção de nutrientes.
– Qualidade Superior: Extrato 100% puro, livre de aditivos e processado com tecnologia avançada.
– Fórmula Derivada de Médico: Desenvolvida por um especialista, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do Lion’s Mane. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para observar melhorias significativas na função cognitiva e no bem-estar geral. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
J M W –
I’m a long time supplement user and very well versed in all types of dietary supplements. I have used everything from sports nutrition products to nootropic smart drugs and everything in between. May products, especially nootropics (“brain boosters”) overpromise and underdeliver. I’ve even used some nootropics that have cost upwards of $100 with patented ingredients, etc that turned out to do nothing. Being a fan of Lions Mane for several years, I can tell you this product is a true winner. I do believe this brand is superior and this product is certainly superior. What drew me in was the emphasis on the science and the BioPerine. I have used other supplements with BioPerine and it absolutely can make a difference in how your body absorbs the nutrients and hence the efficacy of whatever product you’re using
My mind was blown when I immediately noticed a difference in focus after using this supplement. I am currently studying for the LSAT and I knocked out three practice in the time it usually takes me to do 2 (this is a big difference). I actually finished all 3 practice tests about 15 min ahead of the allotted time frame, which is very hard to do and I haven’t done so before this using product. Also, I didn’t feel the need for a break between taking the tests which means my focus was super on point.
Shortly after, I basically forced my girlfriend to give it a try before going to work and she noticed a similar effect. Her exact words were “I actually got some work done instead of playing on social media all day at my desk.” This product is as legit as anyone supplement I’ve tried and if you’re looking for a smart drug for focus this is an A++.
Anthony –
Great experience with the product and the high level of customer service. Excellent on all fronts. Highly recommended company. I will definitely try other items from this seller.
Gilberto Aburto Perez –
Flecia Doggan –
I bought for my mom since its for mental clarity and focus. It has only been a few weeks, but it seems she is recalling memories I thought she had forgotten. Give it a try!
Fouad Aramouni –
i rarely write amazon reviews and this is probably my second or 3rd review that i write i just want to say how much ive been dissatisfied with this product i have been taking it for around 3-4 days and ive started to experience nausea and intestine pain i havent been able to eat a full meal because of the extreme bloating and pain and just to be clear i usually have around 4-5 full meals a day and ever since ive started taking dr emils lions mane i havent been able to have more than 2 meals a day that im having to force myself to eat and not even finishing also ive experienced very bad mood swings including feeling very down almost like depression which is very scary to be honest and id just like to know if anyone has experienced the same or close symptoms to mine and how long it took to get better personally id say this product is a scam and i do not recommend anyone to take dr emils lion mane supplements total waste of money and very negative side effects!!!
Elitecharmer –
I had perimenopausal and ADHD, my husband and our son we all have ADHD I know how to cope better because of my meditation practice. I can be focused and stay on tasks better than my son and my husband. My son couldn’t focus or stay on task on any of his school or assignment when he listening to the teacher in the classroom his mind will wander somewhere else. He gets frustrated with himself but doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions. I put my son in ADHD medication back 4 years ago because his school really think that what my son needs. And I believe what school has to say. I make mistakes by making that decision put my son on medication. I came from a different culture not speak English very well I didn’t know what I have to do or I didn’t know I have other options. I took my son off from medication after 2 years when I saw a bad side effect from medication and what medication did to him. I couldn’t see my son been through that. Now my son 14 freshman year in high school he told me that he really needs help because of his lack of concentration and overload of school assignments. My husband has anxiety, ADHD and depression I think all of those may be related to each other. I have been looking and try many different products which all of us but nothing seems to work. About 2 weeks ago I found this Lions Mane product from Amazon. I read about product reviews and did some research I decided to give it a try. The second day after my son took he told me that ” mom I think this Lions Mane it’s really helped me focused in class” he says he actually feels that he listening to the teacher better and he is more focused on school work. My husband another hand very criticizes anything supplement “because it’s never working with him it’s just advertising he says” but I told him to try for 2 days if it not working you don’t need to take it. So he did take it and after 2 days he still took it himself self I don’t need to force him. So that means it’s work! I then try it my self I feel the difference I feel calmer and I can focus better too. I love this product I already order the second bottle and will definitely order more because 3 of us all taking this Lions Mane. Give 5 stare 😊👍
Jezer Sclopis –
First off, I have tasted other 4 nootropics and this is what I think of the: LIONS MANE 2100MGS SMART SHROOMS.
It was really good right after the first take, 2 hours for the pill to make an effect. Felt like “Dolly Zoom” where you can see thing sort of clearer. The wear off is pretty easy on you, no cramps, no itchy sensation nor spams on your limbs *frowning at you, Genius powder*
The issue I had was with other pills/powders is that whenever the time is up for the effects, comes the downhill trip where you get cramps, spasms on your limbs, that itchy sensation on your back, hands and neck. It really feels like your nervous system is under attack or it is having a hard time to regulate itself. Lions Mane does the magic, the pill takes a little longer to hit at first but the drifting away of the effects its really merciful on your senses. I appreciate that!
The only reason I gave 4 stars on Flavor & consumption method is because on my utopic pill world, the items shouldn’t neither have any odor/flavor nor be bigger than a phenetaps without compromising the lenght of the effects per intake. If you want to improve upon something, those are the things, but keep in mind that those are peripherals related to the core intention of this solution, which is bringing better: FOCUS, IMMUNITY & MEMORY for the users.
I have ADHD, usually getting distracted with a small breeze, but whenever I am on this, it is a calming effect next to the hability to going through a full page once and getting the main topics right off the bat. Awesome, usually I have to do “focus-reading manouvers” like reading sentences twice and point with my finger and try to follow it, but after a couple of parragraphs, I’d find myself either checking a song’s lyrics and trying to sing along or checking some conspiracy on alternate web pages.
Thank you so much for this product, I am not suggesting this is the solution to all of your problems but, from my point of view, it works. Keep in mind, every organism is different! but, this nootropic is worth trying.
Veronika S –
Like other reviews it’s causing nausea
alfredo –
La mejora es gradual, pero si se nota. Las tome por un mes y primero y no me di cuenta del cambio cognitivo así que deje de tomármelas. Después de una semana mas o menos, empece a sentir que mi rendimiento mental disminuía. Fue ahí fue cuando me di cuenta que, efectivamente, las capsulas estaban ayudándome mucho pero al ser un cambio gradual no lo note. Volví a tomármelas inmediatamente. 100% recomendado.