Descrição do Produto: Nutricology ImmoPlex Glandulars Supplement
O Nutricology ImmoPlex Glandulars Supplement é uma fórmula avançada que combina a potência de tecidos glandulares essenciais, incluindo pâncreas, adrenal, timo e baço, em cápsulas vegetarianas de alta qualidade. Cada cápsula contém uma mistura equilibrada de 125 mg de cada componente glandular, proporcionando um suporte imunológico abrangente e eficaz. Este complexo glandular é especialmente formulado para aqueles que buscam fortalecer suas defesas naturais e otimizar a função glandular.
Os ingredientes são derivados de animais alimentados com pasto e inspecionados pelo governo na Nova Zelândia e na Austrália, garantindo que cada componente seja de origem ética e de alta qualidade. Os animais são criados sob rigorosas regulamentações de manejo, o que assegura que o material glandular utilizado no suplemento seja puro e eficaz. A técnica de liofilização utilizada na produção preserva a delicada natureza do material, mantendo todos os nutrientes naturalmente presentes nos tecidos glandulares.
– Suporte Imunológico Abrangente: Fortalece o sistema imunológico através da combinação de tecidos glandulares essenciais.
– Qualidade Superior: Proveniente de animais criados em pastagens, garantindo um produto livre de contaminantes.
– Preservação de Nutrientes: A liofilização mantém a integridade dos nutrientes, maximizando a eficácia do suplemento.
– Hipoalergênico: Desenvolvido por Dr. Stephen Levine, o produto é seguro para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares.
– Fácil de Usar: As cápsulas vegetarianas são práticas e podem ser facilmente incorporadas à rotina diária.
Como suplemento dietético, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula duas ou três vezes ao dia, acompanhada de refeições, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante seguir as instruções de uso para garantir a máxima absorção e eficácia do produto, integrando-o de forma harmoniosa à sua dieta e estilo de vida.
salemdp –
I originally bought these to put in my cat’s raw food. They are great and help keep our awesome kitty in fantastic health. We noticed a difference in his health when we started adding this.
However, I also recently decided to start taking them myself. They help me feel really good. I’m impressed. I’m going to keep buying these.
RiP –
Aminos are so important to every function in the body. These were one of the best in my price range. Clear of harmful additives.
Sam’s Mom –
I bought these to add to my cat’s homemade food, as per instructions on several recipes. The product came quickly and seems to be of very good quality. They seem to like the smell of it, and hopefully it is doing them some good. It was an excellent seller, and I’m only giving 4 stars because it feels kind of silly to say I love Glandular capsules that I bought for my cats. A good product though, as far as I can tell.
Carol Cox –
I liked that this product came in the mail as described. I had another product that was discontinued and was searching for a replacement. I have been taking this product now for close to a year, and my body has adjusted to this supplement nicely without any weird side effects.
Amahl Turczyn –
These glands are freeze dried from healthy animals, and are critical supplements for house-bound non-hunting cats. Cats are obligate carnivores. They don’t eat potatoes, rice, wheat, or any other cheap fillers they put in kibble. Making your own cat food is a pain, it’s fairly gross, and it’s not cheap if you use organic meat (as you should for THOSE animals’ quality of life), but my Maine coons are worth it, and they are the healthiest cats I’ve ever encountered as a result of their diet. Feeding your cat store-bought food is simply cruelty, and it will kill them sooner rather than later.
Esme –
I use these in the raw food for my cat & dog. They seem to like it just fine while providing essential nutrients for them.
Slip –
Great suppliment I can fell it cleaning out my body but it does wire me a bit!
Suzanne Root –
Working well for me. I have had some severe leaky gut. This is helping me to feel less inflammation in my body and tolerate protein better. I had a consultation with a nutritionist who said that the first thing she would do is put me on amino acids, I couldn’t afford her but I could afford these. I think it is helping a lot.