Descrição do Produto: Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement, 32 Ounces – Very Berry
O Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma forma prática e eficaz de garantir a ingestão diária de nutrientes essenciais. Com um sabor irresistível de frutas vermelhas, este suplemento líquido de 32 onças foi desenvolvido para oferecer uma absorção superior, graças à redução de agentes espessantes. A nova fórmula apresenta uma consistência mais leve e uma coloração mais clara, sem comprometer a qualidade dos nutrientes.
Este multivitamínico líquido é uma fonte poderosa de vitaminas C e D3, que atuam como um suporte imunológico robusto, proporcionando energia diária e vitalidade. A mistura abrangente de nutrientes é perfeita tanto para homens quanto para mulheres, oferecendo uma combinação equilibrada de ômegas, aminoácidos, minerais traço e macrominerais, promovendo o bem-estar diário. Além disso, a fórmula é adequada para crianças, garantindo que os pequenos recebam os nutrientes essenciais para o crescimento saudável, imunidade e saúde geral.
Com apenas uma onça por dia, o Balanced Essentials se transforma em um verdadeiro “shot” de imunidade, entregando 138 nutrientes vitais que promovem um impulso imunológico, saúde, desempenho e energia. É a solução ideal para quem deseja otimizar sua saúde de forma prática e saborosa.
– Melhor Absorção: A nova fórmula com menos espessantes garante uma absorção mais eficiente dos nutrientes.
– Suporte Imunológico: Contém vitaminas C e D3, essenciais para fortalecer o sistema imunológico.
– Mistura Completa de Nutrientes: Oferece uma ampla gama de ômegas, aminoácidos e minerais, promovendo a saúde integral.
– Adequado para Crianças: O sabor de frutas vermelhas torna o suplemento atraente para os pequenos, garantindo que recebam os nutrientes necessários.
– Praticidade: Com apenas uma onça diária, é fácil de incorporar na rotina, proporcionando um impulso de saúde em um único gole.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma onça (30 ml) do Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement diariamente. Pode ser tomado puro ou misturado em sucos ou smoothies, facilitando a inclusão na dieta. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos nutrientes. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
OberBane –
Our son seems to enjoy the taste, which is a plus!
Joyce –
Healthy drink. Good flavor
Liz –
This is my 2nd bottle already I noticed a difference in the way I feel. It gives me more energy wakes me up from fatigue. This has a lot of good vitamins and minerals needed for the body. I like that it has vitamin d which is really important to have. My vitamin d levels were really low so I take vitamin d plus this, and its such a difference. Ive take other multivitamins and minerals but this one made such a difference. I’m glad I found one that works for me. I was taking it without the added supplement of vitamin d and it still made a difference that other vitamins. I haven’t felt this good in so long. A lot of times the human body is deficient of minerals and vitamins, things like depression and anxiety can be helped with vitamins and minerals. I haven’t felt this energized and awake in a long time. I know taking this in more months will show even more results. The taste for me is good. Not too thick it taste mineral rich. This will be my stable
Amazon Customer –
**Update: My son is now 5 years old. He is an excellent talker and advanced in school. He was the last to start talking out of his friends, but now is one of the smartest. He didn’t start talking until he started taking this. I always recommend this product because it actually worked! I really believe his speech delay was caused by some sort of vitamin deficiency. He only would eat two or three things and was very picky! When people meet him now they have a hard time believing that he had a speech delay. Please please try this! It was life changing for my family.
**Review: We used it everyday for 40 days and then started to forget about it. That’s because my son started talking more, so I wasn’t as worried as I was before. When we started this product my son only knew 5 words. We saw almost instant results.. he could say 20+ words after about 3 weeks. He can now say 60+ words! We started these vitamins 3 months ago!! So that’s a huge win for us. I’m not sure if it was the vitamins that got him talking, or if he would have started talking regardless.. but at least I know he’s getting extra vitamins. I would definitely recommend this to other parents who are struggling with a speech delay, it’s at least worth a try!! My son is 2.5 years old. I gave him 5ml and mixed it in a vanilla pudding cup. You need to mix it with something like yogurt or pudding otherwise it tastes horrible. After I learned this trick it was super easy to give to my picky son! I hope this review helps.
Ricardo Niles –
I have been taking Wellgenix’s Balanced Essentials Plus liquid vitamins for many years. It was a great product and tasted very good. I recently ran out of it so I purchased another set of three on Amazon. The product arrived yesterday and I opened it this morning. To my surprise, the product has completely changed. What they are now representing as an “improved taste and texture” product is nothing else than a significantly watered-down version of the product that I had been taking for all these years. It is like Wellgenix just turned on the faucet on this product. Gone is the thickness, color, taste, and probably its efficacy as well. I can’t see how they are representing this product as an “improvement”. This is a serious change to the product and anyone who has taken it before will notice it immediately. I’m very disappointed and I will never purchase it again.
James White –
Like this Vitamin liquid very much. Drink a glass of water along with taking cap full of Balanced Essentials in the morning upon wakening. Get it flowing throughout my body. Like that Vitamin B’s aren’t so high in this a lot of other vitamin companies your body isn’t absorbing and you can tell when you use the bathroom. Got this on sale which was nice because it is a little pricey.
orange –
They really should change the label – it is no longer berry flavored. It tastes like pineapple juice!
We think it’s better. We liked the other too – thicker and definitely berry. But the thinner is actually nicer/smoother and the taste is good too! Feels the same as well. (We always feel good taking this product)
They just need to change the label to reflect the new flavor. Still great as always!
Leah –
This vitamin is an incredible mix. It has everything a person could need and I truly believe it has kept my kiddo healthy this year. I want so badly to be able to take this vitamin, but because I do not eat breakfast before I leave my home in the mornings, I cannot. This vitamin makes me puke if taken on an empty stomach. I need to start taking it before bed.
Terry –
Good quality vitamins. I use every day.