Descrição do Produto: Green Foods Original Green Magma Barley Grass Nutritional Supplement
O Green Foods Original Green Magma é um suplemento nutricional à base de grama de cevada, reconhecido mundialmente desde 1969 como o principal produto nesse segmento. Com mais de 40 anos de pesquisa científica e satisfação do consumidor, este suplemento é uma escolha confiável para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Cada comprimido contém 500mg de grama de cevada orgânica certificada, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto livre de aditivos indesejados. O Green Magma não contém açúcar adicionado, sal, corantes ou enchimentos, e é isento de produtos de origem animal, soja, trigo, levedura, milho e organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM).
Este suplemento é uma fonte rica de vitaminas, minerais, aminoácidos, enzimas, clorofila, carotenoides, flavonoides e outros fitonutrientes valiosos que apoiam todos os sistemas do corpo. A grama de cevada é conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, contribuindo para a saúde geral e o bem-estar. O Green Magma é ideal para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de nutrientes essenciais de forma prática e eficaz, promovendo uma vida mais saudável e ativa.
– Suporte Nutricional Completo: Fornece uma ampla gama de nutrientes essenciais que ajudam a manter o corpo em equilíbrio.
– Aumento da Energia: Os fitonutrientes presentes na grama de cevada podem ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia e vitalidade.
– Ação Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo contra danos oxidativos.
– Melhora da Digestão: As enzimas e fibras presentes na fórmula podem auxiliar na digestão e na saúde intestinal.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Os nutrientes do Green Magma ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, promovendo uma defesa natural contra doenças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 6 a 12 comprimidos por dia, preferencialmente divididos em doses ao longo do dia. Os comprimidos podem ser consumidos com água ou sucos naturais, facilitando a incorporação na rotina diária. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do organismo. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine o uso do Green Magma com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo.
Breezy –
This is fantastic stuff. I have a serious, genetic illness and I don’t know if it’s the illness or the medicine I take, but I have a very poor appetite. This is an excellent supplement. It’s all natural, no chemicals; it’s all green food that has been processed into a tablet form. No yucky taste like a powder. I don’t quite know how to say this delicately, but it also helps you go to the bathroom if you have that sort of issue. I’ve been using it for about 2 years and don’t know what I’d do without it. Now, I can’t get up and do jumping jacks and run laps and things like that, but I do have a noticeable but slight increase of energy and I’ll take all the help with energy I can get.
SafariGirl74 –
I’ve tried other “greens” supplements before as my diet is not what it should be. My chiropractor instructed me to start taking these–6 in the morning, 6 in the afternoon. The effect was almost immediate. I’m a teacher and by the time dismissal came around, I was usually ready for a nap! With Green Magma, that afternoon dip in energy is gone! Even now on summer break, I’ve got a lot more energy to do things than I used to.
Joy Woodruff –
I understand you no return on health items – I believe an unsealed item should be an exception.
vu nguyen –
I start to use this product from friend’s advice and expect to have good improvement to my health.
The idea to bring along pills instead of powder is the reason I choose this brand.
My first order come with an open box item, though the pills still look good inside, not darken like other comments or complaints. However, I feedback to the seller the situation for his service improvement. To my surprise, the seller send me a replacement box at once at no cost to me. I appreciate that the seller really stands for his/her brand and reputation. I originally gave four stars but he/she deserves the fifth one. Thanks for your service.
Tsaddi –
These have really been a help when traveling abroad and experiencing stomach upset. They help regulate everything.
I gave it for stars because even though they are small pills they are dry and easily stick to the throat, they are a bit hard to get down, at least for me.
But I really appreciate that this product works in both pill and powder form.
Qessentials –
My husband and I are longtime vegetarians, 45 years +. We learned about the magma from a Doctor, internist. He told us that the barley wheat is a super food and helps aging, digestion, immune system, and lots of natural antioxidants. We take the required quantity daily, 6 pills with cold water. Some people like the powered I do not like the taste. It is like eating your green lawn. So if you cannot take pills powder would work. Friends also use juice with the powder to hide the taste. You Might like it.
Super D –
I have been takling this product since 2005 and this is one of the best prices I’ve seen
NoFearFiona –
This is one of the original green supplements that led the industry – still incredibly high value and pure. You don’t need 14 random greens that up the chances of a person’s food allergies – This is an awesome original