Descrição do Produto: Suplemento NutraMedix Serrapeptase com Enzimas Digestivas Proteolíticas para Mulheres
O Suplemento NutraMedix Serrapeptase é uma fórmula inovadora projetada especialmente para atender às necessidades das mulheres que buscam suporte para a saúde digestiva e articular. Com uma combinação única de enzimas digestivas e fibra prebiótica inulina, este suplemento promove um equilíbrio saudável no trato digestivo, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral. A inulina, extraída do alcachofra de Jerusalém, atua como um prebiótico, alimentando as bactérias benéficas do intestino, enquanto a serrapeptase, uma enzima proteolítica, ajuda a quebrar as proteínas em aminoácidos, facilitando sua absorção pelo organismo.
- Suporte Articular e Digestivo – Nosso suplemento de serrapeptase utiliza enzimas digestivas e fibra prebiótica inulina para ajudar a manter a saúde intestinal. Ele contém uma mistura exclusiva de inulina e serrapeptase, podendo ser utilizado como um suplemento suave para suporte articular.*
- O que são Enzimas Proteolíticas? – As enzimas proteolíticas são um tipo de enzima digestiva. A serrapeptase é uma enzima proteolítica que pode ajudar seu corpo a quebrar proteínas em aminoácidos, permitindo que sejam adequadamente absorvidos.*
- Suporte a um Coração Saudável – Além de auxiliar na saúde digestiva, essas cápsulas de inulina também podem ajudar a manter funções saudáveis dos seios e das vias aéreas, bem como a saúde cardíaca normal.*
- Fórmula Bio disponível e Conveniente – Ao contrário de suplementos tradicionais de fibra ou enzimas para digestão, nossas cápsulas de serrapeptase são fáceis de engolir, derivadas de uma fonte altamente biodisponível e podem ser armazenadas em temperatura ambiente.*
- Suporte Sinérgico – Todos os produtos, fórmulas e suplementos articulares da NutraMedix para mulheres e homens são compatíveis entre si e podem ser tomados juntos para um suporte integral ao corpo.*
1. Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: Promove um trato digestivo saudável, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes.
2. Suporte Articular: Ajuda a aliviar desconfortos nas articulações, proporcionando maior mobilidade.
3. Saúde Cardíaca: Contribui para a manutenção de um coração saudável e funções respiratórias normais.
4. Fácil de Usar: Cápsulas fáceis de engolir que podem ser armazenadas em temperatura ambiente.
5. Compatibilidade Sinérgica: Pode ser combinado com outros produtos NutraMedix para um suporte abrangente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de NutraMedix Serrapeptase diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água, antes das refeições. É importante seguir as orientações do seu profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Erin S. –
Stuff is fantastic and sold here at fair price, plus Prime shipping for free. I’m not sure if it did EXACTLY what Dr Cowden claims (breaking open the cells to expose the bad stuff so the other herbs can zap them to death) as I couldnt tell, BUT – it made me feel very “cleaned out” – really helped with regularity which is a great thing for ANY detoxification or healing regimen, and i noticed that it intensified the potency of things, perhaps allowing the body to better absorb whatever I put in it, which is great when taking the Nutramedix tinctures (which FYI have saved my life).
Word of warning – not that anyone is supposed to be consuming alcohol while on a healing program BUT life gets in the way and with holidays coming up, let me just note that when I took 2 of these and then an hour later began drinking cocktails at a dinner, I got VERY drunk, very fast. Far quicker than ever before in my life. As I said, it intensifies everything. Just be aware! 🙂
Frances Edmondson –
I cannot say enough good about this product!!! I recently had breast implant removal surgery, as well as capsulectomy (scar tissue) and lift….I had some complications primarily because my immune system was already challenged and had so many things working against me. THIS product has helped TREMENDOUSLY with swelling, fluid retention as well has helping to speed the healing. I seriously would recommend this for anyone recovering from surgery, for anyone that has sinus and headache issues….I was also diagnosed with ankylosing spondilytis and osteoarthritis and this has helped so much with that as well, since it does aid in inflammation…My surgeon was unable to get all of the capsule because it had attached to my lungs, and chest cavity (which would have led to more complications)…I purchased this in hopes to help aid in getting rid of the scar tissue that was left. This product has no side effects and call me crazy but I can actually feel this stuff “doing it’s thing” its almost like it targets the areas in your body and I can feel almost like a “creepy crawly” sensation at my incisions and even at 3 weeks and 5 days post op this has greatly improved the hard tissue at my incisions as well as helping to control the discomfort and pain. Worth every penny!
Moanakai –
Once you have Lyme DNA in your blood, the bacteria has walled itself off in cysts and covered themselves in biofilms, so any antibiotics (traditional route) or tinctures (Nutramedix, etc) cannot reach them. I did 6 months of 3 types of heavy duty antibiotics ending up with severe tendonitis as a side effect, and was supposed to take the antibiotics for minimum of 4 years plus get IV antibiotics at home(which I didn’t do), so now trying Dr. Cowden’s program, although prognosis is not good as I’ve had for about 15-16 years although wasn’t discovered until I went to a savvy Lyme-literate DO who looked at my 10 page medical history and suggested I be tested by the only reliable lab=IGeneX and came back with multiple positive bands confirmed by Western Blot and Southern Blot and enough to even be positive for CDC (who has ridiculous requirements to be positive as they don’t consider many of the bands!).To break their cycle(12 1/2 days)you take this with whatever other Nutramedix tinctures recommended by Zyto machine and this product causes them to come out of their cysts so whichever route you’re taking, they can hopefully gradually be killed off. I have to take 2 at a time, twice daily on an empty stomach 1/2 hour before eating, for the rest of my life, even during the 1 1/2 day break from the tinctures (expensive overall but if they’re walled off, no matter what you’re using, it won’t be effective. As an unexpected side effect, it lowered my high LDL cholesterol drastically and my overall number considerably (artichoke). Do not take with blood thinners, or ask your doctor.
Jerry Perigo –
I know it is helping me but I have not felt any changes as yet.. I plan on continuing with it, however.
Laura Patrick –
This healed my husband’s Bells Palsy from Lyme disease. He got BP 10 days after starting Doxy and within two weeks of taking this he went from dribbling out the side of his mouth to near full recovery. He started improving 2-3 days after starting the Serrapeptase when he previously had been getting worse. A month later it was completely gone. Research serrapeptase. It is a fantastic supplement. I am now taking it preventitively and I have my Mom on it as well for her health concerns. This brand was recommended to me by a fellow Lyme sufferer who was told to take it by her LLMD.
Stephen Ashley –
From my wife Sarah: I purchased this as a part of a plan for lyme disease to break down biofilms. I found that this stuff is the best natural anti-inflammatory I’ve found! This was actually visible on blood tests – my inflammatory markers were down significantly. It diminished pain significantly (though not as significantly as with drugs like NSAID’s or prescription pain pills, of course).
I take serrapeptase with this product: From Fatigued to Fantastic’s End Pain, but that product by itself didn’t do nearly as much as it does with the serrapeptase. Combined the two products really take the edge off. I wish I knew about this sooner!
After being on this product for several months, I decided to try Dr.’s Best serrapeptase because it’s stronger. However it jut didn’t work for me. My pain increased and I finally went back to the NutraMedix brand.
Serrapeptase will also thin the blood and break down clots.
It’s Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Starch Free and Dairy Free.
I’d definitely recommend this product.