NutraChamps D3 com K2 MK7: O Suplemento Ideal para o Coração
Em um mundo onde a saúde é prioridade, o NutraChamps D3 com K2 MK7 se destaca como um aliado poderoso para o bem-estar do coração e dos ossos. Este suplemento combina a vitamina D3 e a vitamina K2 MK7, formando uma dupla imbatível que potencializa os benefícios de cada nutriente. A vitamina D3, conhecida como a “vitamina do sol”, é essencial para a absorção de cálcio, enquanto a vitamina K2 MK7 desempenha um papel crucial em direcionar o cálcio para os locais adequados no corpo, como os ossos, e longe de áreas indesejadas, como artérias e tecidos moles.
- A Combinação Perfeita de Vitaminas – A vitamina K2 e D3 sempre foram uma dupla destinada ao sucesso. A vitamina D precisa da K2 para liberar todo o seu potencial, e quando consumidas juntas, elas trabalham em harmonia para oferecer benefícios máximos. Simplesmente uma combinação feita no céu das vitaminas.
- Ossos Mais Fortes e Saudáveis – Seus ossos são a base do seu corpo, e uma fundação mais forte significa um você melhor construído. A vitamina D3 melhora a absorção de cálcio, mas isso é apenas metade da batalha – a ingestão excessiva de cálcio pode ser prejudicial ao corpo… felizmente, estudos mostram que a K2 melhora a densidade mineral óssea e a força, guiando o cálcio para onde ele pertence e longe de áreas onde não deveria estar, como suas artérias e tecidos moles. Verdadeiramente uma dupla dinâmica.
- A Escolha Superior de K2+D3 – Acreditamos em usar o que há de melhor – qualidade premium, natural e respaldada por pesquisas – para que você possa aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios para o coração e os ossos que esses nutrientes incríveis têm a oferecer.
- D3 Sem os Riscos do Sol – A vitamina D é frequentemente chamada de “vitamina do sol”, pois é produzida na pele em resposta à luz solar. Para muitos de nós, obter luz solar suficiente é desafiador, e todos já ouvimos sobre os riscos da exposição direta ao sol… bem, não se preocupe! Pesquisas empolgantes mostram que a D3 oferece a mesma forma biologicamente ativa da vitamina D produzida pela luz solar direta, sem o risco da exposição não protegida aos raios UV. Fique seguro e brilhe, amigos.
- Fórmula de D3 à Base de Plantas – Vitamina D3 100% natural proveniente de líquen e vitamina K2 MK7 encapsulada em uma cápsula vegana e não transgênica. Zero ingredientes de origem animal, como lanolina e bovinos. Basta tomar uma pequena cápsula fácil de engolir de K2+D3 por dia para aproveitar todos os benefícios que essas vitaminas essenciais têm a oferecer.
1. Melhora na Saúde Óssea: A combinação de D3 e K2 promove a absorção adequada de cálcio, fortalecendo os ossos e prevenindo doenças como a osteoporose.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: A vitamina K2 ajuda a evitar a calcificação arterial, promovendo um coração mais saudável.
3. Aumento da Imunidade: A vitamina D3 é conhecida por seu papel na modulação do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
4. Fórmula Vegana e Natural: Ideal para veganos e pessoas que buscam produtos livres de ingredientes de origem animal.
5. Praticidade no Consumo: Uma única cápsula por dia é suficiente para garantir a ingestão adequada dessas vitaminas essenciais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de NutraChamps D3 com K2 MK7 diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Certifique-se de beber um copo de água ao ingerir a cápsula. Este suplemento é adequado para adultos e deve ser armazenado em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Rosemarie Shaw –
Have only been taking this for a few weeks but wanted the Vitamin K2 esp. to complement the calcium I take daily. The pills are definitely smaller than the normal calcium pills, so easier to take. I need to strengthen my bones so I am hoping these do that. Too early to say, whether or not they will which is the reason I gave them a 4. They came on time and were securely packaged
amy derry –
I love this stuff!! Very Happy with this product and am looking forward to see what else I will like to try being that I have all kinds of medical problems from IBS and Leaky Gut to MAJOR Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia all stem from being born with Endometriosis! Not Fun at all!! I have
Osteoporosis and needed t get some Vitamin D3 in my body and was happy to find this product that also has K2 in it which seems like that would be good for my little body as well! 🙂 I am 39 years old and have a lot of medical issues like I just said up above and have had to learn the Hard way when I lot my balance and fell of a step ladder a few years ago and broke my leg…really what I mean is I absolutely shattered my leg into many pieces including snapping the tibia all the way in half and jammed in up into my knee cap, along with braking other bones in my leg. I had no idea I had Osteoporosis, I sure do now and need to make sure I take my vitamin D3!! Another thing I love about this product is that 1 veggie capsule is 5000IU. I have tried other products where you need to take 3-6 a day and the are Huge white pills I can’t swallow and no joke I have chocked a few different times taking them and was so scared because I could not breathe and started walking to a neighbors house because I could not breathe as I was chocking on the pill!! The NUTRA CHAMPS K2+D3 are small and very easy to swallow. So far I am totally loving this product and have been taking them for a few weeks now as do feel as though my bones feel a bit stronger. 🙂 Very happy about that as I don’t want any more broken bones ever again!!
Also they are Vegan which I am and also Made in the USA which I love that!! Happy days 🙂
A Customer –
This company and product are new to me, but so far, so good! Usually I know right away if a supplement is going to work for me, and this one does – the K2 + D3 has a good energetic signature, the capsules are easy to swallow, and I feel the supplements are being absorbed. I am looking forward to trying NutraChamps other supplements and supplemental combinations – it seems all are well thought out, are backed by nutritional science, and are of high-quality (with all the good testing practices – Non-GMO, Third-Party Tested, etc.), and important for me – made without gluten, soy, eggs, dairy, fish, nuts, preservatives, or animal products. Plus, it even says right there on the label, “Made with Love”! I believe it.
Arthur De Leo –
It’s an effective vitamin therapy for us
Marvin W. –
I was looking for a D3 supplement that included the adjunct K2 and this was one of the better values I could find on Amazon. Have been using it for a couple of weeks now in the middle of a Michigan winter and it has been helping me tremendously. My doctor at U of M did a blood test on me and found me deficient back in October, and I pretty much am deficient all year round. It helps improve my mood during the winter, as a SADD patient I find this and St. John’s Wort work well together to keep me from being suicidal in the winter. I can’t use SSRI’s they drive me bonkers, so I have to pursue natural ways to deal with SADD. I tried a cheap generic D3 from the supermarket, but later learned that D3 by itself wasn’t enough and could be potentially harmful without its adjunct ingredient K2. Studies are showing K2 (a blood clotting vitamin) helps the hormone-like D3 absorb better and can be metabolized better through the metabolic pathways like your body’s own D. I wish there was a way to find a more complete D3, Cholecalciferol (which is in this supplement) is only one part of the hormone chain that makes up vitamin D3, I would like to see manufacturers put more of the side chain molecules into vitamin D so they aren’t strictly Cholecalciferol. You’ll find the chemical is in some mouse poisons on the market today, but it is only used because mice are deathly allergic to vitamin D. So don’t believe all the hype that says Cholecalciferol is bad for you. It’s only bad for you if you don’t have a healthy diet of adjunct vitamins to make it metabolize properly in your liver. My doctor told me to be sure to eat greens while taking this. I have a salad every day, and the K2 in the capsule can’t hurt. I do wish they would make this in a liquid cap. That’s the delivery my doc recommended. But, so far, so good, I will know more after I finish the bottle.
liz –
so far so good a few days and ive got more energy. its also been more sunny here in salinas,ca. i feel that this will boost my body and energy. my blood work is usually fine, i think its age, 55 post menopause. im often sluggish even after what i call a good nite sleep. i struggle with good rest often take hemp oil, sleep aide to get 8 a vegetarian i eat well, but ya know sometimes just cant get enough vitamins so i take supplements. this is a good brand, seems quality, no taste easy to take, vege capsule which i love. i will continue with this comb. every day, i thinks its overal going to help my health and wellness routines. good good stuff!!
Karen D. –
I love that WITH NutraChamps I’m getting more Vitamin D3 in this K2 & D3 combination than in the D3 I was previously using ~ AND, even better…all in ONE easy to swallow capsule! How extra wonderful they’ve combined K2 helps which helps absorption & bone density with the D3! Have been taking about a week & no side-effects: Super-Terrific!! This is 2nd NutraChamps product I’ve tried & will continue to use. NutraChamps products are Superior, high-grade, quality supplements. NutraChamps also have excellent customer service & are always more than happy to answer any questions a client may have and/or assist in any way. I am Extremely pleased with NutraChamps products, especially this K2 & D3!