Descrição do Produto: NOW Foods Supplements, Adrenal Stress Support
Em um mundo onde o estresse se tornou uma constante na vida cotidiana, a saúde das glândulas adrenais é mais importante do que nunca. O NOW Foods Supplements, Adrenal Stress Support, é uma fórmula de suporte ao cortisol que combina uma mistura botânica e nutricional projetada para ajudar o corpo a lidar com os desafios diários do estresse. Com 90 cápsulas vegetais, este suplemento é uma solução prática para aqueles que buscam um equilíbrio em meio à agitação da vida moderna.
As glândulas adrenais desempenham um papel crucial na resposta do corpo ao estresse, produzindo cortisol, o hormônio que ajuda a regular a pressão arterial, o metabolismo e a resposta imunológica. No entanto, quando o estresse se torna crônico, a produção excessiva de cortisol pode levar a dificuldades na gestão do apetite e do peso corporal. O Super Cortisol Support da NOW Foods é formulado para apoiar a função adrenal saudável, aliviando o estresse e promovendo padrões alimentares equilibrados.
A fórmula contém ingredientes essenciais como vitamina C, ácido pantotênico e cromo, que são fundamentais para a saúde adrenal. Além disso, a inclusão de Relora®, uma combinação herbal proprietária, potencializa ainda mais os efeitos benéficos do produto, ajudando a regular o apetite e a manter os níveis de açúcar no sangue sob controle. Com o NOW Adrenal Stress Support, você pode enfrentar os desafios diários com mais tranquilidade e foco.
1. Suporte à Função Adrenal: Ajuda a manter as glândulas adrenais saudáveis, promovendo uma resposta adequada ao estresse.
2. Regulação do Cortisol: Contribui para a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de cortisol, essencial para o bem-estar geral.
3. Controle do Apetite: Auxilia na gestão do apetite, ajudando a evitar excessos alimentares em momentos de estresse.
4. Apoio Nutricional: Enriquecido com vitaminas e minerais que são fundamentais para a saúde do corpo.
5. Fórmula Vegetal: Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, garantindo uma opção saudável e ética.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas vegetais ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Amazon Customer –
I went through a lot of stress in the last few years … (and the years before that) … most recently, it was graduating from college with honors and a double major with a 128pg thesis in three years … before that, it was struggling with anorexia nervosa and various other health-related issues in the aftermath of my parents’ messy divorce. I felt constant stress and anxiety, and felt like I couldn’t shake it off. At the same time, I have been totally opposed to using pharmaceutical drugs because I didn’t want to risk the side effects or getting dependent. So I shopped around for more natural supplements that could help and found this. Did some google searches on what cortisol was and thought this sounded like it could help. Wow, incredible. I’m still as neurotic as I’ve ever been, but the anxiety I feel here and there feels so much more manageable now already, and I’ve been taking this for almost two months now. Over the last two months, the most significant effect I’ve experienced is lack of fatigue and an increase in my sustained energy. I had a lot of problems with fatigue over the years … I could sleep ten hours and still feel weary or unmotivated. With this, I’ve had a much easier time getting out of bed, I feel alert much more immediately whereas before it would take me an hour or two to really be present. I have so much more energy that I want to leave the house a lot more than I used to, mingle with people, exercise even more, just do more chores around the house – and it doesn’t feel ampy (really caffeine like) at all. I feel like I have an overall brighter disposition, and a lot of it has to do with my increased energy. I feel like I’m shedding some weight of stress I had. Who knows, it could all be in my head, and maybe this is a placebo, but I’m feeling a lot better than I have in a while and I think these supplements are making the difference. I’ve also noticed that my waist and back seem to be slimming down a bit, too. I’m also not nibbling on snacks as mindlessly since I’ve been taking these. I open my fridge and think, “Do I really feel like eating? Or am I just bored?” and close it and go on to productive tasks. I just wish I could set up a monthly subscription to these.
John Thomas –
I’ve suffered from heart palpitations for years. Decades actually…Any real heart problem was ruled out some time ago, but yet they have continued on regular basis. Not all the time, and not always scary, but reappearing regularly and still very unsettling. In some ways they are related to stress, but mostly its just something that is unfortunately natural for some people and I am one of them apparently. In the past I have tried supplements like magnesium, hawthorn berry, stress formulas, etc, and have gotten at best mixed results. It wasn’t until I came across an article about adrenalin, specifically cortisol and its roll in the so called fight or flight syndrome that I finally was able to nail down what was happening to me. Basically the fight or flight response we have is a natural defense, something that allows us to tap into the energy we made need in a threatening, or high stress situation. The problem with some people is there is either too much cortisol being secreted, or it just doesn’t shut off when it supposed too and the result can be some very uncomfortable symptoms, including heart palpitations. So much of what I was reading was exactly what I was feeling. Especially the cortisol causing this almost short circuit type electrical feeling in the chest that saw my heart doing flip flops. When I decided to try this Cortisol blocker, I was hoping it would be the answer, but I had seen my hopes come to fizzle with other supplements and was still doubtful.
Well all I can say is that this not only has made a big difference in my palpitations, but in my whole well being in general. There is still stress in my life that causes my heart to skip a beat or act up here in there, but the regular, confounded long attacks of it seeming to jump out of my chest are gone. Taking this stuff three times a day as recommended just shuts off like a switch the horrible short circuit feeling that was a regular part of my life for sometimes hours a day. I also benefit from this much more relaxed feeling where I am not fearing the return of the palpitations. It took a while for me to trust this stuff that much, but eventually over a short period of time I realized it was really that effective. When I skip a dose here and there, (especially the one in the middle of the day), sometimes I make it through to the next dose without a problem. Other times it returns and I have to catch up. But all in all this has been a life changing supplement for me and I will never be without again. This is not a miracle drug that completely gets rid of the palpitations all the time, but as close to one as is possible for me. I think I am someone that would suffer from them even without any role of cortisol in the equation. But it certainly has greatly reduced the real horrible attacks, and allowed me to be much more relaxed and happier…
In conclusion, if you suffer from heart palpitations on a regular basis like I do, I suggest you get it checked out to rule out anything serious. Then ignore the doctors suggestion of any prescription solutions and try this as part of a regular regimen of electrolyte balancing, keeping track of your thyroid, exercise, and blood pressure. This NOW brand is very effective and comes at a very reasonable price as well. (In fact its far cheaper than any of the other cortisol blockers I have seen on Amazon, and most importantly it works!). I also should mention that my description here of the fight or flight syndrome is very over simplified for review purposes. If you have my problem or symptoms, I very much suggest you type in “cortisol and heart palpitations” into Google where you will find a wealth of pages and information that just may sound very familiar. It was a life changer for me. I highly recommend this NOW Cortisol Support, and good luck to you in it being as effective for you as it is for me.. : )